Unknown #racist #wingnut contrajewishcorrespondent.blogspot.com

It was recently announced in the Jewish media that Trump denounced Jewish supporters of the Democratic party as disloyal to America. He also called Jewish supporters of the Democratic party ignorant. This is just one example among countless others that shows that Trump is a Jew trying to further poison the people's minds with Jewish deception. How can a Jew be loyal to a nation when he never means to and never can be loyal to the laws governing nature to start with? This statement by Jew Trump simply suggests that the Jewish people are capable of being good world citizens. All evidence is to the contrary of this suggestion.

Trump: "If only all Jews would join our side and lose their ignorance, then we would be such great allies". Of course, this is Jewish deception which is meant to have the masses believe that Jews can be loyal supporters of both sides of an issue or a debate. The Jews know who they support and who they won’t support. The Jews are not acting out of ignorance when they claim to support one side against another. It's all planned by Jews for the greatest effect of corruption against humanity.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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