
Katydid278 #fundie #pratt rr-bb.com

[Replying to "You say no Christian would advocate violence against homosexuals...and yet, violence still occurs against homosexuals, and the perpetrators often explain their actions in biblical terms"]

It's an excuse they use to justify what they do. Many atheists know the Bible anyways.

Wally #fundie rr-bb.com

[Fundies have been discussing how "vile" TV shows have become.]

Its something how when we go back and watch what we used to watch as kids, we missed so much.

Hogan's Heroes, so many femme fa'tals succumbed to Hogan....

Classic Star Trek, those redskirts were really short, not to mention, Kirk' many spicy encounters....

Then there were Liberac'e and all the lisping clowns we laughed at......

Even then we were being conditioned, accept a little more, a little bit more....

But I suppose when you do not have Christ, you're oblivious to it.

Thank you Lord for your mercy.

We should not be at all surprised as the world system backflush of sewage grows deeper and deeper.
Pigs do return to the mire. For them its home.

But then Paul reminded us: as some of us were.....
However, We are no more. We have a new citizenship. A new view of life. A clear perspective.

May our own lives reflect the New Light shining through us.

Just remember to use the window cleaner often.

MrMannn #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

God is very clear about how He feels about homosexuality. Sodom and Gomorrah are a serious warning to us all.

Can I be friends? No. I cannot look the other way and stay silent while my friend is on the path to hell. No gay will tolerate a "friend" who tells them they need to repent or burn for eternity. I have gay family members who will not speak to me.

For gays, the price of friendship is: ACCEPTANCE of their sin. I can have a working relationship with gays, but not a friendship. If I cared for them at all, I could not stay silent. If I spoke and they refused to even acknowledge what I said, I would have to break fellowship with them.

I cannot accept gay marriage. I believe gay adoption is child abuse.
Look at that verse again and change the word gay with thief, swindler, fornicator. Could I be friends with one of those? No. Neither could I be a friend with gays.

Take the question a step further. Can you accept unrepentant gays in your church, teaching Sunday school?

Beloved, do NOT let politically correct culture deceive you. The homosexual agenda is a cancer in any society. If you love a friend, can you be silent?

Neila #fundie rr-bb.com

What if he placed the coins around on the ground? Someone could find one, read the message, and think it was a sign from God. That way, the marine would not have been caught disobeying those pesky regulations. He could spread the message to the locals while appearing neutral to his superiors. I don't know...just an idea.

Illusion #fundie rr-bb.com

Makes for some really cool movies, but that's about it. Anyone who believes they can go back in time is nuts. Anyone who thinks you can go into the future, which by the way, HASN'T HAPPENED YET, is even nuttier.

Grimlock Prime #fundie rr-bb.com

[National Geographic Narrator voice:] And like the grand California condor, the endangered homosexual is incapable of reproduction on it's own, and must be protected from natural extinction thru recruitment drives and intimidation of other tribes to boost their ranks.

ub4war #fundie rr-bb.com

I know you think i am crazy but last summer i asked God to make my tomatoes grow and then i faltered and over fertilized them and burned em up
so i preched the gospel to them and in 1 week the grew new green growth and reached a height of 5 feet ---by the end of the season they were 8 feet tall and produced well

WarGamer #fundie rr-bb.com


These people are obsessed with death and sin. I remember during the Terry Schiavo story alot of democrats were drooling over the prospect of snuffing that poor woman's life. This kind of behavior isn't exactly new to them.

Glory in Print #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

[Re: Help with a Bisexual Friend]

When ever I have debated homosexuals I just plain ask them is being gay natural, or unnatural?....They always say its natural then I say why cant two homosexuals have children together? Then I tell them because its not natural, then I tell them look at a man and a woman they can have children together because its natural...They usually don't want to argue anymore after I bring up those examples.

Slappi #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

(Discussing homosexuality)

[Originally Posted by trisection
Lastly, I don't think Christians are as unanimous on this issue as you claim.]

