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So recently, one of the anti-white racists and pro-baby killers ended up having the gall and the audacity to ignore the source that I provided for him. It automatically debunks the claim that abortion makes women safe and only attempted to show me sources in which I debunked in the statement. Of course, like the racist he is, dismissed anything automatically from pro-life and conservative research which shows that these people are willingly ignorant and unable to learn. Ironically, he complained about petty insults and that is exactly what he used including the crying argument about me somehow wanting to control women when I am trying to protect women and also protect white America from being snuffed out. It is pretty much summing up the same claims and recycled words from the pro-abortion side claiming that we only want to control women which shows how robotic these people really are and thus are the very definition of the NPC meme. Plus, one of the websites he linked me to, ironically was amnesty.org to argue for his pro-abortion arguments and ironically, I looked it up and lo and behold, the very website was owned by a Jew named Peter Benenson. The Wikipedia article on him, claims that he is a convert from Judaism to Catholicism but seeing what fruits come from his actions thus prove that he is not a Christian but the same kind of Jewish extremist attempting to infiltrate and destroy the morality of the Christian churches that the Spanish Inquisition was on the lookout for.
Matthew 7:16
You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?
The claim of pro-lifers attempting to control women is ridiculous because those mostly involved with the pro-life movement are female. When I went and volunteered at a pregnancy care center, I was the only male there in a large group of females to raise awareness that there were alternatives to baby killing. Plus, this kind of claim that this is a freedom for women, the argument is flawed and fallacious as there is a fine line between freedom and anarchy and anarchy is when harm is caused because people take so many liberties. Plus, one only needs to be heartless to avoid how much suffering both physically and emotionally this causes the women. Those who claim that women do not suffer from abortion regret ignore some key factors and I’ll explain them.
A study conducted in and published on Stuff.co.nz claimed that 95% of women who had an abortion didn’t regret it and this same claim has been echoed by the pro-abortion mainstream media sites. However, what they don’t tell you is that up to 62.5% of women who have had an abortion absolutely refused to take part in such a survey which is a perfect indication on what is really going on as their hearts are racked with pain over the innocent blood that they have spilt. Plus, to label this as a woman’s issue is fallacious, especially as the democratic party is the only party that has been so fervently pro-abortion but white women still vote in majority for the republican party, the only party that has been or claimed to be pro-life. So, the claim that pro-lifers are trying to control women is a racist claim against white people to silence white women into not having a voice.
Plus, a study in Finland has shown that women who have had an abortion were four times more likely to suffer death in the next year than women who have not given birth. This same study shows that those who died a year later after the abortion that up to 60% of them were more likely to die of natural causes, seven times more likely to commit suicide, four times more likely to die of injuries in the midst of a horrible accident, and 14 times more likely to die from murder in the process. If that isn’t bad enough, the risk of breast cancer actually doubles as a result of an abortion and having more abortions increases the risk even further. I’m not even mentioning all the physical problems of abortion. These aren’t even mentioning the psychological damage these people suffer among abortion.
Among the women who have suffered abortions, 59% increased risk of suicidal thoughts, 61% increased risk of mood swing disorders, and 61% have increased risk of social anxiety disorders. I as a human who experiences a social anxiety disorder though I’ve never spilt blood of anyone my entire life can’t even begin to imagine how painful that might be seeing how bad I have it already and seeing how much worse it could get. I assure you that this is anything but empowerment. Plus, we should also look at the more sociological, cultural, and demographic consequences of this. Although only 34% of abortions have been non-Hispanic whites, the birth rate of non-Hispanic whites is shown to be only 1.79 which is bellow the 2.11 required to sustain a population and I can only assume that abortion is helping the numbers of white people die out even faster. The Pew research shows that whites (non-Hispanic) will be a minority by midcentury. Given the fact that the only majority demographic that doesn’t buy into these hateful anti-white globalist open borders policies of the left are the non-Hispanic whites, this will mean the end of America itself, hence a white genocide.
Those who claim that they are speaking up for women and women’s choices are lying as I’ve stated earlier as white people in general would have determined that Trump get up to 369 electoral college votes if they were the only ones who voted. White women alone would have determined that Donald Trump get 327 electoral college votes if they were the only ones who voted and Trump was the pro-life candidate. Hence, abortion is anti-white women and anti-white racism in general. It is all a trap to trick us into self-suicide and destroy our sovereignty as a people. At least white identitarians like myself aren’t the only ones who see abortion as a threat to our existence as many black identitarians themselves have noticed that abortion threatens their existence as black Americans also have a fertility rate of only 1.8 and yet their demographic consists of 37% of abortions which is the largest of the number of abortions. This is why I as a white separatist, salute black separatists as well so long as they don’t resort to violent means against white people or others. This also goes to show what I’ve been saying that anyone who is for abortion at this point is an anti-white racist.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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