
Gipper #fundie #homophobia foru.ms

[The OP is about lying. Is it okay to lie, if you are lying about homosexuals?]

God forgives liars. God hates homosexuals. If it prevents people from becoming homosexual, or criminalizes the act, then yes. Whatever it takes to get these people to see God.

LittleNipper #fundie foru.ms

EVOLUTION is the secularization of Christian spirituality. It repesents the dumbing down of faith to the point of non-existance. The economy of the United States is being destroyed by industrial spendthrifts who would rather pay higher taxes, import tarrifs, and export fees (all at the expense of the American worker), so they can get cheap labor and lead painted products.

One doesn't have to know anything about evolution in order to be either a physician, an industrialist, or a technician. All one needs is drive, curiosity, and love of others. These are not taught in any science class on "evolution." Being a dumb chimp relative, just might be.

Shizzle #fundie foru.ms

Look, any guy could become gay if he wanted to, i can easily imagine myself being like "oh what a tight ass, what a fine body, i want to blah blah blah". But any logical guy can realize that the guy and the girl are meant for each other, and you dont have to be insecure over whether or not your gay because its caused by demons.

ShieldOFaith #fundie #homophobia foru.ms

Homosexuality is a vile SIN!


There is no lie here. Just a homosexual political machine that Hates God and wants to destroy His Word. Notice that I didn't say individual homosexuals. Did you catch that?! So now you can't say that I hate homosexuals! If you do I will only laugh at your stupidity.

So since the homosexual political machine is vile and evil and against the Word of God, it should be condemned. That is what us Christians do.

I personally laugh when the heathen label us as filled with hate. It only shows how far they will go to spread lies against the people of God.

No matter. The God of Abraham sees all things and will judge all those who come against His people (not good to touch the apple of His eye.).

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. His wrath is beyond anything that any human being can imagine.

Just something to think about.

lioninoil #fundie foru.ms

Rearrange the letters in SANTA and you have


And since Satan is the negation of God, we can be sure he's going to take something like CHRISTmas and turn it into something pagan and secular, which is why we have to greet each other with terms the atheists and secularlists love, like "Happy Holidays" and "Seasons Greetings" instead of "Merry CHRISTmas".

Renton405 #fundie foru.ms

Point is. Iraq was a national threat to the US security and the safety of the people. Again were not the ones flying planes into their buildings..

Killing infants has nothing to do with security or the safety of this country.. Infants have not commited terrorism or have done anything wrong. You can't compare the killing of the guilty with the innocent.. Abortion has nothing to do with national security..

[Further in the thread...]

Again your comparing the innocent with the guilty. And you do not know for sure that Iraw was not involved. Terrorism goes through all areas of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Arabia.

Abortion has nothing to do with national security or the safety of people. There is a human rights issue with abortion that is violated and such we should not have to pay taxes to support the killing of innocent people...The government needs to cut off ALL FUNDING from planned parenthood and other abortion clinics who mooch off the government

JohnR7 #fundie foru.ms

From what I have seen though, the biggest problem is the lack of scientific understanding. If more people knew more about science, then they would have a better understanding of creationism.

BigChrisFilm #fundie foru.ms

The problem is, in America, we have no idea what Martyrdom even is. We are spoiled. People die every day for Christ in other countries, and they face those very same situations you just posed to me. Please re think your stance. You should be willing, 100%, in ALL situations to lay down your life for Christ.

IronManMatt #fundie foru.ms

[You defend the abolition of slavery, which granted millions of black Americans their rights as citizens, but you advocate denying women their reproductive rights. That tells me that you are only for people having rights when it doesn't bother you specifically.]

A woman’s reproductive right ends at the choice to have sex or not to have it or to have sex with or without contraceptives. Once a new life is formed the mother has no right to decided whether or not to kill the baby growing inside her. The woman’s body is not her own neither is the body of child in the womb, they both belong to God. We have stewardship over our bodies and those of our children but we must remember that God owns us and we need to obey him.

ShieldOFaith #fundie foru.ms

9/11 was just a small prelude to what is about to come. God does not relish laying the Smack Down on nations. He is not up in heaven rubbing His hands together just waiting to back-hand the U.S.. However, He can only let our wickedness go so long before He has to bring judgment.

The blood of over 40,000,000 little ones is crying out of the ground to Him. The mass amount of porn, strip clubs, adultery,fornication, divorce, and homosexuality; are screaming up at Him!!! Along with our lawlessness and violence...

His hand of judgment is lifting and getting ready to drop!

As a nation, His hand will come down upon us; unless we REPENT!