Then they aren't Christians since it isn't open for debate. If someone claims to be a Christian and says homosexuality is OK with God then that person should be put on ignore, banned or whatever else the mods decide should be done. They are only causing a disruption.

yogi3939 #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

There is a lot about homosexuality that the gay commuinity does not want you to hear. First of all, most of them consider themselves to be in a "committed" relationship if they still go to the "bathhouses" and have sex with anybody they want to and as many as they want to but return home to their "partner" after all the fooling around with many other gay men.

And it is that very promiscuity that made AIDS a gay disease in this country. If the heterosexual population were as loose with their morals AIDS would be rampant in them as well. In fact, there is a higher incidence of all STD's in the gay population than in the straights. So they are sinners on two counts, being gay in the first place and being "adulterers" (if you can really use that heterosexual term for gays) and fornicators.

Yup, if I were writing the laws homosexuality would be a misdemeaner, and a felony for a third offense. Just the public health aspect of it alone demands such laws.

TimeWarpWife #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

[On the Supreme Court issuing its decision on same-sex marriage in a few days.]

Personally, I believe the spiritual tipping point and the beginning of the end of the United States started in 1963 when the Supreme Court banned school prayer. What we're seeing now, with the same court most likely supporting homosexual "marriage" or kicking it back to the States, which most have already overridden the will of the voters who rejected it, is the death knell of this country. Truthfully, this nation deserves Barack Obama as its leader because as a whole it has been shaking its fist at God for the last 52 years. I believe God has reached His breaking point and the acceptance of homosexuality as "normal" in this country, instead of it being seen as what the bible says it is - perversion - is going to be the last nail in this once great country's coffin. Turn off the lights, it's time to go home, the fat lady has sung. It happened to the Greeks and Romans and now it's happening to this country.

Angyl #fundie #senpai-noticed-us rr-bb.com

There's this guy who has NOTHING BETTER TO DO with his life than to peruse the Christian message boards on the internet, and lift quotes from people out of context and paste them on his site in a poor attempt to make us look stupid and ignorant. On R.R., We've turned his silly game around: We consider it an honor to be posted on his site because much of what he's putting up there is actually FURTHERING THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST! I mean hey, why have your quotes about Jesus and the sin in the world on only one web page when you can get it on two??

Chicken5516 #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

I've heard preachers say that the sexual demonic force/spirits intertwine with rebellious spirits. So, it wouldn't surprise me at all that the demonic spirits behind this homosexual movement aren't violent in nature, especially towards Christians. They hate anyone who believes in the God that says homosexuality is an abomination.

turtle #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

homosexuals I have always seen as being basically vicious angry people.
they are constantly at war with their own conscience ,and so when a person "Christian usually" says the same thing their own conscience has been telling them it puts them into an unbelievable rage.
It allows them to finally have an outlet to unload all their vicious God hating anger on.

I fear that the Homosexuals will become the biggest persecutors of Christians in the lest day's.
It has already begun on a verbal scale.
The physical abuse of Christians is sure to follow.

And in their warped mind they will justified in it.

Time Warp Wife #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

Well, he achieved his goal today. We only have to look at the empires of Greece and the Romans to see what happens to nations who view homosexuality as an acceptable, "normal" practice - they collapse. I've always wondered how God could not have mentioned a nation as great as the U.S. in bible prophecy. I believe, brothers and sisters, this is why. I also believe there are going to be grave consequences for this country because of this decision. And even graver consequences for God's church should Jesus tarry. Someone else mentioned that this isn't the end for those who practice the perversion of homosexuality because what they want is to rid this country - and the world - of those who disagree with them and refuse to accept them as normal. They want the Word of God that calls their perversion an abomination to God silenced. But, God being God, that's never going to happen no matter what these deceived, evil wicked people do. The U.S. has served its purpose to help birth the nation of Israel, that job is now done, which is also probably why we have the most anti-Israel POTUS in our history. Frankly, I don't look for that relationship to improve under the next liberal lunatic that's going to be elected - Clinton or Bush. Like I posted in another thread, it's time to turn the lights off and shut down the building because the fat lady has sung. It's way past time for us to go Home.

ambervale #fundie rr-bb.com

... the fact that this kangaroo was actually still around the area AND knew that the farmer was seriously injured and went for help is a miracle.... from my experience with kangaroos, tame or wild, this is very strange behaviour. God HAD to have been involved.

