Ken Ham #fundie

Let me make something very clear. Evolution is not the cause of racism, or abortion, or Gay “marriage,” or any other such issue. Sin is the cause of such issues. But there is a connection between evolution and morality.

I believe the message of the AiG ministry has been in a sense very “prophetic.” Even when I began teaching on creation vs. evolution back in 1975, I was already asserting that atheistic evolution and morality were connected and that, over time, immorality would grow as people rejected God’s Word and accepted naturalistic evolution. Not because evolution was the cause of the immorality, but the more generations believed evolution and rejected God’s Word, the more their morality would be subjective. This would result in moral relativism permeating the culture.

I taught that the more people believed that life arose by natural processes, the more they would also believe that life was ultimately meaningless and purposeless—and morality could be whatever a person determined. Or, as Judges 21:25 states, when there was no king (or absolute authority) in the land, “everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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