
Brannon S. Howse #fundie worldviewweekend.com

If "tolerance" is the core value of political correctness, feminism is its most cherished cause, and the implications of our cultural devotion to feminism are monstrous. Feminism is not about equal rights for women but about the feminization of the American male, an ideology that is anti-family and anti-father-and virtually guaranteed to bring about the wholesale destruction of the American family.

not given #fundie worldviewweekend.com

[In reply to a post questioning the 'inspiredness' of the bible. It can only describe this one as: 'I dont think therefore I am']

I can only attest to what the Holy Spirit told me to say to my unsaved husband. We used to argue alot. He enjoyed arguing and knew that he could get me "going". He wasn't saved then and said, "Men wrote the Bible" and suddenly I blurted out, "Yes, but they had a Ghost writer-the Holy Ghost". He was speechless and never said that again. When I thanked the Lord and said, "That was so good. Why didn't I think of that before?" The Holy Ghost responded "Because you didn't think of it this time." Then I was speechless.

Frank Harber #fundie worldviewweekend.com

The Bible guarantees its own truthfulness by deriving its origination from the inspiration of God. The term inspiration comes from 2 Timothy 3:16 which says that "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God." The word translated as inspiration means "God-breathed" as translated by the New International Version. The Greek word for inspiration is heopneustos which comes from the words "God" and "breath." Consequently, the biblical writers were not inspired in the same way a great composer writes a song. Biblical writers were instructed by God to communicate that which they had received from God (2 Pet. 1:21).

Ralph C. Barker #fundie worldviewweekend.com

Many have not made the connection, but I assure you that a very strong, obvious, and evil connection does exist between UFOs and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

There exists throughout the world various “gifted” people who supposedly can contact aliens and channel their messages to us earthlings. This certainly is interesting to consider but here is the really intriguing point. These messages routinely attack, ridicule, or undermine Christianity. The aliens don’t seem to be threatened by Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, or any other ism. They focus their attacks on Christianity. Could this be because Christianity is the only true religion? This would be my bet.

Ingrid Schlueter #fundie worldviewweekend.com

It is somehow a fitting metaphor for the spiritual battle raging around us that longtime homosexual political activist and gay pinup boy, Chad Allen, ends up being the actor chosen by a Christian film production company to play missionary martyr Nate Saint in the End of the Spear movie. Satan has managed to cover just about every corner of America with Sodom's tireless foot soldiers and the evangelical church is no exception.