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Make no mistake about it the capture and shooting of purported prison escapee David Sweat is an arch-fake, just as was the break-out. That fake is proven categorically, here. No one can dispute it.

“Be happy, everyone. Congratulate law enforcement. It’s a job well done. There just here to protect us.”

There is a hero, of course; there always is in hoax. In this case it is a State Police sergeant who just happens to be a gun specialist, a firearms instructor, Mr. Jay Cook:

So, officially, he shot him twice in the torso. Officially, he was running away, which goes along with the story line of being shot in the back. Even so, that is a rather severe grouping of injuries. There is a good deal of critical organ systems in the torso, including the lungs, heart, stomach, liver, spleen, intestinal canal, and more. Yet, where in the “torso” was he shot? Was it from the back or the front? Don’t they know?

What was so brave about it? The man was unarmed. According to www.buffalonews.com/:

So, now, it is revealed it was in the back part of the torso, and obviously, taking the source literally there was profuse bleeding and the man was virtually dead.

People go into shock when they see the picture, in this case of an apparently bloodied Mr. Sweat. No one considers any need for analysis. It must be true. The government says so. They’ve got their prize, and they are posing with it; this alone create suspicion of staging. However, wait a minute. The government is all-knowing. Why would they lie? In fact, the government and its agents do lie as a routine. So, let us have a look. Was he really shot twice in the back and is he actually bleeding “badly?”

It just looks like fake Boston Smoke Bombing Hoax blood poured down and on his shirt and jacket. There is no evidence of any wounds in the least. Good God, man, he was shot twice in the back at relatively close range. This is a medical emergency. Moreover, they are posing for the cameras? Who believes such nonsense?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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