
Emma Dove #fundie premier.org.uk

"The Bible itself supports slavery"
No, it doesn't. In a part of the OT there are rules governing slavery within a particularly society at one time - which doesn't amount to general support.

abhijisabrang123 #fundie premier.org.uk

Making a baseless false accusation of 'hatred' ,against those pointing out the bible declares homosexuality an immoral perversion .when you yourself have raised to topic to dispute the issue .

is wicked ...and please spare us the 'victimhood' status ,your group of perverts have gained an inordinate amount of political power and rushed through your deceptive status as an 'orientation' ,in order to persecute those who disagree with you ,you have had them attacked,reported, and sacked on this basis ,prepare for the backlash ,people have has enough of your immoral facism.

Emma Dove #fundie premier.org.uk

"When you see married couples do you go straight to seeing them having sex in your head?"
Because sex is all there is to LGBT relationships. It's how they identify themselves. I saw a woman in the supermarket with a T shirt that said in a rebus (look it up) lesbian. I thought of all the other more pleasant and less political ways she could define herself than by who she has sex with. She could have said "nurse, teacher, librarian, daughter, sister, atheist, netball player" all sorts of thing! Instead she chose her sexual preference!

Gerhard #fundie premier.org.uk

for the umpteenth time to lead someone away from his sin requires to tell him that he is a sinner to begin with, particularly with people who live in denial of their sinful conduct. This is exactly were your problem lies that you believe that practising homosexuality is not a sin because by your standards it is the expression of love. However the love Jesus talks about is not sex but the love you have between people without having sex, as sex for pleasure is an abomination as an act of selfishness. I know it is hard to accept that ones own behaviour is sinful but get over it and accept it as only once you accept being a sinner you can be lead away from your sin

Gerhard #fundie #homophobia premier.org.uk

It is funny to see those LGBT's here to claim to be hated so much by other Christians. How deluded must they be to think to tell you off for doing wrong equates to hate - but then they are also been victims of their selfish delusion that to be loved means that people have to condone their actions. They are like stuck in puberty thinking Jesus would praise them as a sign of love. The delusion is strong in them but that is what was prophesised

Mark Jones #fundie #homophobia premier.org.uk

[=Context and Authors Note: This is regarding a social worker Felix Ngole behing fired from a University for posts regarding gay marriage. The following conversation also has other fundie qoutes, is trimmed save for the most stand outish and relevant ones.=]

Martin: Christians cannot trust judges to act in a fair way toward them. We’ve seen a number of judgements like this that demonstrate the bigotry of the judiciary. It is perfectly OK, apparently, for social workers to apply their beliefs as long as they coincide with this judges beliefs.

Perfect Love casts out fear: you don't speak for Christians, Martin, you only speak for conservative evangelicals - a tiny proportion of those who hold the title of Christian. It is you who demonstrates bigotry in this case, not the judge. How could this man ever be a social worker when he holds and proclaims views that gay people are not entitled to equality??

Snoring: No most Christians think same sex sexual relationships are a sin I used to think it wasn't a sin until May. Then Jesu audiably told me it is a sin and marriage is only for one man and one woman. Same sex attracted people need to serve the Lord and be celebrated is also what Jesus told me as per Paul's teachings. Christians trust God not man.


Sandi Luckins: Because he recognizes that there is something much more important to the homosexual - a relationship with Jesus. And, just because we care to see them in a relationship with Jesus, does not mean that we don't want them working, etc. We just want to see them on their way to Heaven.
2 Peter 2:18 For, speaking loud boasts of folly, they entice by sensual passions of the flesh those who are barely escaping from those who live in error. 19 They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves[h] of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved. As far as equality, we are trying to make them equal with us - forgiven.

Perfect Love casts out fear: get over yourself, Sandi. Homosexuals don't have the monopoly on sensual passions of the flesh and heterosexuals don't have the monopoly on forgiveness. We are already all equal in the sight of God.

Mark Jones: OK, so when scripture is brought into play, the best you have is “get over yourself”? Let me ask you one question, can you show me just one verse in the Bible that affirms the LGBT lifestyle? But, the verse you choose cannot contradict scripture elsewhere.

Sandi Luckins: thank you :)

Perfect Love casts out fear: we aren't discussing "lifestyle" here, we are discussing one man's right (or not) to discriminate about another's sexuality whilst claiming to be a fit person to work as a social worker, where his views will almost certainly cause uncomfortable situations in his chosen career. How could he make the necessary compromises to his beliefs if he were to be assigned as a case worker to a gay couple with children, for example? He couldn't and wouldn't. I actually do believe that conservative Christians should have the right to refuse to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding or let their B&B to a gay couple - I have no problem with that - it should be their choice with whom they do business. Social work is a different beast - it is about people, not business - and there is no room for discrimination.

Mark Jones: Actually we are discussing lifestyle here. See Ngole raised that he stands by a Biblical worldview, something that any true Christian should do. And was kicked off his course for the acquiescing to the demands of the minority but popular culture. Having a different opinion is not discrimination, however being removed from a course of a study because of religious beliefs is discrimination, and religion is a protected characteristic in the Equality Act. So it is actually Ngole who has suffered discrimination here. But that reality will be missed because he is a Christian and the subject is the LGBT lifestyle.

