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It wasn’t too long ago that I too believed some of these misconceptions. Sooner or later the Truth and reality catches up with all of us.

1/. White European nations became rich off of the backs of the slave trade and plundering other nations
This is inaccurate. It was always the jews and the gentry directly serving the jews who benefited from the slave trade. After all it was mainly blacks enslaving blacks in Africa. The jews just capitalised on this industry. The actual lower classes never benefited from slavery, because they were slaves themselves; and still are.

And to argue that even the lower classes indirectly benefited due to the infrastructure, this too is not accurate. The European mind and energy has always had the ability to produce, create and invent at an incredible capacity. The railroads, hospitals, theatres, educational institutes were all physically produced by the working class on meagre wages. Any financial gains obtained by jewish families were spent internally to help international jewry; certainly not philanthropically distributed amongst society for the benefit of European peoples. The trickle down effect is another myth. We built and financed everything ourselves, through our hard work, ingenuity and creativity. That is the reality.

The myth that European nations are rich because we pilfered and enslaved others is nonsense – just more jewish mind control to guilt Europeans into accepting their white genocide.

2/. White Europeans invaded African culture, enslaved the blacks and had a cruel apartheid system
First the white Europeans who were fleeing jewish enslavement settled in a barren uninhabited South Africa. There was nothing much there other than nature’s elements – rocks and bushes. The hard working, ingenious, mixed Europeans literately created a superpower out of the bushes. Then when they had built a civilised structure – the blacks came to them. They did not build up their culture off the backs of the blacks.

As for the apartheid – what else could they do? It was the most sensible thing to do, to keep the blacks from rampaging their culture. Just look what is happening to the Afrikaners now that the apartheid has been abolished. The apartheid was essentially a border control that’s all.

The myth that the white South Africans used the blacks to create their lifestyle is ridiculous propaganda – just more jewish mind control to guilt Europeans into accepting their white genocide.
[please listen to Karen Smith’s interview below]
3/. Being racist is the most anti-social thing one can be
Well first of all this word racist was coined by a mass murdering jew called Trotsky. This was created in order to guilt up any Whites who dare to stand up for their European culture. It is a powerful word and meme and this single word alone enables vast amounts of white people to bend over backwards to accommodate non-whites into their culture, just in order not be labeled a racist. Whites will give up their heritage, jobs, culture, lineage, identity and lifestyle so long as they are not called this silly little name. It is truly incredible the power of trigger words through mind control – just more jewish mind control to guilt Europeans into accepting their white genocide.
4/. Diversity enriches European societies
On the surface, one could argue that having multiple choices of restaurants from many different cultures is a positive thing for society. One could indeed say that these cultures are contributing to European culture by providing alternatives. But at what price? How much of a payoff do we have for this enrichment? It is obvious by now to anyone who is prepared to use an ounce of logic that behind the surface of this colourful enrichment; the indigenous European peoples are paying a hefty price. In fact we are suffocating. Multiculturalism is the death spell of European culture and civilisation. Had Europeans just had a policy that only small amounts of people can stay providing they provide a unique contribution: a Chinese martial art, a Korean healing system, an Indian meditation technique, etc; then this really would be enrichment. The reality is most people coming to Europe have only one interest – to serve themselves. None of them give a damn about the preservation of our European culture. Every single migrant cares only about their self interests and their culture. None of them actively help to preserve European culture. Diversity = white genocide. Diversity is enrichment – just more jewish mind control to guilt Europeans into accepting their white genocide.
5/. Colour is just skin deep – we’re all equal
This is simply not true! One only has to objectively look at each race and look at each races’ achievements. One can use all the excuses in the world as to why certain cultures have not been able to develop; but we all have been on this planet for the same time. It’s too much of a coincidence that in every single part of the globe that White European cultures have lived – civilised cultures have blossomed. Europeans built the pyramids. It is only because of jewish interference that white Europeans have not been able to fully develop. Just look what Germany achieved in just six years free of the parasitic jews. The same for England after Edward the 1st (Longshanks) booted the jews out of England ….look how England prospered. It’s been the same in every European culture, if Europeans are left to flourish on their own without the parasitic jew. The ‘we’re all equal’ narrative is just more jewish mind control to guilt Europeans into accepting their white genocide.
6/. The only reason a high percentage of blacks are violent is because they have been socially suppressed by whites and all they are doing is venting their righteous anger – it’s justified
Righteous anger – about what exactly? Having been afforded 100 fold opportunities in a European culture than in their own culture? Just look at the opportunities they have been given. Companies and local councils are bending over backwards with ‘affirmative action’/equal opportunities for non-whites. In fact it is easier now for a non-white to get a job in a Government/local council job. Not to mention the handouts. And how can the unprovoked attacks on whites be explained in South Africa? These were not oppressed people’s, they were outsiders coming in to destroy White civilisation. The notion that all blacks (as a collective) need is education and they will blend into any civilised European society has now been proven a myth. How far do we have to stretch things to continually come up with excuses for black on white crimes – just more jewish mind control to guilt Europeans into accepting their white genocide. [please see video channel below]
7/. White people and white cultures are innately racist
What could be further than the Truth. White people (as a collective) are THE least racist people on the planet. And I struggle with this term racist anyway; as it is another trigger word created by the jews. But as far as being accommodating – there is no race on the planet more accommodating than the white European race. We have given and given and given and given throughout our whole existence. And we continue to give in endless charitable and philanthropic projects. Yet somehow as the providers, we always seem to end up with the racist label and the ones feeling guilty for not having done enough and somehow being the suppressors of non-whites. Had it not been for the white peoples’ inventiveness, with sanitation, electricity, medical resources, etc; the population of non-whites would be far less. Whites are evil racists – just more jewish mind control to guilt Europeans into accepting their white genocide.
8/. All races can pull together to fight the common evil
At one point I truly did believe this nonsense. I really did think that if all races and cultures woke up to the JCN, then we’ld live a more peaceful existence – ha. Oh dear, how embarrassing. The concept that if we all pull together to fight our common foe, we would live in peace. Utter nonsense. Just look at each race and how they only look after themselves. You can see it within the Truth movement – the blacks are all about their black issues, the Muslims are only pro-Islam, even the gays only care about their gay issues. None of these secular groups want to join forces to fight the jewish agenda, because secretly they know who is funding their particular agenda. They’re all ultimately about bringing down the European race.
9/. Just like mongrel dogs, mixed race people are healthier and less susceptible to inbred diseases
And there are people out there who propagate this garbage. As with all these modern memes, it couldn’t be further from the Truth and as always just more inverted Truth. The healthiest of races are the purest of races. This is a given. Mixed race children apparently are not able to receive organ donations. Why all of a sudden would genetics suddenly change in cultures? If races have bred amongst their own for thousands of years; why now is this seemed unhealthy? A jewish propagandised narrative perhaps – just more jewish mind control to guilt Europeans into accepting their white genocide.
10/. Black men are more virile than white men
I know this may seem like scraping the barrel, but this topic often crops ups. I’ve had to listen to this crap all my life. It’s so obvious who is behind this myth and why they would propagate it. It is just another method to knock the white man’s confidence. To make him feel inferior to other races. Whilst at the same time programme (propagandise) white women, (along with the music industry) into believing that dating black men is a better option and somehow black men are more masculine. Hence to encourage race-mixing – just more jewish mind control to guilt Europeans into accepting their white genocide.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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