TimeWarpWife #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

So this is obviously the next step in the homosexual and liberal lunatic agenda to force Christians to submit to accepting as "normal" their evil perversion and completely remove God from the public arena by prohibiting Christians from holding any kind of public office, including POTUS, Congress, and the Senate. I wonder how long it'll be until the homosexual/liberal lunatics decide to use ISIS' tactics and rather than it being "submit or go to jail" it's going to be "submit or die?" Because it looks like this is where they're headed next. The differences between the two are becoming blurrier every day until I'm no longer sure which is which. Actually, now that I think about it, most likely before the "submit or die" they're first going to go after the churches to close down the real ones preaching the true gospel, i.e. that things like homosexuality, adultery, murder (abortion), etc. are sin. Then it'll be "submit or die."

Chicken5516 #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

I've heard preachers say that the sexual demonic force/spirits intertwine with rebellious spirits. So, it wouldn't surprise me at all that the demonic spirits behind this homosexual movement aren't violent in nature, especially towards Christians. They hate anyone who believes in the God that says homosexuality is an abomination.

dramama #fundie rr-bb.com

[Should we try to eradicate disease?]

We must remember God uses many mechanisms to discipline those He loves and to refine them. He also uses those same mechanisms to make unbelievers cry out for Him......

BlessedinHim #fundie rr-bb.com

The problem is, we didnt evolve from anything, and evolution has been disproved more than proved. Read all the facts . . . . . Evolution does not draw any support from scripture and scripture has never been proven wrong. Evolution doesnt even use the same order of appearance that the creation happened in. Either evolution is a lie or the bible is a lie. I say that evolution is a lie. If you want to believe the lie, that is your choice. Let God always be true and every man a liar . . .

Dorko #fundie rr-bb.com

[Replying to 'I think that "just a theory" is known as Einstein's Theory of Relativity.']And I have never agreed with that theory, it just doesn't add up right in my mind.

Florian9 #fundie rr-bb.com

Here's my pet-peeve with the whole 9/11 remembrance:

1. How many victims of 9/11 were in fact godless heathens sent straight to hell the second after their deaths?
2. How many survivors have you actually heard "Thank God" for making it out alive & turned their lives around for Christ?
3. How many survivors after it all happened just went straight back to living life like hell?
4. As I watch all of these documentaries of relatives/survivors retelling their stories, I don't see hardly any semblance that they were given a "wake-up" call regarding their true mortality and that this life is a vapor. Sure, there are a few who have been vocal about their Christian faith because of it & thru it all--but most of these survivors (at least the ones the media promotes) seem to just keep on trucking towards the same destination.

I guess I just get irritated that we remember the victims & the horrible tragedy of that day--yet most people don't realize that without a commitment to Christ & a belief in Him we're all doomed to the same destiny they met (destruction). No candlelight vigil, no poem, no song, & no speech will ever change that!

Kathe #fundie rr-bb.com

Ummm...Indians are not Christians and in the bible the woman is submissive to her husband. It is God ordained and it does work. I was a very independent woman and I run our businesses while my husband is a SAHD and homeschool dad. He is still the husband and man of the home. He is the decision maker and I bow to his decisions. The indian way is NOT God's way and if you look at how the indians have fared you will see that they did not do so well.

WatchingtheSky #fundie rr-bb.com

[my emphasis]

There is a definite purpose for this. I run my own business, so I literally have more executive experience than Barrack Obama to be President . . . yet there he is, elected by 62+ million people . . .

God's Perfect Will be done is what I pray. I am worried (as a business owner) but very excited (as a Christian) with what lies ahead.

And I agree with others here . . . our nation as we knew it is over. America is sliding quickly now . . . but it had to happen as prophecy is being fulfilled.