Perfect Love casts out fear: it isn't a religious belief - it is a personal belief. I am a Christian and I don't hold the belief that one can criticise another for their born sexuality.

Mark Jones: Actually in terms of the legalities it is a religious belief. And you may believe what you choose to believe, that doesn’t mean it’s Biblical, right, or even true.

Perfect Love casts out Fear: that goes for Martin and Sandi as well as me.

Mark Jones: It does yes, however they are on the right side of God here ... you, are not.


Joan Martin: And many homosexuals who remain celebate will experience Heaven

Sandi Luckins: No. They will be Christians plagued by the sin of s/s attraction. Christians do not identify themselves as sin. What a slap in the face to Christ. See my next comment to you, please.


Mark Jones: Sorry, but Ngole actually held to Biblical beliefs. As is Martin here, so if we’re bigoted that means God’s word is bigoted. Is that what your saying “perfect love casts out fear?”

Perfect Love casts out fear: I'm a God believing Christian who does not accept the inerrancy of the Bible. I am guided primarily by the prompting of the Holy Spirit in my life rather than documents written 2000 years ago in a different society and context and translated (often badly) by mere humans. As has been said many times on Disqus, subjects such as slavery, polygamy and male domination are treated as normal and acceptable in the Bible passages but are now considered out of time and context by Christians and non-Christians alike. Yes, God's Word is perfect and unchanging - just be careful, though, that you are listening to that Word and not the "words" of flawed human beings.

Mark Jones: If you don’t accept inerrancy then you’re really not a God believing Christian. Because the Bible which is breathed out by the Holy Spirit (the one you claim guides you) states such, quite clearly. But to clarify polygamy is never condoned in scripture, it is recorded ... because the Bible records history. I listen to God, not people, this clearly is not the case for you in reality.

Perfect Love casts out Fear: polygamy isn't condemned in scriptrure - not anywhere. Hence,by definition, it is condoned. I accept God's inerrancy but not men's and definitely not yours.

Mark Jones: Actually we’re told in scripture that marriage is to between one man and one woman, therefor polygamy is not condoned as it does meet the terms God lays out for marriage in scripture. And just to correct you, you don’t accept God's inerrancy, because God’s inerrancy is His word. So if you don’t trust the Bible you don’t trust God. Therefore you are not a true believer.

Paul #fundie premier.org.uk

I'm not a Jew; so I'm ok to eat pork!
It certainly does come down to Biblical interpretation. Through a proper understanding of the Bible we get a picture of who God is; above all He is Holy, Holy, Holy.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 is one of the clearest verses in the Bible in regards to this issue...
'9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.'
The Christian has been washed clean. They are a new creation. So it is not possible for a true believer to continue in a homosexual relationship if they have been washed clean. Im not saying that desire or attraction goes away, but to blatantly continue in sinful behaviour is not sanctified behaviour. Same sex relationships have no place in the Kingdom of God. (Not my words, but God's)

Heather Felming and Mark Jones #fundie premier.org.uk

Heather Fleming: Social workers will obviously have to avoid certain topics. As a 'devout Christian' who speaks his mind and his faith in the Bible (it seems), he is better off pursuing another line of work. May God direct him to it, and remind him that he should be as clever as a serpent and as harmless as a dove. Jesus showed these characteristics. He also risked His life, because his values were incompatible with the politically correct authorities of His day.
Le plus ca change, le plus c'est la memme chose.

Mark Jones: While in one sense you’re right Heather, this kind of response is troubling as at some point a Christian will not be able to work at all outside of the Christian bubble. Because being a Christian will end up being lawful discrimination.

Mark Jones #fundie premier.org.uk

TSawesome: No, Jesus *never* said anything against LGBT people. I am also a Christian. You and I may not see eye-to-eye on many things, but that doesn't mean that either of us have the right to declare that the other is not a "real" Christian. You probably believe in a Young Earth of 6,000 years; I do not. That's not something that should separate us, and neither should the reality of LGBT people who are *also made in God's image*.

Mark Jones: Actually he did, he also spoke out against gay marriage. So that is an incorrect statement once again from you.
And just to clear up, God does not create people LGBT, LGBT is defined as sinful and God cannot create a sinful being as that would contradict His nature. Being LGBT is a product of a fallen and sinful nature, not God’s design. That’s Biblical, not that you like that though.

TSawesome: No, He did not say anything against gay marriage, but He had *plenty* to say against divorce and remarriage... where is your faux outrage against divorced and remarried people, Mark?

Mark Jones: Actually he did, he spoke out against gay marriage in Luke 17 and Matthew 24. He also spoke out against all forms of sexual immorality including homosexuality and lesbianism in Matthew 15:19. All of this understanding can be achieved with a little study. And yes Jesus did talk about divorce and remarriage, and adultery, and blasphemy. Just as he did about a lot of other sins, including LGBT.

