Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Getting in God's Face

In unprecedented chutzpa, the U.S. Supreme Court is telling Hashem, "We will do what we want, and we don't need your silly moral codes. Stay out of our world, God!"


The problem is not simply the transgression of a Torah commandment to not lie with a male as one would lie with a woman, or however it's written. The real issue at hand is the attempt of the Left to legitimize something which goes against the very order of Creation.

By claiming that same-sex marriage is on the same level of morality and normalcy as heterosexual marriage, the liberals are essentially denying God's wisdom. They are getting in God's face with unprecedented chutzpa, telling Him, "Hey, God! You may have made every species that procreates do so with the opposite sex, but with us, You got it wrong! We don't have to act according to Your intentions! We will do what we want, and we don't need your silly Torah and religion to give us moral codes! We'll create our own moral standards! Stay out of our world, God!"

This point is further emphasized by the fact that religious beliefs are deemed irrelevant, antiquated, and too politically incorrect to be tolerated by the Left. They are therefore doing their best to separate the entire notion of religion from society, persecuting it all the way from its practice in Synagogues and Churches, to one's personal belief in God. In the not-so-distant future, it will become increasingly difficult to portray any outward expression of religion without suffering a negative consequence.


Today, everyone in the United States is forced to recognize gay marriage as a legitimate collective principle. What issue will it be tomorrow?

Jews, how much longer are you willing to sit back and passively watch your beloved country degenerate before your very eyes? How much further will you let yourselves be backed into a corner and persecuted because you believe in God and His Torah?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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