
David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

America lacks real men these days. The reprobate court system has brutally and relentlessly stripped fathers and husbands of their God-given authority. In fact, there's not a court room in the United States that recognizes a man's right to rule over his wife (Genesis 3:16). The courts force men into submission and give rebellious wives the upper-hand. In many cases, the judges presiding over Christian families are homosexuals, having lower morals than animals. How can there be any justice?

Tragically, the homosexual movement has flourished to the same extent as feminism in America. Parents are told to shut-up by their children. There is no respect for parental authority anymore. Women are portrayed as admirals, commanders and 5-star generals by Hollywood; but in reality they are helpless without men to guide them in such positions, which require a man's decisiveness, ruggedness and masculinity. The only exception are butches (women who have become men), losing all their femininity. Lesbianism is of the Devil. Lesbianism and masculine females are virtually synonymous, and not one of them loves the King James Bible, because it is authoritative and holy. The truth is that as America has descended into wickedness, the churches have followed afar off lock-in-step. The very idea of women wearing pants is repulsive to any God-fearing Christian who believes in old-fashioned decency, morality and good living. God hasn't changed. Let me say that again... GOD HASN'T CHANGED (Malachi 3:6).

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Due to America's sex-perverted television round-the-clock, most people have filthy minds, making the sexual connection in images like this. Hollywood uses this technique to promote pedophilia in hundreds of it's movies. Hollywood has also produced over 100 homosexual films in recent decades. Hollywood producers are some of the most sex-perverted people on earth. A closer view of shows like 'THE BIG BANG THEORY' perhaps explains why many Jews are so perverted. Television producers are perverts. Perversion is not a Jewish thing per se, but the fact of the matter is that Tel Aviv, Israel is the most homosexual tourist destination in the world. Elite, wealth, Hollywood Jews have very low morals, which is evidenced by the movies that they continually produce.

To be fair, the problem of perversion goes far beyond the Jewish-owned TV networks in America. Japan has a major problem these days with pedophiles. Japan's crime rate has soared. The nation's officials are complicit to the problem. The reason is largely because of Japan's perverted TV networks, just as in America. Americans prefer to make their young girls appear sexy, whereas Japanese prefer the schoolgirl look. Navy uniforms are extremely popular in Japan on young girls, displaying them in sensual Karaoke music videos in miniskirts and suggestive positions. It is wickedness and evil. Society creates its own nightmares.

I once heard a Florida police officer say that he looked through a kitchen window while on duty, answering a call of a disturbance at a residential home, and he saw a woman trying to have sex with a dog. You'd be shocked the things that go on in this world. The Bible establishes the death penalty for bestiality (Leviticus 20:15). Whoopi Goldberg, on her Godless show THE VIEW, made fun of this Biblical teaching, saying that the animal shouldn't be killed because it didn't do anything wrong. Whoopi is an admitted bisexual. As with most homosexuals, they make light of Biblical morality. Bestiality (sex with animals) is a horrible sin. I recall hearing in the news years ago about a drunken Chicago man who was arrested at Lincoln Park Zoo for having sex with a cow. I once overheard a man at work tell his friends that he paid $5 while in a third world country to watch a woman have sex with a goat. These are just things I've heard; I don't even want to imagine the wicked things that happen in this sick world. But God sees it all, from Whose eyes nothing can be hid (Ecclesiastes 12:14; Hebrews 4:13; Proverbs 24:12). Judgment day is coming for all mankind (Hebrews 9:27).

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Repeatedly throughout Taylor Swift's “WILDEST DREAMS” video, while sinfully lifting her dress to expose her thighs, she thrusts forward as if engaged in intercourse, which is clearly intended to sexualize and arouse the viewer. The video is very erotic. Taylor Swift has sold her soul to the Devil, and every parent in America needs to get angry at the music industry and people like Taylor Swift who are targeting our youth with this SATANISM! The Illuminati fully know that: The best revolutionary is a youth totally devoid of morals. What is meant by revolutionary? It refers to someone who revolts against faith in God, individual liberty, obedience to parents, pride in one's heritage, a godly pastor and patriotism for one's country.

But “why” you ask? The reason is obvious—in order to construct a sinister New World Order, the Illuminati need to indoctrinate the youth to want and support it. This is why Christianity is regularly attacked by the liberal newsmedia and Hollywood, teaching youth that fundamental Christianity is hateful bigotry that oppresses queers, starts wars, and imposes it's outdated beliefs upon others. Nothing could be further from THE TRUTH. Likewise, youth have been foolishly taught to blame honest Capitalism and seek Communist Socialism. Hence, a revolutionary is an immoral youth who rejects the old system of faith in God, traditional family values, parental authority, individual liberty, respect for human life, national patriotism and cultural heritage. Don't you think it is more than a coincidence that the Devil also has a “new” Bible version for everyone, because the old King James Bible isn't good enough anymore? Open your eyes my friend. The Illuminati are deliberately confusing children about RIGHT and WRONG—through the use of Harry Potter witchcraft books, Communist public schools, television and music videos which sexualize youth, et cetera.

Dr. George Brock Chisholm (1896-1971), the first head of the World Health Organization (WHO), laid the blame for war and human conflict squarely at the feet of parents and Sunday School teachers who—from the beginning—fed their children the “poisonous certainties” of the Bible. This is Satanism at work, calling good evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20).

The use of subliminal imagery has been used by advertisers, Hollywood and the music industry for decades. Check out this cigarette ad of Joe Camel, whose mouth is clearly depicting sexual intercourse. Shockingly, Walt Disney children's movies contain such awful subliminal imagery; such as, from the movies Aladdin and The Lion King, where a erect penis is cleverly shown in the castle. Satanist homosexuals control Walt Disney and Hollywood.

The frightening thing is that Walt Disney targets children and teenagers. Walt Disney is an absolute cesspool is sexual perversion and wickedness. The reason why becomes very clear when you consider that Disney's former CEO, Michael Eisner, said that he thinks 40% of the company's 63,000 employees are homosexuals. The new CEO, George Kalogridis (who has worked for Walt Disney since he was 17-years-old) is an open homosexual. This ought to alarm every Christian in America!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

If I were the Devil, I would relentlessly try to get people to worship God in error. I would offer them a new Bible(s) with nice features to make it look attractive, but I'd change key passages concerning Jesus Christ to confuse them. I'd try to get them to substitute spirituality for theology. I'd confuse them by getting them to use dozens of different Bible versions. I'd deceive them to think that people couldn't be saved unless they cease from sinful activities, conning them into living the Christian life without ever being born-again.

If I were the Devil, I'd try to get church pastors and staff to promote the music program as a higher priority than the preaching from the pulpit. If I were the Devil, I'd lure the church staff and school teachers to use Walt Disney themes for their youth, encouraging them to embrace the Godless Walt Disney corporation. Disney's new CEO is a flaming homosexual. Disney's previous CEO said that he believes at least 40% of Disney's 163,000 employees are homosexuals. As our American culture accepts homosexuality, our churches are following in pursuit, promoting sex-perverted Walt Disney to children. I heard Pastor Joel Osteen mention taking his daughter to see Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) in concert. Hardly anybody who names the name of Jesus cares anymore. Hannah Montana is of the Devil. Miley Cyrus is a slutty bimbo and a sickening disgrace to her bad parents and apostate America. No Christian ought to support Walt Disney. Disney is an Illuminati company, promoting the agendas of the New World Order. For example: Villains In Walt Disney's New Captain America Comic Are Opponents Of Illegal Immigration. America's sovereignty is long gone! Walt Disney is anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-family and straight from the pits of Hell beneath.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Giving a young boy to two lesbians to raise, effectively strengthens and empowers NAMBLA to gain access to young boys. Since the young boy has no father, and any male friends that the two lesbians have will almost assuredly be sodomites. Well, it's a disaster waiting to happen. The growing boy will desire an emotional connection from older men, which will likely be pedophiles, since they're all a part of the homosexual community.

Dr. Franklin Graham (Billy Graham's son) is correct... Gays Recruit Children Through Adoption!!! It's really tragic and a travesty of justice in America! Just 75 years ago in America, the very idea of same-sex couples raising a child was outlawed and scorned to shame, and acts of homosexuality were punishable crimes by law (up until the years 1962-1963 when our nation banned God and His Holy Word forever from our children's daily lives in the classroom). Since then, homosexuals have crawled out of the sewer and are now legislatures, judges, U.S. Presidents, attorneys, holding umpteen key government positions, Congress, Senators, et cetera. America's Communist government, which has been hi-jacked by the Illuminati gang of murderous criminals, has been deliberately promoting hundreds of LGBT into important government positions, because they know immoral people don't think in terms of morality (that is, right or wrong). They'll sell their soul for money, promotion, pleasures and fame!

David J. Stewart #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

When asked by the religious hypocrites if the woman caught in the act of adultery should be stoned as Moses commanded, our Lord lovingly said, John 8:7, “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Thus, we learn that it is never Biblical to condemn anyone for their sins, because we are just as guilty of sin in the sight of a holy God (Romans 2:1).

Yet, it is still Biblical that all sin brings death (Romans 6:23), and certain sins are listed as crimes in the Holy Bible, which are deserving of capital punishment, which a godly government would enforce. Such crimes include murder, bestiality, adultery, homosexuality, witchcraft, idolatry and incest. When the United States of America was founded, homosexuality was thought worthy of capital punishment. Thus, it is not being unChristlike to uphold the Biblical truth that homosexuals should be executed as criminals, just as murders and adulterers. Jesus was not in a position of government authority as a judge, and so as a citizen He showed compassion for His fellow mankind. If Jesus were physically alive on earth today, He would never accept the position of a judge in America, because He would have to enforce ungodly laws that permit murder by abortion, permit same-sex perversion, permit wicked divorces and hordes of other evils.

