Tortoisemouse & MaryDyer #transphobia

RE: Why do transwomen need hormone therapy?

( Tortoisemouse )
There's no point asking questions based on logic or reason. There is no point assuming there is any ability to respond with logic or reason. There is no reason in the trans project. Transes will just say "some people need to affirm their gender, others don't, both are valid, all choices are valid, all bodies are valid, TWAW, women can have a penis or not, can have an adams apple or not, can have a beard or not". That's all they have. They'll just keep repeating it ad infinitum.

I know it makes no sense. They don't care. They're not trying to make sense. That's why even ASKING reasonable questions gets the "transphobia" sirens wailing and the red lights flashing. No debate. No explanation.

There's nothing beneath these men's claims to be women. There's no physical, tangible, measurable, logical way in which these men are women. It's literally just their say-so. Some of them actually DON'T use artificial hormones they're just regular dudes with beards etc. claiming to be women. tHeY aRe VaLiD.

( MaryDyer )
Here are some of my go-to questions that the TRAs can never answer:

-if “transmen are men” and white men are the root of all evil, why are white transmen not vilified as white “cis” men are? There’s clearly a difference between transmen and “cis” men that you’re silently acknowledging and consider important. Clearly it’s not their “gender”, as transmen and “cis” men have the same “gender”. So…what is it?

-if public restrooms are supposedly segregated not by sex but by feelings, why do only women’s rooms have tampon/pad dispensers and why do only men’s rooms have urinals?

-similarly, if public restrooms are segregated by feelings and not by sex, what do transwomen fear about using the men’s room? By their logic (that gender has nothing to do with sex) there’s no reason to believe that the people using the men’s room are capable of physical violence, or even that they have penises at all.

-if laws designed to keep males out of female spaces should be abolished since “tHeY’Re NoT gOnNa bE StOpPeD bY a SiGn”, then should we abolish laws against murder? I mean clearly murderers are gonna murder despite it being highly illegal and sometimes punishable by death, so since the laws aren’t a deterrent we may as well just get rid of those laws, right?




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