drlarry gino #racist #psycho wnd.com

drlarry gino: This islamo/fascist/deranged black/racist/hateful/ignorant/praying to a false God in "allah", should be given 2 options. 1. Return to darkest Afrika, where maybe some black no non sense tribe of carnivores ( yes those highly evolved black folk)or 2. Be shot at sundown, and her body fed to dogs. Maybe Snoop Dog, the other black racist, could be called on to eat her up.

Dudley Dorite: Your post is outright racist

drlarry gino: Calling my post racist is very racist of you , you little racist twit. You are the most racist person for even implying that I am racist!! How racist can you get, you little twit racist. How racist can you get, you bigoted, pre-judging racist, racist.



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