David J. Stewart #fundie #pratt #forced-birth #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

People who live in gross immorality become so used to it that the awfulness of sin is gone. Think with me, if you will, how evil America has become. We teach our children the blatant lies of evolution, without the slightest shred of proof to back up the ludicrous claims. What was once an unproven theory is now arrogantly (and sinfully) taught by wicked men and women as fact. And please don't mistake the legitimate science of an old earth for the bogus deception of evolution. The Bible teaches that the earth is indeed millions of years old, but mankind was created by God at approximately 4,000 B.C. as taught in the Genesis account of Creation. For an in-depth Biblical exegesis on this important matter, please read, THE TRUTH ABOUT EVOLUTION (or don't let Satan make a monkey out of you) by Dr. Max D. Younce.

How wicked is America? We have slaughtered, brutally murdered over 55,000,000 precious babies since Roe vs. Wade in 1972 and the number is only going higher and higher! Worldwide, a startling 1,700,000,000 children have been murdered by abortion! Sicko John Wayne Gacy murdered 33 young men and was sentenced to death; yet there are abortion doctors who have murdered THOUSANDS of human beings in the womb, cutting their bodies into pieces like Jeffrey Dahmer, putting their body parts into refrigerators, and even selling the BODY PARTS! Yet these evil doctors of death are sinfully honored by a wicked society which craves more and more death and gore on television. TV has completely DESENSITIZED our society to the value of human life and the horrific evils of abortion and war. Americans have become indifferent, complacent and spoiled.

I have just touched the tip of the iceberg concerning America's utter wickedness in the sight of God, and the irony of a Noah's ark theme park amidst such a wicked people! As I type, at least 13 states have now legalized homosexual unions (errantly called “marriages”). The only “gay marriage” is between one man and one woman. Homosexuality is a disgusting sin which brings the judgment of God. It's just a matter of time, likely if Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton is appointed Commander-In-Thief of our nation, that the U.S. Supreme Court (supreme arrogance against God) will legalize same-sex unions at a federal level, just like Roe vs. Wade (of which 37 states had already legalized abortion at the time it was federalized). Same-sex marriage is the death of America in so many ways! Even in Noah's time we don't read about homosexuals getting legally married, which is sanctioning the wickedness, claiming it is good and acceptable to God. Biblically, God hates all sin (Psalms 97:10; Hebrews 1:9). God destroyed the entire world by flood because of their constant wickedness. We need 40 days of rain today!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming jesusisprecious.org

Taylor Swift's music videos are nothing less than vulgar, promiscuous, sensual, lewd and shameful. Very deceitfully, there is a popular consensus online that Taylor Swift is less sexualizing than Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus. That's like saying that Playboy magazine isn't as bad as Penthouse. Sexual sins are deadly! Colossians 3:5-7, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.” Sensual public indecency is no trifle matter to God!!!

Furthermore, homosexuality is an awful sin according to God's Word:

Romans 1:24-27 and 32, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. ... Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

Taylor Swift is well-favored by the gay community for her open support, through her music, of the homosexual agenda. May I say, we ought to give up our wrongs in America, not our rights! God does not bless sin! God will not bless America while we are committing adultery, murdering our children, walking around naked at the beaches, recognizing homosexual marriages, worshipping materialism, cheating one another in business dealings, teaching our children that it's Ok for two men to sodomize each other and call it “love,” et cetera! We are a very sick nation!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Gays and lesbians are one of the most influential, best-connected, best-funded, and best-organized interest groups in modern politics, and have attained more legislative victories, political power, and popular favor in less time than virtually any other group in American history. Scary huh? Just remember that God is still upon His throne and the wicked have already been defeated, they just don't know it yet. Everyone must return to the dust of the earth, and THEN THE JUDGMENT (Hebrews 9:27).

Perverts like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Katy Perry are pushing today's youth into the homosexual lifestyle. ABC's lesbian “modern family” and Walt Disney's teen programming are all pushing the homosexual agenda. God only knows the persecution and prosecution around the corner for God-fearing, faithful, sin-hating, Christ-honoring, believers in the United States. YOU ARE THE ENEMY CHRISTIANS! Most believers are eerily silent right now, because the homosexuals aren't fighting against us yet. You just wait! Once they gain solid control, you're going to see persecution of God-fearing Christians like never before in our nation.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

My friend, if you are a professed “atheist,” I promise you that YOU WILL BELIEVE IN GOD after the very first 5 seconds of awakening in the horrifying flames of Hell beneath in the earth. There are no atheists in Hell.

One of the most celebrated, quoted and infamous atheists was comedian George Carlin, whom I liked; yet, he is sadly a believer in God this moment in the fires of Hell, as he awaits his final judgment at The Great White Throne Of Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). The Bible teaches and warns in Revelation 20:11-15 that God the Father will bring up all the dead from Hell (Greek: Hades) and the dead, and He will judge the dead, casting them into the Lake of Fire (Greek: Gehenna) for all eternity without hope or end. 2nd Thessalonians 1:8 warns that God Himself will punish them, taking vengeance upon them with flames of fire. 2nd Thessalonians 1:8, “In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Only a total fool would dare say that these plain Scriptures are merely figurative, or mean anything other than exactly what they teach.

I don't write this article to be unkind; but rather, to WARN YOU OF THE JUDGMENT TO COME IN THE LAKE OF FIRE! Colossians 1:28-29, “Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.” Only one sin can keep a person out of Heaven, which is the unpardonable sin of unbelief. If you die in your sins without having received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior in your lifetime, you will go to Hell to burn forever. Nobody Is Laughing In Hell (a life-changing, red-hot, MP3 sermon by Evangelist Phil Kidd). Everyone who goes to Hell pays their own way, but every one that goes to Heaven has a free pass.

But you say, “I don't believe in Hell!” You are not alone, a USA TODAY poll shows 59% of Americans don't believe in a literal Hell. ARE YOU GOING TO HELL? (video). Whether or not you believe that a literal Hell exists doesn't change the fact that it DOES exist. Are you calling God a liar? God authored the holy Bible. The Bible teaches much more about Hell than it does Heaven. Research the Scriptures and you'll find an incredible amount of information on Hell. If you'd like to read an excellent Biblical study about Hell, I recommend “A BIBLICAL EXAMINATION OF HELL” (.pdf book by Dr. Max D. Younce). I assure you my friend, whoever you may be, that there are NO ATHEISTS IN HELL. Not a one!

But let's say for argument's sake that you don't know for certain that Hell exists. Are you willing to burn in Hell for all eternity if you're wrong? Common sense tells us that sin MUST be punished. Our very human soul tells us that there MUST be a God Who is going to judge every human being in eternity. The Bible warns in Ecclesiastes 12:14, “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming jesusisprecious.org

Does Taylor Swift love the young girls to whom she is sensually gyrating, behaving promiscuously, teaching revenge in her lyrics and SEXUALIZING!!! Is that genuine love? No, that's perverted lust! I wouldn't be surprised at all if Taylor Swift eventually comes out that she is a gay homosexual. Taylor is a spiritual mess!!! Check online and you'll discover that the gay community praises Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift's pro-homosexual song, “Welcome To New York,” has been adopted as an anthem by the homosexual community. Don't be fooled, Taylor Swift is no Christian, and she's not the innocent good girl that the media portrays her as. God only knows how many men are in prison for committing sexual crimes inspired by filthy sexualizing videos like Taylor Swift's. America has turned into an amoral hellhole!!! It's not innocent!!! TAYLOR SWIFT'S SENSUAL MUSIC VIDEOS ARE NOT INNOCENT!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

To answer the question of whether homosexuals (improperly called gays) should be executed is not my opinion to give. I have no opinion in the matter, except that I completely believe the Bible, and God in His Holy Word says all sinners are condemned since Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden (Romans 5:12). We were born condemned under the curse of sin. Of course, little children automatically go to Heaven, because they have not yet reached the age of enlightenment. Our text passage of Holy Scripture plainly requires the death penalty for the sins of bestiality, adultery and homosexuality. That is not my opinion, it is God's Word! Don't anyone quote me as saying that I think gays should die, because that is not accurate. You can quote me as saying that, “Brother Stewart agrees with the Holy Bible, which says that God wants homosexuals, murderers and adulterers to be executed by the government!” This is for the good of the land.

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Twice in recent weeks, I have been in the presence of transvestites. One of my nurses at the hospital, after my gallbladder removal surgery, was a transvestite (a cross-dressing effeminate man). And then a week after my surgery, my doctor said I could eat normal, so I stopped into Wendy's for a double-cheeseburger. The cashier was a tall transvestite. It was creepy! I do not judge others. I am never unkind to anyone, but my heart cringes with disgust when I'm in the presence of queers. They need God, but don't want him (Romans 1:28). Whenever I have been in the presence of homosexuals, they hated me without cause merely because I am a Christian. If you even mention God, and love the Lord, homosexuals will despise you. Homosexuality is a horrible sin, the bottom of the barrel of a culture, as low morally as a society can go. The Bible tells the truth of the matter in Proverbs 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.”

We are living in ungodly times. I believe that we are now in the end times prophesied of in the Holy Scriptures. The Bible foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-2 of “perilous times” (hard, difficult, to endure) that would come in the last days. Certainly, to be a God-fearing Christian in an openly wicked homosexual society is very difficult to cope with. Increasingly, Christians are being demonized along with organized religion. This anti-Christian sentiment by Hollywood and the liberal media has sparked much hatred in youth today toward Christianity.

