David Cole #conspiracy #racist #wingnut takimag.com

Through my past and occasionally present work in casting I deal mainly with actors, so I’ve been most acutely aware of the effects of the hiring caps on that demo. The Substack piece concentrated mainly on writers and showrunners, and to be honest, I was rather stunned that the ethnic cleansing is so aggressive regarding off-camera jobs. I knew it would be ruthlessly enforced for actors, because changing the industry’s cosmetics is the easiest way to mollify nonwhite malcontents, most of whom think a “showrunner” is a guy who competes in exhibition relays.

But it was jarring to learn how deep the disease has spread. This isn’t a cancerous wart…it’s penetrated the industry’s bones.

Many of the insiders who were interviewed for the Substack piece spoke anonymously, and were only identified by color. But of those named, most were Jews. Of course, the authors take the safe route of not drawing attention to this fact.
Get those dudes some Bengay because they’re straining. What the omission actually means is that Jews are now white, to be erased along with all other whites.

From their own industry.

This is surely not what Hollywood’s liberal Juden had in mind when they opened the doors to this shit.
It turns out that Jews underestimated their soul brothers. The Substack piece details how black producers are using the caps and quotas, along with heavy-handed strong-arm tactics, to become the new power brokers and kingmakers in town (Jews are used to being mugged by schvartzes in the street, but not on the studio lot!).
We should be honest about this: Hollywood’s caps and quotas are not about adding blacks but subtracting whites. And now Jews are finding out that for the purposes of this discussion, they’re as white as Grace Kelly. If “whiteness is a state of mind” (the ideology pushed by the Ibram X. Kendis and funded by the Shlomo Oyveygenbergs), then Ashkenazi Tay-Sachs DNA don’t count for shit.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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