Ron Ewart #wingnut

[bThe hard truth is, the nation’s young haven’t been spanked enough when they were growing up. Spare the rod and create a criminal!

What is the answer? Like so many problems, the answer is fairly simple. Take every kid, at the age of 18 (boy or girl) and send them to a two-year boot camp in the military service. When they come out of service they will have been given the discipline and responsibility that will make them mature college students, or disciplined plumbers, electricians, or carpenters, or find a career in the military.

In effect, the military will have given them what they should have been receiving from their spoiled, work-obsessed parents. It may even give them a worthy direction to pursue. If, as a nation, we did this, there would be a lot less protesting and violence in the streets by stupid kids, being led around by the nose by unscrupulous actors (and politicians) that exploit the kids for unconstitutional, socialist and insane agendas, like climate change, free college tuition, forgiving college debt, Medicare for all, open borders, health care for illegal aliens, repealing the Electoral College, tearing down statues, erasing our history and the economy-killing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal.

… Must law-abiding citizens take the law into their own hands to retake the streets from lawless kids, in a show of unchecked vigilante justice, as in the days of the Wild West? If nothing changes, it’s coming!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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