
Dee #fundie dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com

All humans stand hopeless before the Almighty, All-Holy God. We all deserve to be consumed by the fire of His wrath for any less-than-perfect thing we have done. Problem is, He doesn't actually want anyone to die, so He does all He can to save us short of taking away our free will. Scripture indicates that everything/anyone who rebels against their Creator by refusing to worship Him will meet a fiery end - that is a matter of choice for us. I challenge you to try and get to know Him though - you'll be surprised by His mercy and grace. I mean, how is it that a nation about to be destroyed calls out to God after pages and pages of oracles about His coming wrath and asks for compassion based on His character (Jeremiah 21:2)? Somehow, the God they knew had a reputation of great love and compassion amidst all the destruction.

mosesgodson #fundie dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com

Do I condemn "genocide" of any given "part" of the human race? No, absolutely not!!! I do not "condemn" anything because it is not my position to judge (Matthew 7:1-5, Luke 6:37, James 4:11-12, etc.) and consequently condemn anyone/anything (not by my own standards anyways); God is the judge of all and I absolutely/completely trust him to judge everyone and everything justly (so I need not grasp at the "right" to judge). That being said, I do believe that God condemns any destruction of any individual or group of HIS creatures that has not been "ordained" by him; the debate regarding who (if anyone) received this divine order is worthy of another discussion entirely (but biblically speaking it basically "boils down to" whether or not you believe the biblical account to be accurate).

GodChaser #fundie dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com

Did you guys ever consider as to why God killed these people off?

Most of these people openly insulted God, lied to Him, stole from Him or were living in a lifestyle totally contrary to how He designed us to live.

Doesn't the Bible say He is All loving? If He is all loving He'd have to also be perfectly Just, all knowing, omni-present... thats what He claims about Himself anyway.

From yalls reasoning the God of the Bible is eather lying, or doesn't exist. But i propose that Since He is perfect his judgment is also perfect. Just as water will never mix with oil, molecularly, never. But our view of perfect has been poisoned with the idea of that trait also entitling the Being with perfect/infinite toleration.

If me child says "NO" to me he is due a spanking, some for of discipline. If God, given everyone fair chance at obeying Him (like you'd expect a child to obey you with holding your hand while crossing the street for there own safety) and we say NO in His face through our actions/attitudes then why is it "unfair" for God to execute perfect judgment?

Bman #fundie dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com

Is it just me or did time happen to be based on Jesus' Death? Oh so your saying that 2008 "AD" has nothing to do with the death of the Son of God? You're living in this time.. After Death of Jesus Christ. Thanks for acknowledging that for me people. This is a never ending argument and No one is going to win. All you hypocrites, relax, your never going to prove a any point that is worth listening to anyway. Honestly, give it up people! Grow up! Do something worth while, maybe ride a bike to work to save on gas/oil, read a kid a Dr. Seuss book, Help an old lady across the street, Read the bible to find the good in it. If you'd stop being all knowing jackasses maybe the world would be a better place for you and you wouldnt be such a downer around everyone. Do yourself a favor: Stop trying to prove that Christ didn't exist and Check todays date. I'm right, your wrong, I'm not sorry. Have a good day and God Bless.

Victoria Jackson #fundie dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com

(snippets from a blog about her)

Thank you God above for giving us George W. Bush, and for giving us John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Why am I voting for the fantastic McCain/Palin ticket? Simply because my "world view" is based on the belief that The Bible is the inerrant, holy, Word of God....

Obama, call me. I'll explain Christianity to you.

Maybe you'll get saved and start loving unborn babies.

I don't want a political label, but Obama bears traits that resemble the anti- Christ...

I was reading the other day in Leviticus 26:3-13, and Leviticus 26:14-25 and on, where God was warning the Israelites to obey him. In Lev. 26:14-16 it even says, "...if you despise my statutes...I will even appoint terror over you." I couldn't help but see a parallel to our country which was founded on the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.

Anonymous #fundie dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com

You will rightfully burn in the realm of nothingess forever when you die you silly fool; unless you get out of that shallow paradox you think you're so smart in and start believing in the One and Only God that created you and gave you a choice to acceot It or deny It in the fist place. And if you deny It, you will be destroyed by your own making. All Satan did was feed you many lies and prove you are an obvious sucker that has bought into this shallow thinking. Lies and people kill people, not God, not guns. Suckers like you do deserve death. But you can also save yourself by believing in Who Jesus said He was. I feel sorry for your shallow, tainted brain.

Arturs #fundie dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com

[Responding to a list of people who God has killed.]
This list would be simply ridiculous, if it wasn't so miserable that people turn away themselves from God because of such speculations.
First a lot of the numbers are mere speculation. Moreover why write down into God's list the numbers of people who fell in wars. If God gave some nation into hands of another, that means He determined the victory, but all the slaughtering was done by people themselves. In that way you could say that God 'killed' almost every victim of every war in the history.
But what is most important is that GOD DOES NOT 'KILL' ANYBODY, life is given by God, it's completely His property and He can take it back at any time and so shall He take mine and yours and everybody's if He wills to.

Anonymous #fundie dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com

This sounds like an atheist site, and I would be a little bit careful if I were you. Do you know that if you count everyone that has been killed for a religion, the religion "Atheism" is the one with most blood on it's hands? In 2001, atheist have been killing 31 689 000 christians. Then you have to count everyone else belonging to other religions, killed by atheists, and I think I can tell you that atheists have killed a lot more then you say God have done. Have you counted the people Jesus rose from the dead (in minus?)
And the numbers used here, is not exacly accurate, and just guessings.

Bryan Parker #fundie dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com

To Mr. Anonymous who claims that parents and God are on an equal playing field, you are wrong. Let me tell you why:

The reason that parents cannot kill their sons is because we live in a world of laws.
God however, is exempt from all human laws. God is neither subject to even the laws of Physics, nor Time itself.

He is Omnipotent, and created this world that we dwell in. As the creator of the Universe, He may do so as He pleases, and as stated previously, be "righteous in doing it".

God, in a matter of speaking, has the one true 'License To Kill' that which He has created.

Anonymous #fundie dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com

You will rightfully burn in the realm of nothingess forever when you die you silly fool; unless you get out of that shallow paradox you think you're so smart in and start believing in the One and Only God that created you and gave you a choice to acceot It or deny It in the fist place. And if you deny It, you will be destroyed by your own making. All Satan did was feed you many lies and prove you are an obvious sucker that has bought into this shallow thinking. Lies and people kill people, not God, not guns. Suckers like you do deserve death. But you can also save yourself by believing in Who Jesus said He was. I feel sorry for your shallow, tainted brain.

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