kalkazar13 #transphobia ovarit.com

PROPOSAL: The “TransTrans” Movement


Hear me out. If we played this right, we could turn their own weapons against them in a way that the “SuperStraights” never could. All we have to do is ask for “the same rights as transwomen,” which would include…

1. The right to our own spaces.

2. The right to call ourselves “lesbians,” and sleep with whoever we want WITHOUT being shamed for excluding certain groups from our dating preferences (like “translesbians” who don’t want to sleep with other “translesbians” etc.).

3. The right to claim spaces reserved for transwomen: I.e. invade “transwomen only” spaces, claim spaces reserved for transwomen in companies (while making sure to trumpet how we constitute “queer representation” for them), and so on and so forth.

You get the idea. I propose that we all take on “TransTrans” identities, which will all just be caricatures of the worst trans stereotypes we can possibly think of.

I also propose that we invade every online TRA space we can, and actively try to make them worse. Center ourselves in every conversation, attack everyone else over the dumbest “microaggressions” imaginable, pollute their interests by demanding “representation” in every disgusting pedophile anime that they enjoy etc. I invite you all to be creative in your approach 😈

We should also make our own subreddits, twitter accounts and discords. But we should also obviously try to take over THEIR subreddits and discords as well. Act all innocent like “Awm I wwewcome hewe? 👉🥺👈 uwu,” and then claim moderator positions and start banning everyone for no goddamn reason at all over the pettiest imaginable shit lmao.

We’ll also finally have an excuse to create lesbian-only spaces on certain websites, which I think we should exploit. E.g. create “TransTrans Lesbian” subreddits, where the “About” sections will all read like “This is a space for TransTrans Lesbians only! Pls no dirty cishets or halftrans ppl pls k thx 🤗.”

Creating some more generalized “TransTrans” subreddits/discords would also probably be in order. These will be “Safe Spaces” for us, where we’ll be able to post our own “before and after” photos without fear of judgment. In the first few images, we’ll be dressed up like normal.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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