girl_undone & BiologyIsReal #transphobia

RE: "Terf Tr*nny Alliance" ...?

( girl_undone )
Great post and conversation starter, OP.

I have nothing in common with men who larp as women, we have no "womanhood" in common. It's an offensive notion. I have more affinity with normal men than full-time fetishistic parodies. I don't understand what we're supposed to have in common.

I identified as a gender abolitionist long before I ever heard of radical feminism. It's why I couldn't manage to jive with trans ideology. Being a gender abolitionist has nothing to do with propping up men who pretend to "be" women and demand resources from us and violate our boundaries. That's very typical, gendered, entitled male behavior in my opinion.

( BiologyIsReal )
Making special exeptions for some men is what started all this mess in first place. Imo, women who keep doing this again and again are shooting themselves in the foot. I don't understand why some women still believe transgenderism is a new madness that came from nowhere and that in the old days there was proper "gatekeeping" and sanity prevailed.

Ultimately, a man cannot became a woman not matter how many cosmetic surgeries he undergoes, or how much exogenous hormones he takes, or how much effort and money he puts in "passing". The first moment people started treating some men as some sort of "honorary women" because they were supposedly "transsexuals", they abandoned any biology based definition of women and, gradually, more and more social and legal concessions were made. Likewise, "transition" of minors likely wouldn't be a thing today if society hadn't accepted first that some people are really "trans" and that "medical transition" was an appropriate and needed treatment for such adults despite the lack of evidence that it works.



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