Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

Deep Fear!

The sub set of the military that is really into ‘thinking’, and thus also really into analysis, is afraid.

They are afraid of the future.

This is why they study, and analyze, so that they can better predict the future. Because it scares them. And they can see it coming. Even now.

These military guys, the ones who do the deep thinking, are afraid of the inevitable gap that will exist between people within a technology based social order. No, not our current technology, nor our current social order, but rather the ones that are manifesting now.

These military guys know that there are people, out and about in the civilian population, who are potentially a real danger to their, and government in general, claiming to be ‘authority’ for our civilization.
These military guys, to some level, mostly due to the emotional effects of the cultural revolution on-going against the Western republics by the Elohim worship cult (the mother WEFfers et al), are correct to worry a bit about the technology available to the general public. Not that they have any options to control it. They are never going to achieve control over it. Rather the best that they can hope would be to achieve a state of balance of progress versus risk. They have that now, more or less.

What is really frightening to these military fellows, is what is coming, that is, the release of Zero Point Technology into the public sector. Or rather, more accurately, the leaking of the ZPT from the corporations who have already succeeded with it, into the more general populace.
The military guys are blinded by their roles, and circumstances to a very narrow range of views of the possible paths of ZPT within our social order. In their world, given the command and control structure, they are very correct to have deep fear about techies, and the leakage of ZPT from alien reproduction vehicle efforts in the corporations. Their fears for their control structure are valid.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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