Florabamaboy #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Expelled was excellent. It was the top documentary in the U.S. for 2008. It documents the willingness of Darwinists to destroy the careers of brilliant people -- many of them evolutionists -- for not adhering to the party line. The premise is hard to argue with since it is often evolutionists who have been destroyed by the Darwin establishment.

The top Darwinists interviewed in the flim come off sounding stupid -- for instance Richard Dawkins says that we might some day find that DNA came from aliens -- and the people who have been destroyed by Darwinists come off sounding intelligent and reasonable.

My one quibble was that I thought it tried a little too hard to be cute and fast paced by splicing bits of illustrative imagery between points Ben Stein and the interviewees made. Most of these clips were from the early days of movies.

This gave the DarwiNazis an excuse to call the film propaganda when the premise of the flim stands without the insertion of the illustrative imagery -- it just would not have been as entertaining to watch and probably wouldn't have done as well as it has.

A follow up book called Slaughter of the Dissidents by Jerry Bergman continues the account of those destroyed by the DarwiNazis for daring to think outside the party line. I'm looking forward to reading it and hoping we'll see Expelled II -- Revenge of Intelligence.



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