Case in point, a crazed Oregon community college student open-fired a couple days ago on his peers, murdering a dozen college students, specifically targeting Christians. Witnesses says that the gunman asked each victim “Are you a Christian?,” and then killed them if they responded, “Yes.” The daily news is filled with much insanity, police brutality, blatant government crimes, family violence and things which are difficult to receive. The news has become so bizarre that each day seems like another episode of “The Twilight Zone” by Rod Serling. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

According to information from Stanford University, music videos are most popular with younger teens, whereas the music itself is more popular with older teens. In other words, the Illuminati are targeting younger teens with degenerate videos, so that young teens will be encouraged to seek sexual relations with older men. It is human nature to have heroes and mentors. The Devil knows this. Proverbs 13:20, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” Nothing is as destructive on teenagers today as the satanic music videos on YouTube, VH1 and MTV. It is tragic that our youth are being given kooks, quacks, pedophiles and queers for their heroes nowadays. America has become a spiritual dungheap among the nations, standing idle while the Devil's crowd intentionally destroy our youth. Psalms 50:22, “Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.”

The producers of this film should be in prison for exploiting and endangering children! I've been preaching against “Dance Moms” since that pedophile-promoting show went public in 2011. Those producers, mothers and everyone involved should be brought to justice! God will punish them! Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.” Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

The entire “Elastic Heart” video by lesbian Sia is sexually suggestive, promoting the adult-child-sex philosophies of NAMBLA. NAMBLA wants to sodomize children, and they're lobbying in the courts to change the laws to lower the age-of-consent. The Threat of Homo Pederasts to our children is disturbing. Search the internet for “Hollywood pedophiles” and you will be shocked at how much information there is. I once formed a list of 67 Hollywood movies with homosexual themes—the point being that homosexuality is synonymous with pedophilia and pederasty.

Communist Russia is now Safer for Children than America! President Vladimir Putin in Russia bans queer adoptions to protect children from being sexually molested. I am not trying to be unkind or mean, but the facts prove (as evidenced by this pedophile video “Elastic Heart” made by a lesbian, Sia) that there is a strong link between homosexuals and pedophiles. One perversion begets another!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

It is my personal opinion that this whole cross-dressing ordeal with Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner was planned long ago. The reason is because of the way it is progressing in social media, and the timing of it all. What are the chances of Bruce Jenner coming out as a woman right before the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 26, 2015 that same-sex marriages are now legal? And now Bruce (I'll never call him Caitlyn) is doing interviews nationwide, and even has his own upcoming TV show promoting his new deathstyle, which will debut on July 26. It is shameful. Jenner (a male) blasphemes God by claiming that God chuckled and made him a male with a female soul, to cause him internal struggle in life as a test...

[Snip news article]

As you just read, Mr. Jenner thinks that God chuckles over his cross-dressing. Jenner believes that God created him for the purpose of dealing with gender identity. My friend, that is hogwash! The truth is that Bruce Jenner is confused about sin. God in His infinite wisdom did not make a mistake when He made Bruce Jenner. God does not make mistakes. If God ever created a homosexual man, who desires to have sexual relations with other men, then He messed-up by giving that poor man male genitals incapable of mating with other males. Kindly, God did NOT intend for men to sodomize each other in the anus!!! Two men cannot naturally reproduce to conceive children. If a man believes that he is a homosexual, then God is calling him to a life of celibacy, because homosexuality is a vile sin (Romans 1:24-32).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

Do you fear God? I've heard some Bible teachers wrongly say that fearing God does not mean to be afraid of; but rather, to respect. No, to fear God literally means to FEAR GOD! We read in 2nd Corinthians 5:11, “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.” The “TERROR OF THE LORD” means exactly what it says. If a child disobeys their parents, they fear that sting of the belt from a spanking. Likewise, Hebrews 12:6-8 teaches that God chastises (disciplines) and scourges (whips) His children in love. Once you've been whooped by God, you don't want to go through it again. Ask Jonah! Ask David! Ask Samson!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

To fear God means that we obey Him, because we know what will happen if we don't. When I was growing up, I dared not sass my father or disobey him, because I knew I would get spanked with a belt if I did (or I would be laying on the floor from a swipe of my father's hand before I knew what hit me). Call that what you want, but I respected my father and it kept me out of a lot of trouble as a teenager. My parents were both Christians. I feared my father, and that fear carried over into my adult life with the Lord God. I know that my mother and father also loved me very much, and cared about me. My parents weren't perfect (none are), but they were Christians and that made all the difference in the world.

Notice what Proverbs says... UNTO HIM THAT OUGHT TO BE FEARED!!!

Psalms 76:11, “Vow, and pay unto the LORD your God: let all that be round about him bring presents unto him that ought to be feared.”

God ought to be feared. If you don't fear God, then you don't know God. 2nd Corinthians 5:11 speaks of, “KNOWING THE TERROR OF THE LORD.” God is not a tyrant, but He is God. As God, He makes the rules. Our duty is to obey God's commandments. If men disobey God, then we are the sinners, not God. From the beginning of time God has been good to mankind. Man always ruins things, conniving in his own sinful ways to outsmart God, which always leads to his own destruction. I wrote this article to draw attention to the Biblical truth that we should all FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. We don't hear enough preaching these days about FEARING GOD. If people feared God, they wouldn't cheat each other (1st Thessalonians 4:6). If people feared God, they wouldn't commit adultery (Proverbs 6:29). If people feared God, they wouldn't gossip and backbite one another (James 4:12).

No doubt many Christians would argue that a believer ought to serve God out of a heart of love and loyalty, in gratitude for all that the Lord is and does for us. I wholeheartedly agree. But before young people can grow to that place in their spiritual walk with God, they must be taught to obey or else face the grave consequences. The fear of God is the training wheels. The fear of God will follow and guide us throughout life. Hopefully, at some point, we will want to do right and preach the Gospel out of a deep sense of love, and commitment, for our God and Savior. If our ungodly U.S. Supreme Court feared God, then they never would have legalized abortion in 1973 and same-sex marriage in 2015. There is no rule of law anymore, only perversion of justice. Woe unto our nation!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesusisprecious.org

You women who wear pants, why don't you decide to become a lady who honors the Lord Jesus Christ by wearing a dress? People automatically associate a woman in a modest dress with virtue, chastity and decency. I'd rather turn a man's head for the right reason ladies. It's better that a man take a second glance at you because he is impressed that you are dressed effeminately, than to glance twice to lust upon your unclothed whorish body. You must answer to God for every lust caused by your indecent apparel. Think about that! Many saved women won't have any rewards in Heaven, because of their revealing clothing. God knows your heart and why you dress the way you do. You cannot fool God.

And you men who are comfortable drinking your liquid devil (booze) and smoking your cancer sticks, you need to get rid of that junk and live for Jesus!!! I thank God that I've never smoked one cigarette or drank one sip of beer. Praise God! I've got my faults, but self-destruction is not one of them.

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho jesusisprecious.org

The average U.S. judge in any court capacity is a filthy piece of trash! That's why Americans have finally had enough and are now starting to murder those judges and their families!!! When people lose everything, they have nothing to lose!

Notice in our text verse from 2nd Peter 3:9 that God's not willing for anyone to perish, but to come to repentance. David wanted evildoers to be held accountable for their wickedness against the innocent. God has no pleasure over anyone's death and suffering in Hell, but His holiness demands it!!! We read about God's love over 100 times in the Bible, but over 700 times we read about God's holiness. God is a holy (morally perfect) God. The Lord hates all sin. Gossip, backbiting, envy, talebearers, hypocrisy, condemning others, prayerlessness and arrogant pride are some of the worst sins. Unfortunately, the average person today couldn't care less about such awful sins, but they will be sorry when they stand before God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Satan's ultimate goal, and you wait and see, is to totally rid the churches of the trustworthy King James Bible. Once the homosexual agenda has been adopted into most of the churches, the KJB will be demonized as unfitting, offense and lacking tolerance for others. Already 5,100 American Baptist Convention churches are shamefully supporting the homosexual activist group AWAB. The apostate Independent Baptist church that I am talking about is so messed up. By the way, the Baptist pastor I met with at McDonalds told me that he recently attended an AWAB meeting. Unbelievable!!!

That same shameful Baptist pastor that I mentioned earlier, invited me recently to McDonalds, because he said he wanted to comment about a CD of Evangelist Phil Kidd's sermons that I gave him. He deceived me. The pastor was also 10-minutes late. The truth is that he wanted to tell me to SHUT UP again about exposing the modern Bible versions to their church members. Now they don't want me attending the private homes of their church members, because I may corrupt them. These are the crappy pastors in today's churches. They're behaving like Jehovah's Witnesses (a cult).

The pastor who invited me took a cheap shot across the table at McDonalds by saying he had heard some gossip about me and wanted to know what the story was. I told him that he ought to be ashamed of himself, especially as a pastor, for listening to gossip. My enemies (including pastor enemies) can attack me, degrade me, put me down, accuse me, say all manner of evil against me, but I am going to continue to PREACH THE TRUTH!!! Sadly, homosexuals, atheists and drunkards treat me far better than Baptist pastors do. I can't wait until judgment day! We'll see who's right and wrong!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

[After learning that the University of Cambridge has a copyright on the King James Version]

Dr. Jack Hyles has publicly stated that even though the publishers of his books sometimes claim a copyright, NONE OF HIS BOOKS ARE COPYRIGHTED!!! You can hear Brother Hyles say it for yourself in this awesome MP3 sermon...

