Johanna Michaelsen #fundie

the woman was stretched out on a cot on a sheet that she had brought. The spirit took the pair of scissors, raised them in a salute to whatever force he was raising it, plunged them into the woman’s body, cut deeply into the flesh, had me part the cavity to one side. And I could feel the blood pulsing over my hands. Then, Pachita/Hermanito—so you don’t get confused, the spirit—brought out a dirty red handkerchief with a piece of lung. Sometimes we got the parts from cadavers. She had friends in the morgue in town. Sometimes it was animal parts. Frankly, psychic surgeons will tell you, “It doesn’t matter what piece you’re using. It really doesn’t.” But doctors have taken blood samples and verified them to be that of the patients. Something was taking place there. She took this lung, dirty red rag and all, John, and slipped it into the woman’s chest cavity, then passed the hand, his hand, over the woman’s chest and it closed instantly. Not many people knew that that’s what happened. We bound the woman up in a bandage that she had brought, with cotton underneath, gave her instructions for three days, and the woman was healed.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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