Janet Kira Lessin & Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph. D. #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Ninmah, an immortal Anunnaki Savior-Sage who birthed as the Earthling, Janet, downloads her incarnations in other times and spaces in her quest to save humans and their planet. She knows how to identify with the Mother Dragon of Dracos and Lyran Humans, as well as opposites of all dimensions in all universes. From her start as a 1950s child in Pittsburgh to her present, her access, understanding and empathy with all creation and each individual aspect of it keeps expanding.

In “The End Begins,” Ninmah explores how we humans can uplevel the very energies that lead us to into synergistic spirals, where opposites create a coherent field between them for mutual benefit. The process starts when we recognize opposites within each of us and within our whole human culture. We have, for example, needs to give and needs to get. After recognition, Ninmah says, we accept our needs to take and give, and gain the intelligence to coordinate how we give and take and create synergy, more energy to enjoy life.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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