THE GREATEST ARE MADE TO SERVE (In this sermon Dr. Hyles states that all his books are not copyrighted, including the ones where the publisher says they are. Pastor Hyles wants his materials to be shared worldwide... copied, reproduced and distributed for the glory of God).

Likewise, God's Word cannot be copyrighted, even though wicked people like Cambridge University Press FALSELY claim so. They are arrogant fools, having NO AUTHORITY from God. England is nothing! The English crown is nothing! Pastor Steven Anderson has been legally banned by the same ungodly English crown, forbidden to even land on an airplane in connecting flights in London, because of his courageous Bible-preaching against the sick and vile homosexual agenda which is plaguing society today. Homosexuality is a wicked sin! The country of England is even worse than the United States. I read last year that the murder rate in London has now surpassed that of New York City in the United States. England is a cesspool of debauchery, adultery, homosexuality and arrogance today!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

God Curse America!

I am serious, I often pray for God to damn this rotten baby-murdering, queer-loving, counterfeit-Bible promoting, funny money printing, perverse, God-provoking cesspool of iniquity in America! If you don't feel the same, it is only because you are in tune with this ungodly evil world (James 4:4). When I visited Hawaii back in 2007, I went to hear some live Hawaiian steel guitar. It was so beautiful. I was privileged to hear Hawaii's most beautiful singer, Aunty Genoa Keawe, who died a year later at age 87. Very sadly though, she was a lifelong Mormon and almost assuredly is now burning in Hell forever. Mormonism is a satanic false religion rooted in sexual perversion! Granted, most members of the Mormon cult are not perverts, but they are taught a damnable false plan of salvation of works plus faith in a false Christ. Mormons deny Jesus' deity. They believe that all men have the potential to become as gods (just like the serpent told Eve), and they see Jesus Christ merely as the prototype. Research online about Mormonism's bizarre Masonic rituals, beds in their Mormon temples, water baptism for THE DEAD, and magic underwear. These are truly some sick-minded people, which Evangelist Ravi Zachariah sinfully hobnobs with.

Anyway, at the end of the music event about 25 guests gathered around to sing the song, “God Bless America!” I was the only person not singing, I am not sorry to admit that I just cannot sing that song amidst legalized child murder (abortion) since 1973, legalized homosexuality, and legalized pedophile-promoting TV shows like Dance Moms! Why should God bless a wicked nation of ingrates? Those child abusing ungodly reprobates on Dance Moms should be in prison! I am so sick of this hypocritical ungodly culture of perverseness that sees no harm, even promotes little girls and women walking around over 95% naked in public (and in some cases are completely nude on adult beaches in Florida and other places), and our nation's legislatures are okay with that! Judges are often as worthless as the corrupt system that empowers them! Our moral judgment is rotten in America!!! How can queer judges make sound judgments? I won't go as far as to say that scantily clothed women “get what they deserve” when they get raped, but they do get what they tempted a man to do! Literally, they asked for it! Sadly, oftentimes it will be some other innocent women or girl who is attacked because of their wickedness and careless attire. Judgment day is coming America! God will not be mocked! I am just a sinner with a voice in cyberspace, but neither you nor me can escape the omniscient (all knowing) judgment of God almighty (Hebrews 9:27; Ecclesiastes 12:14)!!!!!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesusisprecious.org

As a Christian I have always been again women wearing pants. I haven't changed my position. I am tired of hussy women writing to disagree with me about pants. I've even had some stupid men write to me to disagree about women not wearing pants. You've got a whole in your head buddy! Well, you've been wrong before, get right with God!

The photo I showed you earlier of Bob Jones University's females gyrating in shorts on the ball court is disgraceful. It is disgraceful that professed Christian women would even think of wearing such attire. It is disgraceful that the ungodly staff and wealthy president of BJU would set such low standards for their students. Truly, the love of money is the root of all evil. LOOK AT THE UNITED STATES TODAY, AT WHAT A MESS WE'RE IN AS A PEOPLE!!! Sin abounds everywhere! Pedophile perverts are everywhere! Why is this? Why has American society gone to the Devil? It is because we departed from the Word of God! A woman who wears pants doesn't walk closely with the Lord. She may falsely THINK she does, even reading her Bible regularly, but if she doesn't apply what she reads to her daily life, then she is merely a HEARER and not a DOER of the Word. James 1:22-23, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass.”

The female students at Bob Jones University (BJU) and their female graduates are DECEIVED, being HEARERS of the Word but not DOERS of the Word. That is exactly what the Bible says. Deuteronomy 22:5, “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” Did you read that? Women ought not wear pants, because men wear pants! Only an ungodly woman puts on a pair of trousers like a man does!!! They are following the apostate worldly standards set forth by BJU, instead of the holy standards set forth by God's inspired Word. I realize that what I am preaching is scoffed at, by the same ungodly culture that is okay with abortion, homosexuality and drunkenness! Even many apostate churches today are silent, complicit, and in many cases compliant with the Devil's worldly standards.

Do you know why I harp against Bob Jones University and the Bible colleges so much? It is because THEY ARE THE PROBLEM!!! Literally, America's Bible colleges have usurped control over the churches, by training the churches to hire their so-called “educated” graduates, who in turn corrupt those churches! If I had my way, there would be NO BIBLE COLLEGES!!! Listen to me, the BEST thing a church will ever do is to bring in a new pastor who is NOT a graduate of Bible college! I respect a church who abandons the apostate Bible college scam in America! I wouldn't give you a dime for Pensacola Christian College. They will take your money mom and dad, and indoctrinate your impressionable child not to believe that the Word of God is inspired today!!! They all teach that only the “original” autographs of the Holy Bible were inspired by God. The big problem is that we don't have any originals today! So that means we don't have God's Word if PCC, BJU, Hyles-Anderson College and Moody Bible Institute are correct about the Bible. Somebody is wrong! THEY ARE WRONG!!! Every fundamentalist Christian 150 years ago believed that the King James Bible is inspired by God!!! Over 95% today DON'T! Bob Jones University and Pensacola Christian College DON'T! I wouldn't enroll my dog into those hellholes of apostasy!!!

In sharp contrast, military women are resemblant of dyke lesbians, butches and female wrestlers (all grossly lacking in feminine attributes). I can't stand manly women! We don't get along, like gas and fire. Manly women run their mouths. They like to control things. They don't know a woman's proper place. This ungodly society tries to minimalize the distinct difference between men and women. Women by nature are servants, followers, not leaders! Men by nature are leaders, dominant, taking charge. A godly woman lets men run things, not trying to meddle and interfere with things. A feminist wants to take charge, open the pastor's mail, make the decisions, run the family, run the church, have her way instead of God's way (which is for women to submit to their husband, and remain silent in church leadership matters).

David J.Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

The errant notion that God creates someone with homosexual desires is wicked!!! NO, THEY WEREN'T BORN “THAT WAY”!!! A person sins when they are drawn away by their own lust...

James 1:13-15, “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”

Homosexual lust is in the same category as adulterous lust, pedophile lust, pederast lust, bestiality lust and all sexual perversion!!! Without the guiding moral compass of the King James Bible, anybody is capable of committing anything!!! Contrary to some of the preaching that I've heard, animals DO commit homosexual acts. They are behaving on impulse. I have seen two female dogs try to mate. They are doing what feels natural, and without the presence of a male dog, while in heat, they will attempt to mate. They are acting LIKE ANIMALS. Literally, homosexuals are behaving like animals!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

When asked by a photographer in November of 2014 if Ricky Skaggs thinks gay Country singers will be accepted into the community, Skaggs replied, “I hope so, we're all sinners!” What Ricky Skaggs really meant was, “We're all unrepentant sinners!!!” Just because we're all sinners doesn't mean that we ought to accept homosexuals into the community as normal, everyday, harmless, people. Prior to 1973, homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder in America's psychological text books. The homosexual deviate lifestyle has been proven medically, spiritually, psychologically, physiologically, socially, personally and in the family, to be devastating and destructive to the normal growth of a child. Homosexuals are predators, evidenced by their quiet infiltration and overthrow of every institution in industry, law, media and departments of government—all in an effort to gain access to children. It is tragic to hear Ricky Skaggs saying that he HOPES sodomites will be accepted into the community. No wonder Jesus said that NO MAN can serve God and mammon (wealth). If Mr. Skaggs was poor and had nothing to lose, I doubt if he would support the queers.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

When a person goes to Hell, they are provided with an indestructible body that can feel pain, be tormented, thirst and suffer. Since one's earthly body decomposes in the grave, how could that same body be cast into Hell? Clearly, God provides some type of physical body for people who go to Hell, an indestructible body capable of withstanding extremely high temperatures, capable of thirsting, capable of feeling torment and pain. The Bible says to “FEAR” GOD, who can destroy both soul and body in Hell.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

One of the hardest things to stomach these days is churches that don't want the truth. IT'S HAPPENING EVERYWHERE!!! In March of 2015, a shocking 20,562 Presbyterian ministers in 10,083 churches approved of sex perverts getting married. Those churches have abandoned the truth that homosexuality is a grievous sin in God's sight, punishable by death in Old Testament times. Prior to 1962, homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states. What changed? I'll tell you, the U.S. Supreme Court removed and banned God's Holy Word and prayer from America's classrooms in 1962-1963.