Chutney: How is it possible for Jesus to know words that did not exist in his time?

Mark Jones: Erm because it did exist in His time. And before it as well. It was well known to the Jews that gay marriage was a contributing factor to the flood, so it was well known. Also on a slightly bigger note, this is the son of God we’re talking about here, He knows everything, so even if it hadn’t already happen in the past, He would know about it happening in the future. Pretty basic stuff right there Chutney, well the gay marriage part not so much, you have to do some research to find that out ... that is a big problem for a lot of people.

Victor Cardiss #fundie #homophobia premier.org.uk

[=An extended version of another one of his comments

"Mum... Dad... Sit down I have something I need to share with you, Before I begin the news I have may be against all the basic principles you have practiced all your life so you need to know something first...
In My hand I'm holding a live grenade... I've pulled the pin out but I still have the lever depressed. If you upset me by not accepting everything I tell you with a big big smile, I'll drop this thing and destroy this family. Accept my news with a big smile and I'll put the pin back....
By the way... I'm Gay"
This is how the conversation NEVER goes...
"Mom... Dad... I know you find it almost impossible to accept the fact I've chosen a new lifestyle and I know this isn't what you wanted for me as I was growing up. I know you've never accepted homosexuality as a 'Blessed' lifestyle choice and I completely understand how heart-breaking it is for you to know I've turned my back on everything you believe. Nevertheless I love you and will stay with you no matter what your reaction is"
The most Common two stories I hear are "My parents were terrific and I had no problems"
"My parents threw me out of the house and I hate them"
It's all or nothing with homosexuals... "Accept me or I'll hate you forever and I'll never try to understand how I've broken your hearts!"
(I've a funny feeling you KNOW I'm right!)

Victor Cardiss #fundie #homophobia premier.org.uk

"Mom... Dad... I know you find it almost impossible to accept the fact I've chosen a new lifestyle and I know this isn't what you wanted for me as I was growing up. I know you've never accepted homosexuality as a 'Blessed' lifestyle choice and I completely understand how heart-breaking it is for you to know I've turned my back on everything you believe. Nevertheless I love you and will stay with you no matter what your reaction is"
The most Common two stories I hear are "My parents were terrific and I had no problems"
"My parents threw me out of the house and I hate them"
It's all or nothing with homosexuals... "Accept me or I'll hate you forever and I'll never try to understand how I've broken your hearts!"
(I've a funny feeling you KNOW I'm right!)

Peter Bell #fundie premier.org.uk

Sid, the Holy Spirit has convicted them but their response is, sadly, suicide rather than repentance. They use emotional blackmail against weak and gullible church leaders who are fooled by political correctness and "inclusion". When Jesus said that anyone who does not deny themselves, carry their cross and repent, cannot be His disciple, He wasn't being inclusive. However, when He told all who are heavy laden to come to Him for
rest, that's inclusion. The word has been twisted so as to excuse unrepentance. Jesus excludes the unrepentant. Thank God for your posts.

Victor Cardiss #homophobia premier.org.uk

This is your trump card. You think people who don't accept the homosexual lifestyle are filled with hatred but you're wrong.
I know several Mums and Dads who have been very supportive of the son's and daughters who have decided to live out their homosexual lifestyle.
These parents would never say anything negative because they fear being branded and despised as 'Homophobic' (namecalling)
When those Parents are alone they weep because the expectations they had for their offspring has been destroyed. They are bullied by political correctness to accept whatever lifestyle choices their children make but inside they are hurting beyond measure. They are breathless with panic because the aspirations of being a family now rely on them accepting the unacceptable.
You don't love your parents you hate them. If you loved them you would accept that they can reject your lifestyle but they still love you beyond measure.
The next time your parents tell you that they really do acknowledge and accept your lifestyle choices (no, honestly we're alright with it... No we're not just saying it we really back your decisions.... Trust us we love you and are on your side)
You rotten selfish bullies have just broken your parents hearts but if they told you that they know what a temper tantrum you'll have.
Don't point the finger at me and shout your vile accusations... My concern is for your immortal soul not for the selfish lifestyle that will soon be over.

Victor Cardiss #fundie #homophobia premier.org.uk

The points may seem to have been specifically about you but I was aiming at General points about ALL homosexuals.
They are all selfish.
Your experience may be that most homosexuals that have told their parents will have found acceptance.
What I'm telling you is that those accepting parents may confide in a preacher or a close friend that they are heartbroken.
Tell me... How will their children ever know this? As far as the Homosexual son or daughter are concerned they have been accepted by loving and caring parents.
Now look at this from the parents point of view. They love their son/daughter and don't want to lose them. If they say anything negative it will cause a fracture in the relationship so they have no choice.
You and I know Homosexuals who tell the other story... "My parents kicked me out of the family home when I brought my same sex partner home and I've never forgiven them".
To answer your question... Yes... If you are a homosexual and you told your parents you were Gay you gave them no choice.
If they hadn't gone along with you and smiled broadly you would have been upset.
If they had out and out rejected your lifestyle choice you would have employed the nuclear option.
Selfish Selfish Selfish!

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