KalithAlur #fundie foru.ms

In response to: "The bible clearly condones slavery in the OT. So wouldn't condemning it in our modern age be a betrayal of traditional bible values?"]

i'm ok with indentured servitude, provided the slaves are provided with survival necessities and an eventual alternative career plan, such as the ownership of 7 acres farmable land after period of 3 yrs slavery (ect.), and think this should be legal.

SpiritualAntiseptic #fundie foru.ms

<< Regarding an omnibenevolent God and hell >>

God could put conditions on His love and force people into Heaven, or conditionally love people and destroy them.

God's unconditional love extends even in allowing a person to suffer for all eternity.

JamesSager3 #fundie foru.ms

Because of Jesus' death on the cross, I doubt humanity will ever invent a time travel device where you can alter the past. God would want Jesus' death to be the end of sin, and not allow anyone( man or spirit), to go back in time and stop it from happening.

ShieldOFaith #fundie foru.ms

[I could reverse that question, why is the norm rejected by Christians?

I am not raging against your God, heck I don't even believe in him. And I am doing better after giving up my belief in him. Same morals as before, no gult, and more thought into my actions.

Heck, everyone could do with more thought into their actions, not just me.]

I don't believe a word you just said, Paulos. If you truly do not believe in God at all, you'd be anywhere but here. You'd be committing crimes and running wild in the street. You're not. You're here fighting with me. Why?

You still know deep down inside that He is there. All the blathering and puffing out your chest means nothing. You know He is there and you are raging.

Stop the raging and start the Praising!


Aria #fundie foru.ms

(On wy Wikis are evil)

Wikis can change daily, hourly, and even by the second, depending on who is viewing the wiki and what their real agenda is.

Is it an idea spawned by secular humanists who believe in the insane idea of toleration, which is not a Christian virtue but a plank of infernal Masonry gratefully accepted by Screwtape and his hordes.

Floodnut #fundie foru.ms

The only ice age was the one that began shortly after the Flood and has continued into the present day, although thankfully the earth may be finally beginning to warm up.[b/]

Windmill #fundie foru.ms

[OP explains how her best friend was just diagnosed with HIV]

I agree with sharing Christ with her now more than ever.

She's battered, she's bruised, she's lost a lot of pride, she'll be more open to these things.

MarkT #fundie foru.ms

[PRATT. "Theory" in a scientific context is different from the common use of the word; atoms, relativity, and gravity are theories too. Evolution is both a fact and a theory.]

That's just word play. Science used to be much more approachable and practical before the time of godlessness. A theory was a theory no matter who used the word; it meant the same thing. And it was understood to mean unproven. Generally we didn't think gravity was an unproven theory and likewise we didn't think the atomic theory or relativity were unproven. We didn't call them theories then. Rather we considered them proven theories or science.

windmill #fundie foru.ms

Uhm, OK, applied science..? What do you mean by that? We see life around us, there is a God, he told us that the OT was true as we have historically accurate accounts of Jesus written by his disciples that we have evidence for that too. So then, are we going to disregard what God tells us to be true?

Wheres your applied logic?

ShieldOFaith #fundie foru.ms

[Response to a user who posted the biblical passage of Deuteronomy 22:23-29 (the passage which commands a rape victim to marry her rapist)]

Morning, this is beautiful and holy. It is the Word of God.

He is taking care of this women who would now be soiled and never get a husband. See? Beautiful and holy.

Keep em coming! The Word of God is righteous and lovely.


ShieldOFaith #fundie foru.ms

Burning evil books is a beautiful thing. Purging evil is a very good thing.

We need a lot more book burnings. Here are the top 5.

1. ) The satanic bible.

2. ) The communist manifesto.

3. ) Mein Kampf.

4. ) Every and all things dealing with the nasty lie of evolution.

5. ) harry potter, all things pertaining to.

We'll start here and work our way down the food chain of evil. Let's get the fires started!!!

I have the first match!!!

LittleNipper #fundie foru.ms

[Then why do a majority of Christians accept the Theory of Evolution? And please don't use the No True Scotsman Fallacy. I'm really getting tired of it.]

Because the Majority of people (who might identify with christianity) are christian in name only. I know people who call themselves "christians" who do not even believe CHRIST was actually GOD with us. I know people who call themselves "christians" who do not believe JESUS actually rose from the dead. I know people who call themselves "christians" who do not believe satan exists. I know people who call themselves "christians" who dark the door of a church maybe once or twice a year.... What care I what the majority thinks or says?

LittleNipper #fundie foru.ms

[Well, DNA contains coding and it's occurs naturally so I guess the proof [that codes do not occur naturally] has been toppled. That was pretty easy. Got any more?

Do we find DNA in Outer Space? Did we discover DNA on the Moon? Is DNA found in meteors? If not, it isn't a "natually occurring" phenomenon. It is quite unique to unique living things on this unique planet.

