Apex Predator #wingnut twitter.com

[in response to Lauren Chen trying to claim the guy who asked Charlie Kirk for permission to kill “them” was a plant…]

Possibly. But the question does require an answer, though maybe not formulated as "when do we kill them" but rather when do we arrest and try them? If the answer is when they try to take them, then what's the point of them in the first place? If we are willing to tolerate anything short of disarmament, why would they bother disarming us? All they have to do is do everything else. Propagandize our children into giving the guns up on their own and when we eventually die, then they take them. Is there even anything they can do that is worse than disarming us, that would justify us actually using the armaments? If so, what? Are the FEMA camps with Obamacare death panels enough? Is that the point where we'd say we've had it. If the only thing that can justify use of our arms is disarming us, then we will never be justified. If there is a line worse than disarming, how have they not crossed it?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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