I had once attended a pseudo (false) Independent Baptist church whose radio show promoted the saying, “GOD WANTS US TO SPEAK UP, BUT SATAN WANTS US TO SHUT UP!” Ironically, they (the pastors) called me into the church office and told me to SHUT UP about the purity of the King James Bible! They told me to SHUT UP about all the new corrupt Bible versions. They told me to SHUT UP about Dr. John MacArthur's heresy on the blood, who denies that Jesus' blood is in Heaven on the Mercy Seat. They told me to SHUT UP about Martin Luther, who taught sacramental salvation still 12 years after he allegedly got saved in 1517. They told me to SHUT UP about the satanic lie of Lordship Salvation. They told me to SHUT UP and not to expose Rick Warren, Billy Graham, Paul Washer, Ray Comfort, Charles Stanley, Beth Moore, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, John Hagee, James Dobson and Jimmy Swagger's false teachings on salvation.

They told me to SHUT UP, accusing me of causing confusion and divisiveness in the church... FOR TELLING THE TRUTH!!! They wanted me to sit there in the pew each Sunday, sing and tithe, go through all the motions like a good puppet; while wearing a gag over my mouth, not being allowed to share fundamental Christian books with those sitting next to me, not permitted to share fundamental sermons with others. They called Dr. Jack Hyles “a cult” and said they forbade me from sharing Brother Hyles' sermons, especially anything proclaiming the exclusivity of the King James Bible. This is an Independent Baptist Church! What a crying shame. I literally left the so-called “church” in tears, realizing that I could not support such wickedness and apostasy.

They literally laughed in my face when I tried to hand them another copy of Dr. Al Lacy's awesome book, “NIV: THE ANTICHRIST'S BIBLE.” Isn't that something, professed men of God, pastors of a church, mocking and scorning THE TRUTH! It didn't come as a surprise that one of those shameful pastors boasted to me that he had recently attended a homosexual AWAB meeting. My, oh my! AWAB is of the Devil, straight out of the pits of Hell beneath. Our nation is going to Hell because our churches are going to Hell.

Literally, the heresy of Lordship Salvation is a false plan of salvation, which does not produce the new birth in Christ Jesus. The Apostle Peter preached the Gospel to Cornelius, and Cornelius believed and was saved. Peter did NOT tell Cornelius to do even one thing to be saved. NOTHING!!! Peter simply told the story of Jesus crucified on the cross and risen three days later. Cornelius believed the Gospel and was immediately saved. The lie of Lordship Salvation requires a high price to be saved. That's the satanic plan of salvation of Billy Graham, who says salvation will cost you a high price.

You cannot reason with the average pastor or Christian leader today concerning THE TRUTH. Heresies are creeping into our fundamental churches by the hour. The churches are boggled down with the heresy of Zionism (Pastor J. Vernon McGee refutes Zionism), worshipping the present-day apostate nation of secular Israel (MP3 by Dr. Texe Marrs exposing Zionism). Most believers, including Christian leaders, are woefully ignorant of the Holy Scriptures. From the government scandal of 501c3 state-licensed organizations, to the heresy of a Young Earth, the churches are being deceived.

Perhaps the most difficult truth to convince pastors of is that a diabolical New World Order exists. Most pastors actually think Islam was behind the 911 attacks, buying into the bogus official story hook, line and sinker. WAKE UP!!! The Illuminati (the Luciferian worshipping elite) masterminded, executed and orchestrated the 911 attacks (MP3 by 32-year New York City firefighter and police detective veteran, Rudy Dent) as a pretext to invade the Middle East and build a police state in the United States!

I hear pastors spewing hatred for Arabs and Muslims, while praising apostate Israel. The Jewish Talmud teaches that Jesus' mother was savagely raped by a Roman solider, denying the virgin birth. The Talmud says Jesus was boiled in human excrement and urine. Why don't pastors expose the Jewish religion of Judaism? Shameful Evangelist John Hagee is so corrupt and bought off by Zionists that he says Jews don't need to be born-again, because they are special and have their own covenant with God. However, Jesus warned Nicodemus (a religious leader) that unless a man (including every Jew) is born again, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God (John 3:3). Dr. Hagee says that Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah. Jesus did in fact claim to be the Messiah to the Samaritan woman at the well. John 4:25-26, “The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.” John Hagee is a Zionist false prophet!

I am wearied with today's false churches. As long as the money is coming in, nearly all churches don't care about THE TRUTH. It is almost unheard of these days to hear a sermon on Hell, fire and damnation in a big mega-church. You'll never hear Joel Osteen preach on the Lake of Fire. That's how those groups got to be so big, by tickling people's ears and scratching their backs with weak-kneed sermonettes. Literally, America is dying because of the woeful lack of Bible-preaching.

There's nothing worse than a group of affluent people who horde a church like greedy dogs, like they own it instead of God. I wouldn't stay in a church for 5-minutes that is controlled by a board of directors and/or a pulpit committee, where the pastor is hen-pecked and not free to preach as he ought. Our churches are filled with self-righteous religious hypocrites, who are as phony as a 3-dollar-bill, haughty and arrogant, never having known the depths of sin nor the depths of God's love, grace and mercy. Thus, they are religious SNOBS! Truthfully, they are steeped in deep sin themselves (pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, hate, envy, gossip and judging), but they don't see it, unable to see the forest for the trees. Some of the rottenest people you'll meet are devout churchgoers. One day they're treating you like a brother, and when you fail to dot your i's and cross your t's (going along with their program), they treat you like they never knew you. That's the way many religions operate, and it is foreign to Biblical Christianity. The Bible does not teach anyone to join a religious denomination. A 501c3 business is not a church. What Is A Church?

I love a church that loves THE TRUTH! I love a church that has a bus ministry! I love a church that preaches, uses and promotes only the King James Bible. I love a church that fights against sin in their community. I love a church that stands against the Devil's corrupt Bible versions. I love a church that teaches women ought not wear pants. What a joke to hear a pastor teaching about a new form of modesty, while most of the women on church staff are wearing pants, and they think that is modesty because the pastor approves of it. What a sad joke! People are leaving the churches to find God and real Christianity. Most pastors are merely collecting a pay check. God give us some men of God, who are willing to work a secular job while pastoring, so he can preach THE TRUTH without worrying about getting paid. That's why Jesus said NO MAN can serve God and mammon (wealth). You must choose between money and God, it cannot be both. If money is a priority, truth will be compromised!

There's a lot of false Christianity in the world. If there's one place in all the world where THE TRUTH ought to be welcomed, it is in a New Testament Church. Tragically, most churches don't want to hear the truth, and so they reject it. GOD WANTS US TO SPEAK UP, BUT SATAN WANTS US TO SHUT UP! We'll, I'm speaking up for Jesus!!!!!!! You just keep using your counterfeit Bibles. You just keep promoting the satanic perversion of the plan of salvation, called, LORDSHIP SALVATION! You just keep promoting wolves in sheep's clothing like Rick Warren, Paul Washer, John MacArthur and Martin Luther. You just keep going along to get along with homosexuals, false prophets, reprobates and ecumenical devils. AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD! (Joshua 24:15).


David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

Hollywood - The devils in Hollywood often portray unacceptable, even criminal behavior, as being socially acceptable. HollyWEIRD is a lie. Satan is the Boss of Hollywood!!! That's why you see the Roaring Lion at the beginning of many movies, because the Devil roameth about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1st Peter 5:8). Strangely enough, Hollywood often promotes truth on the movie screen as fiction, while fiction is promoted as truth by the newsmedia to the public. We're a backwards society in America!!! It is a confirmed fact that the CIA has a liaison working in Hollywood to incorporate government propaganda into movies to brainwash the public. Satan uses Hollywood movies to deceive the masses. Anyone who is familiar with Hollywood knows that Luciferian occults saturate their films with 666, occult symbols and meaning, promote the Illuminati's evil agendas, blaspheme and curse God. The God is Satanism is sex!

World Bank and International Monetary Fund - Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan uses the love of money (the root of all evil) to accomplish his evil bidding in the world. Please read, “The Federal Reserve Banking Scam Made Easy” for much more information. It was industrialist Henry Ford who said, “It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” The International banking Cabal (aka, banksters) are criminals! They are Luciferian occultists! I'm talking about the Rothschilds and their numerous accomplices. He who controls the money controls everything! Thousands of books have been written on the subject. The banksters deliberately force nations into civil war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery! In so doing, the nations of the world are brought to their knees to the World Bank. Just as a pimp enslaves a woman by getting her hooked on drugs, so do the banksters get their way by forcing Americans (and other nations) into economic poverty.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Few Americans know that the CIA is a haven for Nazi war criminals. President Harry Truman later admitted that he was lied to and deceived regarding the true nature of the creation of the CIA. Here is some vital information of the history of th CIA. It was Wall Street attorneys and bankers that started the CIA, as a means of overthrowing the U.S. government. Truth is stranger than fiction! Don't take my word for it, listen to President John F. Kennedy himself (ten days before the CIA blew his brains out), earnestly plead with Americans to warn everyone about a secret society overthrowing the White House. Every church in America needs to air this video in their church services, and wake up the churches!!! The CIA is Anti-American. They are our nation's enemies, hellbent on building a New World Order. The CIA are the secret police of Wall Street banksters. I'm talking about Goldman Sachs and the billionaire kingpins of Wall Street. It was Wall Street that created Hitler's empire, to holocaust the Jews as a pretext to invade and create the nation of Israel in 1948. The Jews are God's people, but only saved Jews according to Romans 2:28-29. Modern Israel is a Wall Street fraud, a deception, a satanic counterfeit of true Israel.

Federal Reserve Banking System - There's not a bigger fraud and evil against the American people than the Federal Reserve Banking System. Since 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was shadily passed into law, American citizens have been cheated, bankrupted and enslaved financially to a private banking cartel. The Federal Reserve System has not been audited even once since 1913. They are crooks, thieves, liars and complete bastards (illegitimate as can be). The newsmedia protects the evildoers, because they are owned and controlled by the evildoers. If I were a billionaire thief, I would buy up the newsmedia to control the newspapers to deceive everyone. The Federal Reserve Banking Scam Made Simple.