WarEagle #fundie foru.ms

First of all, the false god of Islam is not the same God as the God of the Bible.

Second, given how often the Founding Fathers wrote and spoke of Christianity, I don't see how there would be any doubt as to their intentions.

ShieldOFaith #fundie foru.ms

To all the heathen (hearthen, people of the hearth, or earth; a.k.a. heathen) on this board who are constantly taking shots at the Christians, the Bible, and God Himself: did you read the above passages?

Do you understand what this means? If not, let me explain something to you.

I know that right now you think its funny to laugh at me and my brothers when we come against homosexuality, abortion, and all manner of filth that this country is mired in. I understand that you think its funny and all that... However, if you understand the passages above; then you will understand that one day there will be no more laughing.

One day in the near future, the HEATHEN WILL BE FORCED TO OBEY!!! When Messiah begins His reign on this earth, there will be no more mocking/laughing at Him and His Word. There will be only FORCED OBEDIENCE to His authority. Justice will be swift and instantaneous. And this will be a glorious thing!!!


I like the sound of that.

AV1611VET #fundie foru.ms

Oh --- and no --- I'm not planning on answering MrGoodBytes' question. He's trying to draw me into a scientific discussion that I can't back with Scripture.

Besides --- I don't know the answer anyway --- it's not documented in the Bible.

Billnew #fundie foru.ms

[A Fundie characterizes his opponents]

Isn't it funny, I don't walk around thinking about Gay marriage, and only give my views when it comes up, but it seems like those on the other side [gays] of this issue just seem obcessed.

Carey #fundie foru.ms

(In response to one poster's claim that if Christianity were a truly virtuous religion, Fundies would strive to make starvation non-existent, promote ecological awareness, and fervently pursue equitable distribution of wealth, etc.)

"Well if I am bad to someone intentionally I would have them do unto me as bad or worse as I did unto them because I would feel I desreve it.

Wars in the world are to prove Jesus was right.

Matthew 24 : 6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains.
(Eartquakes cause Tsunamis)

World hunger is because of lack of belief in Christ and proof that Christs word is correct.

Christianity is not here to prevent world hunger. It is to teach us to be happy hungry . persecuted or in any circumstance.

The ecological shape the world is in is proof that the prophecies in the Bible are real.

Global warming will cause adverse weather causin 100 pound as Prophecied.

Air pollution hugely increases the size of hail , and thus the amount of damage it can cause to crops and property, according to a study presented Wednesday at the European Conference on Severe Storms"

guzman (supersport) #fundie foru.ms

<On how the fossil record disproves evolution>

-- the fossil record should show countless organisms that are the failed experiments of evolution -- eyes on the back of heads, noses on feet...cats or other mammals with worthless wingsprouts....countless bum organs or useless tissues -- yet we don't see any of that. All we see are millions of different kinds of animals....there is no evidence of any animal "evolving" into some other type of animal.

shinbits #fundie foru.ms

[On OT-laws that force rape victims to marry their tormentor:]

Consider the times: raped women were considered "Damaged goods" back then, and still are now in many countries. Even in developed nations, raped women are stigmatized; it was even more so back then.

Raped women would never get married if God didn't make thier attackers marry them. Furthermore, God punishes those men not only by ordering that they pay fines to the family of the girl, but those men are never allowed to divorce those women; this is regardless of how obnoxious, disobedient, fat or lazy she gets, and regardless of whether or not she refuses to have sex with him. And those men will never abuse her, because he's already been publically disgraced and labeled as a rapist, and already had to answer to her family; those men will not do anything to risk further humiliating themselves.

maelstrom #fundie foru.ms

America is gonna get it big time... Can you say BABYLON?

The church is pandering to the filth. You can't even find a virgin in youth group these days. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

IisJustMe #fundie foru.ms

Genesis is literal. It is not only literal in context, but its language is scientific, within the scope of the original Hebrew. Sorry, but you really don't have a grasp of the reality of God's word. Yes, I just called into question your scholarship, which is sorely lacking.

simplicity #fundie foru.ms

I guess it's hard for most students to appreciate how it's actually pretty useful for everybody to support some core beliefs. It isn't so hard to participate, after all.

Some day a radical kid in among the other students will go ahead and recite whatever he wants. He will say, "I believe I will kill every American youth around me because I hate every living one of them. This is what I believe." And if we support everybody's freedom to say and think whatever they want, it can be a pretty dangerous world.

Honestly, belief in a Judeo-Christian God is far superior than all the academic dribble about personal freedom. We are all servants of consumerism and industry. There is no true freedom. But even those who are shackled can live in relative peace and harmony by their shared values and beliefs.