Blessedx4 #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

Didn't they used to treat homosexuality as if it were a mental illness? And there was a time when divorce was treated with disgrace. I don't know if it was divorce or the free sex movement of the 60's that opened the door (or should I say opened the garbage shute)... Homosexuality is a perverted and willful sin against God and it's a sin of choice just like pre-marital sex, smoking, drinking or drug-use they are all choices people consciously make. On top of that homosexuality and pre-marital sex are killingpeople with diseases like AIDS and other STD's -how can we even dream of being silent about this kind of behavior

theTruth #fundie rr-bb.com

And many were saved because of the Flood. Hundreds of thousands to souls CHOOSING to be saved because they knew only God could help them at that point. Those that failed to cry out, died in their sins. They CHOSE not to call upon God for help. How stubborn, and sad.

angelka71 #homophobia #quack rr-bb.com

I'm not surprised that they lied about the percentage of gays. They also lied about how heterosexuals were just as much at risk to contract HIV as the homosexuals. The VAST majority of those diagnosed can be attributed to homosexual sex. Next on the list is HIV drug users (I think).

Anyway, it has to do with the way the virus itself is transmitted. Not to be offensive (and I apologize if it is) but the very nature of homosexual sex makes the virus most easily transferred that way. (Make any sense?)

They lied about heterosexuals being at a high risk in order to get funding for research and treatments and such.

baileysmom #homophobia #pratt rr-bb.com

Homosexuality should STILL be illegal. All they are doing is acting out because they are either traumatized by a bad experience with the opposite sex (in which case they need psychological help) or becaues they are being willfully rebellious. NO ONE is naturally attracted to the same sex. NO ONE naturally wants a relationship with the same sex. We ALL crave love and affection from the opposite sex, as it was intended to be. People who are homosexual are deceived. They have psychological issues and they desperately need mental and spiritual help. If our society were to make this behavior illegal, I think it it would stop alot of people from being homosexuals. Maybe not all, but alot.

Allan #fundie rr-bb.com

There are a number of lines of legal forensic evidence that could be presented.

One would be that life is too complex to have come into existence by time, chance and random processes. There is no way you could add information to the genetic machinery for increased complexity unless there was an intelligence designing and directing the adding of information.

That leads to, well who is that intelligence then? From there you can point out that the Bible claims to be a message from that intelligence. Ok, then how do I know that the Bible is really from the creator? There are a number of lines of evidence one can consider.

Bible prophecy and its accurate fulfillment is strong evidence that the Bible is from that Creator. There are hundreds of prophecies already accurately fulfilled and many more ready to be fulfilled in the end times.

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has strong legal evidence that it truly happened. The gospels are 4 eyewitness accounts of these events admissable in any court of law. There were over 500 eyewitnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ available also. Secular historians recorded the fact of the existence of a man named Jesus Christ. The dead sea scrolls attest to the accuracy of the manuscipts we now have. The writings of the early church fathers preserve virtually every verse in the Bible which affirms our current Bible.

There is a start.

Rom831 #fundie rr-bb.com

[On identical broken pseudogenes and leftover retroviral infections in humans AND chimps]

Your example proves nothing. It has as much explanation as a common creator as a common ancestor.

fbridges2 #fundie rr-bb.com

As far as the firmament, I believe that was a 'solid dome' of moisture which formed a green house effect and that dome no longer exists as such because it's collapse was part of the Flood. One of the causes for dinosaurs going extinct after they came off the ark...

ClarionCall #fundie rr-bb.com

Hi everyone,

My brother just returned from Hawaii and brought us some souvenirs. He brought a Tiki "god" for me. When I got home and saw it I told my mom that it wasn't staying in my house. She told me I was being ridiculous. It's about a 5 inch tall carved wooden statue. I threw it in the trash last night.

What would you do? Did I overreact?

I know this, I had a Satanic attack in my dreams last night. I've got to get that trash carried out of my house!

M4EVERHIS #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

[OP is asking whether or not she should attend her
sister's gay wedding]

I really don't see how attending a homosexual reception is any different than demon's destroying the masses. When Jesus approached the demons they acknowledged him, worshipped him, and trembled. Yet, then went on with their destruction. Your sister is saying I accepted Jesus, but I don't care what he says or that this is an abomination and they will spend eternally in hell. "I think"....no, we are Christians- "Christ like". We don't purpose to live contrary to his word. He lives in us and we live for Him.