U.S. Dollar - Few U.S. citizens understand that we're slaves! BANKING: THE GREATEST SCAM ON EARTH! Money not backed by gold is a scam to steal citizen's wealth!!! Our U.S. dollar total is totally worthless. It's only arbitrary and temporary value exists while the U.S. government exists. When our nation can no longer hide the truth that they are completely broke, our government will crumble just like the Enron scandal unfolded in 2001.

Washington D.C. - The true powers controlling Washington D.C. are hidden behind the scenes. They are Freemasons! The 555.5 foot tall (6,666 inches) and 55.5 feet wide (666 inches), Washington Monument, is a giant erect male phallus (the universal occult symbol of occult power). Freemasons are phallus worshippers! Our nation's capital is continually overshadowed by a giant erect penis! What sick people Luciferians truly are! Look again, if you didn't earlier, at the videos of U.S. President John F. Kennedy warning the public about a secret society trying to take control over the Office of the President. Well, they took control 100% when George H. Bush took office. They tried to murder President Ronald Reagan, so they could take over sooner.

The War On Drugs - Effectively, after Mr. Reagan was shot, Vice President George H. Bush (daddy Bush) was in control. There's not a more evil man in the history of the world than George H. Bush. Mr. Bush (while Vice President) appointed himself in charge of the anti-drug forces in southern Florida. As you can guess, the drug trafficking problem exploded in the 1980's, making the movie Scarface look like child's play. I could go on for hours. It was no coincidence that John Ellis Bush (aka, JEB) followed soon after as governor of Florida, and the drug empire flourished. You couldn't make this stuff up! There has never been a legitimate War On Drugs in America. In fact, the War On Drugs has been the perfect cover-up to ensure it's success, survival and prosperity. Umpteen books have been written exposing the CIA's (there's that bastard group again) key involvement in trafficking illegal drugs into the United States. The money is used to further World Government, aka, the New World Order.

The 9/11 Attacks - The CIA were behind the 9/11 attack of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York. They needed a pretext to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, and to start Homeland Security (which didn't exist prior to 9/11), and to pass the treasonous and fascist Patriot Acts (thus making criminals of every active patriotic American). The courts in 2016 classified 28 pages of an investigation which has never been made public, which some senators have viewed. It is purported that the 28 pages will show that Saudi Arabians were involved with the attacks. The evidence clearly that the Bush Administration all had prior knowledge before 9/11. Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush and John Ashcroft were caught in umpteen lies, contradicting themselves. After murdering 2,745 innocent citizens in the 911 WTC attacks (including 343 courageous firefighters), and murdering another 1,455,590 innocent Iraqi citizens, and murdering 4,486 U.S. soldiers (at a staggering cost to U.S. taxpayers of $6,000,000,000,000), President George W. Bush made shameful jokes about the missing Weapons of Mass Destruction that they knew never existed. They lied from the very beginning. It wasn't “bad intelligence” (as the CIA brainwashing in Hollywood films, like The West Wing, which aired between 1999 and 2006, claims); but rather, the cruel, calculated, murder of over a millions lives to further the New World Order! The 9/11 attacks couldn't have worked out better for the Luciferian elite, who are relentlessly erecting a NWO!

Oklahoma City Bombing (1995) - Immediately after the large bomb detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which murdered 168 people (including 19 babies and children), two undetonated C4 explosives were found in the building. It wasn't until the federal government came that the official story changed, to say that a Ryder rent-truck with diesel fuel and fertilizer blew the place up, but that's all a big deception. Tim McVeigh was the fall guy for the false flag operation, not the culprit. After the bombing, McVeigh was found high on drugs, and half out of his mind, when the police arrested him. The facts get really bizarre, as Timothy McVeigh had been staying in a local hotel room with his military psychiatrist for the week prior to the bombing. No kidding! There were 12 building cameras rolling prior to the bombing, which the FBI confiscated and were never publickly released for reviewing. There is a preponderance of evidence showing that the OKC bombing was an Inside Job! This is just another LYING WONDER by the Devil to deceive the world.

United Nations - The Illuminati (Luciferians who are hellbent on building a New World Order for Satan) were behind the creation of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. To put their new money making plot to work, the started World War I. They tried to use the war to start The League of Nations. 20,000,000 men were murdered by the Illuminati. WWI cost the U.S. $32,000,000,000. So the Illuminati started World War II, which gave them their United Nations scam. Every major war since the Revolutionary War of 1776 has been started, financed and nurtured by the International Banking Barons (which includes The House of Rothschild and the Wall Street gang). The United Nations sat idle while over 200,000 Serbians and Albanians murdered and raped each other in the early 1990's. Obviously, the UN is always a day too late and a dollar short. They are worthless! Their true dark agenda is world government, a satanic deception to enslave humanity. The United Nations is a satanic fraud! It was the sinister Luciferian Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) that formed the United Nations in 1945.

Modern Nation of Israel - The Jews are God's people, but only if they are born-again Christians (Romans 2:28-29). Modern Israel since 1948 is a counterfeit, satanic deception, a cruel hoax by the Illuminati. God promises to restore the nation of Israel when He returns, and a remnant of Israel faithfully returns to God (Jeremiah 23:5-8; Hosea 3:4-5). It is heresy and a satanic deception to support wicked, Christ-rejecting, blaspheming, homosexual, Jews. If that weren't true, then Christians would be required to bless Hollywood (which is predominantly Jewish owned and controlled). I love Jewish people. There are 560,000 poor Jews living in New York. Obviously God doesn't bless all Jews with financial gain. No unsaved Jew has a right to claim God's kingdom promises to the Jews. It is ridiculous for wayward believers to teach that Christians should support unbelieving Israel, when God plainly CURSES THEM (Deuteronomy 7:8-12). Christians have no business blessing Christ-rejecting Jews whom God curses. God will keep His unconditional promise to make of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob a great nation when Jesus Christ returns at the Second Coming (Hosea 3:4-5). Albeit, some of God's promises are conditional, such as His promise to bless obedient Jews (Exodus 19:5-6).

Synagogue of Satan - The Jews are a scapegoat for Freemasonry. Also, Why Do The Illuminati Hate Jews? Also, Were Illuminati Jews Behind The Nazis? (Dr. Henry Makow is a gifted and prolific writer, one of my favorite truth-tellers). The New World Order is being perpetrated by hardcore Luciferian worshippers. Jews are not behind the NWO; but rather, Luciferians.

Sex Education in Public Schools - Allegedly, sex education was introduced to the public schools to help prevent youth from getting Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's). The opposite has happened, just as with everything the government gets involved with. The War On Illiteracy has dumbed-down America's children. The present Common Core program is intentionally designed to hinder children from thinking, dumbing them down. Sex education has no place in our schools, as it robs children of their innocence and actually encourages them to fornicate. Most major American cities now provide free condoms in dispensers throughout the satanic public school system. Sex education is another satanic deception, intended to corrupt our kids.

Pharmaceutical Industry - Prescription drugs are now a trillion-dollar industry. The worst area of abuse is with psychotropic mind-altering prescription drugs. A common diagnosis by doctors (that is total quackery) is a “chemical imbalance of the brain,” which is always treated with drugs, drugs, drugs! No medical evidence exists to substantiate such a diagnosis! The word “sorcery” in the Holy Bible comes from the same Hebrew word as our English word “pharmacy.” Hence, substance abuse is synonymous with demon-possession. Drugs (including alcohol) are commonly used as a gateway to the spirit realm. The big deception is that most drugs being prescribed today are totally unnecessary. Doctors these days are trained by the pharmaceutical industry, deceived into prescribing useless and potentially life-threatening drugs to all of their patients.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist jesusisprecious.org

Proverbs 23:17, “Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long.”

I read this intriguing passage of Scripture today, and the latter part of the Bible verse impressed upon my heart. The inspired Word of God tell us—BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! That is an interesting and important truth to live by!

It is easy nowadays for churches to be tempted to go along to get along with the LGBTQ homosexual agenda, but BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! Don't support hose wicked devils! It is easy today for young people to get tattoos. They are markings of the sinful world, but BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! It is easy these days to get into booze, marijuana and illegal drugs, but BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! It is easy to become covetousness in this materialistic generation, but BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! It is easy to believe slanderous gossip when you hear it, but BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! 1st Peter 2:17, “Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.”

It is quite easy to envy sinners! They enjoy the sinful pleasures of this life. Ungodly women get to strip down at the beaches, wearing just their colored underwear. But a Christian woman has to wear more clothing, which can be rather uncomfortable on a hot summer day. But remember ladies, any woman can become a whore! All she has to do stop being in the fear of the LORD all the day long! It takes a real woman of God to possess her vessel in honor at all times. It is hard to embrace the sad reality of how morally deficient America has turned in just a century!

It is easy for a young man to want to go to bad places where women strip naked. That is why they call such wicked places “strip joints.” They are also hellholes! You'll never find a lower class of miserable human beings, selfish and ungodly on every level. That's okay Devil, you can have your strip joints, BE IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! I love that Bible verse! We are not commanded to fear God only once in a while. No, the Scripture says ALL THE DAY LONG! We are not advised, we are COMMANDED! We are commanded to be in the fear of God—ALL THE DAY LONG!!! There are 24 hours in a day my friend! There are 10,080 minutes in a week! There are 86,400 seconds in a day! BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

Sadly, after 18 years of marriage, my own wife cut my throat in 2006, turning our marriage license into a weapon. There's no other way to accurately describe it. I didn't want the divorce and tried to stop it (and I have that in writing). Unless you've been betrayed and fed to the wolves by your spouse, you can't even begin to understand the feeling of betrayal, disloyalty and being hated. I overcame the evils of divorce with good, by starting my Soulwinning.info website in May of 2006. My wife abandoned me in March of 2006. I was depressed and sad. So I started a soulwinning website to get even with the Devil (Romans 12:21).