Renton405 #fundie foru.ms

well its obvious you do not understand the severity of sin as I can tell from your post..Everyone on earth has the free will to except Christ or not. Jesus said I am the truth, the way and the life. Without justice how can there be mercy? You take away the justice from God and God isn't God anymore. By a damned sinner going to heaven would impede on God's justice.

The countrys that the 2004 tsunami was on were many countrys who severely persecuted christians. In fact that area is where some of the worst persecution is of christians(Thailand, Sri, Indonesia)..that area alone is responsible for the deaths of millions of christians. So when I see something like that happen, I am not in the least bit surprised..

Ishida #fundie foru.ms

There is law and there is grace. Innocent rape victims, you mean those that didn't scream for help? They knew the law. They weren't innocent if they were enjoying the rape. (Wonder how often this happened...) We are under grace. If you're well versed, you should be familiar with these terms. I'm not even well versed.. -_-;

AV1611VET #fundie foru.ms

Here are my Four Biblical Refutations Against Evolution:

- The Bible portrays this universe as having been in existence for approximately 6100 years. This is much too short a time for evolution to work.

- Six times in Genesis 1, God pronounces his Creation "good". Then He steps back and pronounces the whole thing "very good".
- Evolution, on the other hand, demands room for improvement.

- The Bible portrays death as an enemy of God.

1 Corinthians 15:26
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

- Evolution, on the other hand, works by leaving a trail of death behind.


Mark 10:6
But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.

Mark 13:19
For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.

- Jesus takes Genesis One literally --- in fact --- He wrote it.

IisJustMe #fundie foru.ms

[Scientific Theory - very similar to a scientific law, it is an explanation of many sets of related observations made by many different researchers, the difference between a law and a theory is that a law governs one single action, a theory explains a whole group of related events.]

This is the great lie the evolution purveyors tell us.This was never a proper definition of theory until the last 30 years or so. As I said in that other post, the root of the word "theory" in Attic Greek is that of an unproven hypothesis, something that is "pretended" for the sake of argument. The evolution fraud has a tremendous amount of influence in all realms of society, because Merriam-Webster doesn't even give the etymology of the English word or its Greek root, as it commonly does for almost every other word that comes to our language from another. That is downright scary, to a certain extent, because it means the evolution fraud is actually a conspiracy against God, and is intended ultimately to displace Him with "good loving kind" concepts of a fallen race, a race that has no hope without Jesus Christ but which will never know that if the gospel is swamped and sunk by this ludicrous pack of lies disguised as "science."

Carey #fundie foru.ms

(This shows how science works... new data can lead to a re-examination of hypothesizes or even accepted theories. Too bad Creationism is not held to the same standard.. hmmm?)

Creationism does hold itself to this standard even though Creationits know beyond a shadow of a doubt after every re-examination of any hypothesis the outcome will always eventually prove the Bible 100 % correct and any hypothesis that woould appear to disprove anything in the Bible will be found to be in error.

Creation science is not for the creationist it is for the decieved.

The reason there are soooo many well sourced creationist sites is because they want to help lead the poor decieved and mislead to the truth.

JamesSager3 #fundie foru.ms

God is awesome.

He had me born into a family I love. Besides God and family, I like video games a lot. He had me born when video games just started to come out, so a lifetime training in them makes me a world class master in many games. He commissioned me as a messenger, and my task is easy compared to early Christian's persecutions.

I have a great life thanks to God. And the cool thing is that it only gets better in Heaven.

walloffire #fundie foru.ms

Evolution contradicts God in that evolution 1) denies that man was made in the image and likeness of God, thereby nullifying the theory/belief that man has a soul. 2) denies that God made them "male and female", because evolution requires that God did not make them male and female, but rather that he started out with asexual creatures and evolved them.

Evolution is antichrist.

Floatingaxe #fundie foru.ms

[Yet you are happy to disregard the work of scholars presenting evidence of a mistranslation of the word "arsenokroites"... which tends to indicate you are a little less than even minded when it comes to your prior understandings]

Mountain of a molehill. We all know the translation is being altered by the homosexual agenda. We all know what the Word means and what God really thinks about the acts of homosexuality, whether they are performed in some pagan ritualistic manner, or mimicked by those who do it just for fun.

AV1611VET #fundie foru.ms

[In other words, god could have created the world in such a way that when "sin" was introduced into the world, only 0.1% of recognized pregnancies would end in miscarriage, but he knowingly and purposefully decided to have about 20% of recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage.]

No He did not.

While it is true that a counsel was held prior to Creation, it is not documented that miscarriages were discussed.

Sin was discussed, and the Second Person of the Godhead volunteered to be the savior of mankind.