
RTS #fundie bbs.stardestroyer.net

Science is the retarded cousin of engineering. The majority of human progress has been made through trial and error. When the Wright Brothers flew at Kitty Hawk is was scientifically impossible for them to have done so. This was such a prevailing view of the day that they actually struggled to get publicity because it was OBVIOUSLY a hoax.

For fuck's sake, haven't you heard of Christain scientists? I mean, what did you think moron, that they sat about all day, twiddling their thumbs and occassionally announcing there was still no evidence? Or do you think they go about looking for evidence to match their persona theory of how the world started.
If you want any more then look for it your fucking self.

The Computer Wizard #fundie bbs.stardestroyer.net

Oxygen has many of the same properties of God, you cant smell it, touch it, taste it or hear it, but does that mean it is not there? Of course it is there. The only way that you can know that there is no God is to know everything about everything, which would *make* you omnipotent, and if you know everything, then that would make you God.

Lianardo Da'Vinci once was quoted as saying, "In the absense of evidence of any other sort [the Bible and general nature] my thumb alone would convince me of a creator.

Macro Evolution
Micro Evolution
Look these terms up in your dictionary, one is how plants and animals change to fit a situation or circumstance, and one is how a rock evolves into a rose.

Lonestar #fundie bbs.stardestroyer.net

[On US troops being discharged due to anti-gay policies]

These are not innocent guys. If anyone is being unethical, it's these "gay fellas" blatantly stealing from the American Taxpayer. After they get all that training.

[I don't know what bug has got up your arse but you are out of line Lonestar.]

"what bug crawled up my ass"? For 4 years i've sat here and watched my country, my faith, and my beliefs belittled by by the leftist lunatics here on this board. The mess used to be a sea of sanity, but you all have decided to start parroting the gay-leftist agendaists here on the board.