metabuxx #sexist #psycho

[RageFuel] It should be mandatory for every foid to get labiaplasty and vaginoplasty surgery

I'm sick and tired of seeing roast beef flaps everywhere, even pornstars have it. ITS FUCKING BEING NORMALIZED. I can't even jerk off in peace without being grossed by their ugly flaps. These dumb whores have no idea how to take care of the cash generator between their legs. This shit needs to stop. I know foids can't stop fucking Chad which makes their flaps loose and stretches out their vagina. But at least they can go through labiaplasty surgery to trim away the flaps of extra skin. It just costs around $4,000. They earn that much in a week on OnlyFans. And while they are at it, they should also get vaginoplasty surgery which makes their holes tighter. I don't care what kind of pussy they present to Chads. Give Chads the most stretched out hole, for all I care. But before they are settling with a betabux (a man who worked hard all his life) they should get that surgery. They owe a tight vagina to their providers.

Maybe they should be shamed for being whores instead so they don't sleep with every chad they see.

Yep. Slut shaming should be also normalized

I mean these holes are already getting surgery to tighten up their insides due to all the miles of cock they've had, so just check it off as you're there spending your simp's onlyfans money.

I'm glad that at least loose vaginas are not being normalized. And as long as they are spending a simp's money its fine. Those simps deserve this for worshiping whores.

Vagina looks are genetic, foids can have a bbq party between their legs without having sex with many men.

I don't care. They should get rid of it. It looks gross.



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