David J. Stewart #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

It is evil to place innocent children into the hands of sex-perverts. All homosexuals are sex-perverts. Homosexuality is a perversion of nature. It is against nature as Romans 1:26 teaches. It is natural for a boy and a girl to become attracted to each other. Just like innocent Capitalism (which utterly fails in the rigged U.S. financial system), so also does the innocence of youthful courtship become perverted, unnatural and creepy when influenced by homosexual infiltrators preying upon our children. Public school kids are being taught to become homosexuals.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Young people are confused today about nearly everything; including God, truth, roles in life, relationships, parenting, gender identity and morality. This is because Godless kook Communists, quacks liberals and queer leftists have deliberately confused them. Since 1963, God's Holy Word and prayer have been banned from America's classrooms. Can you imagine? Do we really trust in God as we profess on our currency, while we block Him from children's daily lives at school, and teach children instead that a Big Bang created them? What wickedness!!!

There is nothing more Godless than the dysfunctional public school system, which teaches children the bogus lies of evolution and the vile perversion of homosexuality. Children are confused, even many adults. In addition there is much conflicting information coming from the controlled liberal media, experts and church pulpits. We are a struggling nation in turmoil. Look at the shocking crimes being reported nationwide all the time. Was the Holy Bible really that bad for children? We are getting what we deserve as a nation.

Growing up in a home raised by same-sex parents is destructive to a child's sexual identity and proper character development. If you don't believe it, read the horror stories online and wake up . . .

Robert Oscar Lopez... crediting his two lesbian mothers for giving him the “best possible conditions for a child raised by a same-sex couple," while simultaneously emphasizing the sexual confusion he had growing up without a father figure that led him to becoming prostitute for older men. ...

SOURCE: Children Of Gay Parents Testify Against Same-Sex 'Marriage'

What a sad and tragic thing to grow up without a dad, craving the love of an older male so much that it made the boy easy prey for pedophiles and pederasts!!! Ultimately, it was his lesbian parents that led him into a life of male prostitution with sodomites. This is the dark reality of same-sex parenting! If you think this is an isolated case, you're a fool. LGBT activist groups and liberals in the media know the dark reality of homosexuality, but they cover it all up, fabricating bogus studies (which is super easy to do) and manipulating Gallup polls.

The following is typical lying propaganda from the kooky, liberal, leftist crowd . . .

Last month, a new study conducted by the University of Melbourne in Australia confirmed what experts have been saying for years: The children of gay parents are just as healthy and happy as the children of straight parents.

SOURCE: Conservatives harm children by opposing gay adoption | July 2014

WHAT A LIE!!! The article actually goes on to say that children of homosexual parents even turn out better sometimes than having normal heterosexual parents. WHAT A JOKE!!! Nothing could be further from the truth, evidenced by countless disturbing statements from adults who had gay parents. The truth is coming out, and will continue to do so. The only information claiming that gays make good parents is coming from the liberals, kooks and queers. The truth is coming from the victims themselves.

The following man was raised by two lesbians and was permanently harmed by it . . .

Jean-Dominique Bunel, a specialist in humanitarian law who’s done relief work in war-torn areas, was outraged by the French same-sex marriage law. He admitted to Le Figaro that, after being raised by two women, he has “suffered from the lack of a father,” from the lack of “a daily presence, a character and a properly masculine example, some counterweight to the relationship of my mother to her lover. I lived that absence of a father, experienced it, as an amputation.”

SOURCE: Same-Sex Marriage and Parenting: Four Big Myths Debunked

God's way is not just the best way, it is the only way that works. We're hearing a lot of propaganda from liberals about how difficult it is for homosexual children to cope in a “homophobic” society, but the truth is that homosexuality is a sin just like murder, stealing and adultery, and should be dealt with as such and discouraged because it hurts other people. The Bible teaches that men ought to fear God, Who will be every man's Judge in eternity (Romans 2:1; James 4:12; Romans 14:10-12). Proverb 8:13, “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.” Proverb 9:10, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” We are a nation greatly lacking wisdom, because few people fear God anymore, evidenced by the transgression of the wicked. Sin abounds today, and the love of many people is waxing cold just as Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:12. This trend will only worsen as we draw nearer the end times.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist jesusisprecious.org

Women these days are covered in tattoos. Tattoos on women began with prostitutes getting tattoos on their lower back, and then the trend spread through television. Now everyone has them. I recently saw a woman working at the front desk of a medical clinic. She was wearing a business suit, appeared to be in her 50's, and she had a big ugly tattoo down her left forearm. It gave me the impression that she had likely lived a wild and partying youth. People often get tattoos to fit in with friends, or while drunk. I hate tattoos, because they are marks of worldliness.

The same is true of men wearing earrings. No man should wear an earring. I know a man who wears an earring in both right and left ears. In the 1980's that would have meant that he was a homosexual. An earring in the right ear signifies either homosexuality or support of homosexuals. This trend began in the highly homosexual Florida Keys area of southern Florida in the 1980's. Nowadays you just don't know who's gay or straight, but an earring in either ear signifies worldliness and possible homosexuality.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

I noticed a video by loser, Sarah Silverman online today, where she accuses God-fearing Christians of inciting bullying and suicide amongst homosexual youth. It is sad that such a beautiful woman outwardly can be so ugly inwardly. Truly, beauty is only skin deep. As a born-again Christian I'm sick and tired of gay-supporters distorting the truth. The Bible is God's Word. Christians have every right to believe the Bible, and to express their views from the Bible. Unfortunately for homosexuals, the Bible does not approve of their abnormal, ungodly and demented lifestyle. I say “unfortunate” because God has already won the battle. Gays think that they're taking control, but the Word of God plainly warns that the triumph of the wicked is short, very short.

Homosexuals are trying to separate God from the religious right, but it cannot be done. Homosexuals are trying to portray God-fearing Christians as haters and bigots. My friend, by definition God is the ultimate bigot, because it's His way or you burn in Hell forever! I'm as narrow-minded as the Bible. If believing and obeying the Bible makes me a bigot, then so be it. But the truth is that homosexuality is a sin, whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant to the truth of God's Word. If you go against the holy Bible, you will be the only loser. I'll be in Heaven, enjoying the blessings and presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. Where will you be?

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesusisprecious.org

Unbelievably, Billy Graham's Christianity Today Magazine actually promotes Taylor Swift. In a shameful ChristianityToday article (dated August 27, 2013) titled, “Why Do We Love To Hate Taylor Swift?,” contributing writer Gina Dalfonzo defends Taylor Swift, alleging that she gets criticized for everything, even for “covering up too much.” In 2013 Taylor was caught on camera with some friends in bikinis. Taylor's bikini went up to cover her naval, which some feminists (evidently who have no life) remarked about online. So ChristianityToday is insanely defending Taylor Swift, as if she was more modest than everyone else. What a lame argument to make, when Miss Swift's bikini merely covered her belly-button. I can't even show you the photo because it is so immodest. She's wearing 12% clothing while the other whores around her are wearing 7% clothing. Modesty? This article just goes to further evidence how apostate Billy Graham and his organization have become, and how the religious community has been brainwashed by Illuminati propaganda.

The Illuminati-controlled media continually praise, promote and pamper Taylor Swift, turning her into a god amongst the people. Taylor Swift is trash! And any Christian who doesn't like what I just said needs to get your backslidden heart right with God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesusisprecious.org

Why is it that some churches permit their female members to wear pants? The pastor doesn't preach against women wearing pants. I've heard pastors teach that women should dress modestly, yet they dare not condemn any certain forms of attire (like pants and miniskirts). I can tell you unequivocally that any Christian woman who dresses sensually, provocatively or indecently is either immature or backslidden in the Lord.

Why is it that many Christians have Netflix on their televisions and even the satanic HBO (Hebrew Box Office) movies? I'll tell you why, it's because everybody has their own “Comfort Zone.” This is the lifestyle and beliefs that one feels comfortable with. This is why so many churches today are using the counterfeit Bible versions, they feel comfortable with them. I love what Evangelist Phil Kidd said, “The pastor's job is to comfort the afflicted; but the evangelist's job is to afflict the comforted!” Amen to that!

We need more evangelists who truly walk with the Lord as they should and preach the Word of God. I'm so sick of seeing evangelist's wives wearing pants, and an evangelist that can't preach his way out of a wet paperbag. We need evangelists who rock the boat, put people on the spot for God, force a decision, and make church members uncomfortable by saying it like it really is. We need evangelists who preach the truth that the 911 attacks were an inside job, and that a group of thug criminals have hi-jacked our government!

