various commenters #wingnut #homophobia

( @Nature_and_Race )
If human fecal matter were discovered in the kitchen of a restaurant, it would be shut down and considered a biohazard until it was made hygienic again.

Yet there's a subset of "people" whose sexuality is centered around the organ which houses and expels human fecal matter.

And this mentally ill subset is considered a protected class by the powers-that-be, a special class that is celebrated and considered to be an inspiration to small children.

The contradictions in this insane world are of schizophrenic proportions.

( @KickedoffTwitterin4days )
I occasionally point this out when the situation permits it. Poop dick faggots. That's what they are. Everything that they do is tainted with shit. Disgusting. Unnatural. Sick. Knowing this you can't trust them or their judgement on any matter because they choose fecal matter.

( @MeVotingDoesNotMatter )
@KickedoffTwitterin4days Yeah. It's insane how few people have been calling this out.

I remember a particularly uncomfortable Thanksgiving dinner a little over a decade ago after a gay relative said "You know I think tastes the best?" and I answered with "Shit-covered dicks?"

Somehow I was the bad guy.

Mad world.


( @travisrock99 )
@Nature_and_Race god does not approve of sodomites

( @Oh2 )
@Nature_and_Race I once worked with some men, considerably older than me. They thought anal sex with a woman was the greatest thing. I told them it was disgusting and you might as well be a faggot.

( @AhhHonkIt )
>If human fecal matter were discovered in the kitchen of a restaurant, it would be shut down and considered a biohazard until it was made hygienic again.

Perhaps we should ban homosexuals from working in kitchens.

( @HorstWessel88 )
@Nature_and_Race Nothing more sickening then Homosexuality, people do not understand the ramifications of the practices they engage in because the Jewsmedia portrays gays as 'just young people in love'.

Yet if people know what they would really get up to, they would not approve, it's the same with the abortion argument, if people knew what abortion's would look like, they would be vehemently against it.



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