Califasauros & bellatrixbells #transphobia

RE: I had no idea how badly transwomen were treated until I started getting mistaken for a trans woman. [41k upvotes on TwoXChrosomes]

( Califasauros )
Read the title and pondered a bit. Wonder how people would treat a white person in public who wore traditional black face and performed black racist tropes. Probably, today, not well in many places in the U.S. That's outside of acceptable behavior.

And, yet many of us here have encountered at least one female-identifying male wearing woman face...the tilting head, the giggles, the flipping of the hair, the bad makeup, the bad wig...while performing sexist, misogynist tropes.

What is the proper response of a black person in encountering a white person wearing such black face...behaving that way?

What is the proper response of a woman in encountering a female-identifying male wearing such woman face...behaving that way?

Should black people be called "mean" for not treating such white people with respect?

Should women be called "mean" for not treating such female-identifying males with respect?

( bellatrixbells )
I think the fact that one is called acceptable and not the other says a lot about society, including the way plenty of black women react to this comparison being made.

A great deal of people seem to think blackface is way worse, and I obviously understand that what we call womanface doesn't have a comparable history to minstrel shows, although some argue that drag shows are comparable.

I also understand that a lot of black people are tired of always being used as a point of comparison, but that doesn't mean some comparisons are not apt.

And this one is, in my opinion. I mean, these men are taking stereotypical characteristics of our bodies and trying to recreat them in an attempt to pass for one of us, while acting out stereotypical, offensive character traits like come on !



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