mathlover & RisingUp #transphobia

Gee, I can’t imagine how it must feel to have your words appropriated by people to whom they don’t apply…


( mathlover )
Every "trans" I've ever come across who claims they are "intersex" - aren't. When they describe their symptoms, physical findings, age at diagnosis, how they were diagnosed, and what effects they currently have, it is not consistent with any intersex condition they claim.

It's almost always a male (occasionally a female) who is trying to make a case that they are "really intersex" and it somehow has to do with them being the opposite sex.

( RisingUp )
100% fair and valid point but I would bet money that is actually a TIM LARPing as 'intersex' and getting his violation thrills from the audacity.

Reasons: people with real DSDs don't usually describe themselves as 'intersex'; the OP is hanging out on r/trans; there are 1000x more pervert LARPers than actual people with DSDs; and this smells similar to those maximal-projection posts where TIMs complain about stuff like men perving on them in the ladies' changing rooms.



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