Wulfrick #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia stormfront.org

Re: Just WHAT is your problem with homosexuality ?

It is part of an elaborate MK-Ultra mind control matrix.

If they can get a population of people to defer their moral judgement in favour of homosexuality then the program is successful.

At the moment the program is so successful that Ireland, a traditionally anti homosexual society has voted to accept homosexual marriage in Church.
This is serious and long term attack on the moral institutions of the land.
That is not a casual matter of "Consenting Adults do what they like".
That is a clear attack on our values.

Homosexuality is the "Thin end of a wedge" being driven into our moral bedrock.

Making a public mockery of the very institution they want to "Marry" in, in broad daylight.
They are trying to prove that "Jesus was wrong... love is all."
New age.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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