God clearly states homosexuality is an abomination and that he has given them over to a reprobate mind. He also tells us that he will not be mocked and that they will go to eternal damnation. So, I am at a loss why a Christian would want to attend anything that has to do with something that is such an abomination to God.

I think you should take your cue from God's word, and your grandmother who obviously has some wisdom. As a Christian we are to be salt and light. We are to be in the world, but not of it. Judgement begins in God's house. Those that are his hear his voice. We aren't to partake in darkness- so obey God if he truly is your Lord and Savior.

I have 2 family members that are homosexuals. It is painful. I love them, but I know their eternal destination. It is their choice, but I don't go to attend their functions and 'celebrations' that are contrary to God's word. I love them. It pains me. But I live for Christ. God doesn't love them any less anymore than I do, but as God won't acknowledge their 'marriage' nor will I. Clearly this reception is for this purpose. How does one 'celebrate' and 'congratulate' a person living contrary to God's word???

turtle #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

Have any of you ever had a young son or daughter or mabye grandkid defend homosexuality.
and at the same time sort of look down on you like your unenlightened.

The reason I ask is because i have a friend who's daughter has a friend with 2 mommies.
And a conversation about that one time.an adult Christian was saying it's wrong because the bible says it's wrong.
And the 11 year old girl basically rebuked the adult and Defended Homosexuality in a very haughty way that just Floored me.
I mean this little kid actually believing that she has the high moral ground by standing for homosexuality is madness to me.

LoadShark #fundie rr-bb.com

I believe that most true Christians who follow the faith are already underground... Can you talk to your neighbor without being persecuted? Can you speak with anyone that you know who is not already a Christian without being persecuted?.. christians will have to go underground in the next 5 years, I would have to answer YES. It is happening now!

Mountain Girl #homophobia rr-bb.com

Well, I want to sue the homosexuals for completely grossing me out! Being subjected to their gay pride parades, men kissing men before exchanging nuptials, when they're broadcast on national news stations causes me mental pain and suffering, and I end up with nauseating images in my mind that can't be erased. I want to sue any and all organizations that support homosexuality, as well as the individual homosexuals themselves!

Daniel1210 #fundie rr-bb.com

[when talking about bumber stickers]

We've been seeing the COEXIST one around here, too.

For those who haven't seen one, it's the symbols of different faiths (faiths, not denominations), spelling out COEXIST.

Kind of eerie. Probably most of the people with them have no idea what those bumper stickers really stand for.

Chronus #fundie rr-bb.com

Somebody else pointed to the dilemna parents would have if all children did automatically go to heaven . . . why not play it safe and take the child's life? Why 'risk' having the child grow up and going to hell? Extreme example? Well, when you think it through, this is exactly the kind stuff you run into when you believe that ALL children go to heaven.

CHRISTinCheryl #fundie rr-bb.com

Option #1--accept and submit to HIM now..be raptured and escape the horrors of the Tribulation..

Option # 2-accept and submit to HIM during the Tribulation and then youll most likely get your head cut off, unless you die first from a major catastrophe

Option # 3- never accept or submit to HIM, be thrown in the Lake of Fire

JESUS is love and is so wonderful, for the life of me I dont understand the blindness over most peoples eyes....he created us and only wants to bless us and spend etenity with us in a new Paradise on earth....

Rom831 #fundie rr-bb.com

And you still dont seem to understand that I do not accept YOUR opinion that humans are primates. Instead I accept God's opinion that humans, although created by the same creator hence the similarities, are God's special creation and seperate from primates.

gradywhite #fundie rr-bb.com

Not sure if it will destroy a marriage, but it sure is making mine miserable.
The wife has finally told me, (after many scriptures), that her support of gay marriage, is between her and God. And she will be attending one in April, 'cause they are her friends, and she has to support her friends. Now, I'll not be driving her, which is gonna cause all the more issues. I'm sorta wondering if she's gonna find a "friend" to drive her...Bah...not much longer....