JustThinkAboutIt #fundie amazon.com

This is simple. To believe in evolution without any supernatural power involved you have to believe in everything coming from nothing. And after you have been able to answer that first question which is impossible as EVERYTHING that is actually OBSERVED in this world is made from something. Then you have to ask after life came from nothingness from the matter that came from nothing how it survived a huge explosion making the universe. Not to mention that then randomly 80% or more of the world suddenly has an urge to believe in something they cant see or contact with (according to you that its not there). There should be no urge for that. There should be no wright and wrong. There should be no punishment. There should be no laws. There should be no fear of anything.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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