We need evangelists who will preach the truth that the true coming nation of Israel belongs to God, but the present state of Israel is of the Devil. Just as Abraham and Sarah took matters into their own hands, trying to force the hand of God, so have the synagogue of Satan attempted to force God's hand by recreating their own state of Israel. We are now living in the Times Of The Gentiles as taught in Luke 21:24, “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”

What is your Comfort Zone? Dr. Hyles has a helpful MP3 sermon titled, “Which New Is Right?,” in which he explains that it is always ok to move toward the right (spiritual improvement), but never to the left (sinful compromise). All the new Bible versions are on the left. They are corrupting the churches! Women wearing pants is on the left. Back in the year 1900 you couldn't find an American woman wearing pants except in a brothel. It is a shame that Moody Bible Institute and Bob Jones University permit their female students to wear pants. The Word of God ought to determine our moral standards and convictions, and not cultural changes and trends. The homosexual agenda is bullying its way into many of the churches, which are no longer genuine Biblical churches. A 501c3 state-licensed organization is not a church. A building is not a church. A religious gathering is not a church. Only a local gathering of born-again believers who gather in Jesus' name is a New Testament Church.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

The most effective LIE is the HALF-TRUTH, because in part it can be defended with incontestable logic! For example: The official 9/11 story (concerning the New York World Trade Center attacks in 2001) is a half-truth! The part that is true is that two planes were deliberately crashed into buildings 1 and 2. The part that is false is that those planes caused the buildings to crumble to the ground. In truth (as dozens of firefighters at Ground Zero later testified), is that buildings 1, 2 and 7 were all brought down by BOMBS in the buildings!!! A demolition company (that younger brother Marvin Bush administrated) planted those explosives in the months prior to 9-11. The truth is that 911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!!

Likewise, the modern Bible versions are a HALF-TRUTH! The part that is true is that many Scripture passages have been made easier to understand (that is, the ones which haven't been horribly corrupted). The part that is false is the corruption of hundreds of key Scripture passages concerning Christ's deity, character and preeminence (i.e., the doctrine of Christ). Since some passages are made simpler for the reader to comprehend (especially bilingual speaking people), they buy into the HALF-TRUTH. The truthful part of the half-truth (i.e., that some Bible verses are made easier to understand), can be defended with incontestable logic. Who can argue with that logic? This is how Bible college professors, evangelists and church pastors are woefully deceived by Satan! The deadly LIE is that the Gospel has been corrupted—because the meaning of repentance has been corrupted, and because the way of salvation has been corrupted, Christ's deity has been corrupted, the blood has been corrupted, the Godhead has been corrupted—All in the modern Alexandrian-based Bible PERversions!!! If you have an NIV, ERV, ESV, NASB, RSV, NKJV, HCSB, LB, or some other modern polluted translation, you have a HALF-TRUTH (which is the most effective lie Satan has to offer, because it sells)!!!

Thankfully, Dr. Peter S. Ruckman fought against the same exact Bob Jones University camp that I am today! I had no idea of the magnitude of this battle until Harvest Baptist Church (all BJU graduates) forced the issue on me in 2014. I hadn't a clue! What they meant for evil, God meant for good (Genesis 50:20). I am not kidding, and you couldn't make this stuff up, Harvest's slogan for the year (with a big banner hanging up in the church auditorium for the entire year I was there) read, “God meant it for good - Genesis 50:20.” I cannot help but see the humor in all this. God is so amazing! I love the folks at Harvest, truly, so much, and I care about people; but they really deserve the knuckleheads of the year award over there! It came as an encouraging surprise to me to learn that Dr. Ruckman had paved the way before me to fight this very same noble battle over the inspiration of the Word of God. THERE IS NOT A MORE WORTHY FIGHT TODAY!

New Evangelical (by Dr. Jack Hyles)
Satan tries to redefine the term “radical”

I am a soldier for the Lord Jesus Christ. 2nd Timothy 2:3-4, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” My wife divorced me in 2006 against my will. That's okay, I'll live alone and serve God by myself. I underwent two major neck surgeries in 2010 and 2011 with no one by my side. I wanted to die, but God's love kept me going. I wanted to do what Ben Fieldhouse did, but thankfully didn't. Ben Fieldhouse was a member of HBC who went and commit suicide in 2010 (about the same time I almost did too). Harvest Baptist Church kicked me out and refused to let me return. That's okay, I'll be lonely and have no social life, but I WILL STAND FOR THE TRUTH!!! I'll continue to stand alone, living alone if that is God's will for me, but I WILL STAND!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

There's an ungodly organization called, Affirming And Welcoming Baptists (AWAB), which is trying to unite Baptist churches with the homosexual agenda. IT IS WICKEDNESS!!! AWAB Find-A-Church—WICKEDNESS!!! (Baptist churches are adopting same-sex PERversion!). Homosexuality is a horrible sin, but more than just a sin, it is a DEATHSTYLE OF SIN!!! The homosexual agenda is deliberate sin, intentional sinning, which is EVIL!!! The Bible has nothing good to say about sin. America has become so wicked that people today are attempting to justify murdering children by abortion, homosexuality, public nudity, adultery, divorce, idolatry, stealing and all manner of evil.

Faithful Christians who hate evil and fight against the ungodly abortion industry are being called “nutty religious people.” Count me in as a nut friend. We'll see on Judgment Day in front of God in Heaven who's the nut!!! I promise you that the abortion crowd won't boast and tout with arrogance in that day! I promise you in that day that there won't be a grand reunion of homosexuals in Heaven, parading their filth with a smile, defying God's Holy Word, downplaying their wickedness as “love.” Job 20:5, “That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?” As we draw nearer to the appearing of the Antichrist (the man of sin), the world is going to plunge deeper-and-deeper into wickedness, returning to the deplorable spiritual condition of Noah's time (Matthew 24:37-39).

As I mentioned, not too long ago I attended a local Independent Baptist Church for about a year, and boy were my eyes opened to the apostasy in churches today. Although I tolerated their New-Evangelicalism because I wanted to help them, they refused to tolerate my fundamental Christian views. They confronted me on a Wednesday evening after handing the senior pastor a copy of Dr. Al Lacy's “NIV: The Antichrist's Bible,” and also “I Never Knew You” (.pdf) by Michael Bowen, which are both awesome books! Well, I might as well have handed them a Penthouse smutty magazine. In fact, if I had handed them a dirty-girly-magazine, they likely would have scolded me and said they'll pray for me, but I doubt if they would have told me to get out and don't come back. The truthful books that I gave those pastors scared them, because if church members read them it would open their eyes and expose their pastors as heretics. The truth hurts, but it needs to be said. I'm not going to stop preaching the truth to keep anybody!

I had also given a copy of I Never Knew You to the pastor's son-in-law (an associate pastor in the church) one Sunday evening at church, who after inviting me over for dinner the next day on Monday with his wife, blew-me-off and never even explained why he cancelled the dinner invitation. The book had greatly offended him. You don't invite someone to dinner, and then just forget about them. People can be so mean.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia jesusisprecious.org

Amy [Grant] had to discover her own sexuality? That's code language for figuring out whether she was a homosexual or straight, or bisexual, or a transgendered, et cetera. NO ONE who is normally healthy has to discover their sexuality. You were either born a female or a male, or something is medically wrong with you and you are deformed (which is an extremely rare oddity).

Notice also in the preceding quote that Amy says if others had a different sexual discovery, that is, determined that they are HOMOSEXUAL, she said she doesn't “categorize” them. Well, the Bible DOES categorize homosexuals as “sodomites” (1st Kings 14:24), and as having “vile affections” (Romans 1:26), and committing “abomination” (Leviticus 20:13) and “going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire” (Jude 1:7).

Romans 1:24-32 plainly exposes homosexuality as gross immorality in God's sight, which brings severe punishment and consequences (Romans 1:32; Jude 1:7). If you are living in homosexuality you should feel bad about yourself, just as you should if you were an adulterer, thief, liar, pervert or murderer. Do you think it is mere coincidence that America's economy is failing to the same degree that our nation is embracing sinful living? No way! God will not bless a wicked nation.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

The True Measurement of Our Success is How Many People Will Be Waiting to Greet Us in Heaven

We look at things all wrong. We look at a Christian who sins and ruins his or her life, and then foolishly conclude that they'll receive no rewards. However, God will reward a person according to their labors. People tend to judge others based upon key moments in their life, but God looks at the entire life. So while the dirty critics are continually tearing that imperfect person down, riding them, berating their name relentlessly, God sees that person's labors! Even the worst Christian can still lay up treasures in Heaven by faithfully laboring to get souls saved. The best revenge against life's unfairness is to become a massively successful soulwinner!!! In your face Devil! It is the critics who will one day have nothing in eternity, who never told a person how to be saved, who never led a soul to Jesus Christ! God does not reward us for impressing other people, nor for what others think about us, thankfully.

God rewards us according to our OWN LABORS for Him! 1st Corinthians 3:8, “Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.” The Lords commission to His apostles was to go into all the world and PREACH THE GOSPEL. Part of that Great Commission, as stated in Matthew 28:20, is “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”? The Lord taught His apostles to be soulwinners, giving them a Great Commission to go into all the world and PREACH THE GOSPEL to get people saved, and then the Lord told them to recruit those new converts and indoctrinate them so that they'll also become soulwinners, and perpetuate the whole thing of leading people to Christ with the GOOD NEWS of Christ crucified, buried and risen! That is what Christianity is all about folks!!!

God never intended for someone to get saved and then become “choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection”? (Luke 8:14b). God intends for every born-again believer to become a witness and bear fruit. Luke 8:15, “But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.”? Notice that it takes patience to win people to Christ. Oftentimes people will be reluctant, distrustful of religion and Christians. Can you blame them in lieu of the massive pedophile problem in the Roman Catholic Church? Most people don't understand that Catholicism is a Satanic cult!

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

We are losing the battle folks! We are losing the battle against transgendered rights for homosexuals in America, because we aren't expressing our disgust as Christians against it. We should all be horrified! We should all be expressing our strong opposition against this creepy agenda, against the ungodly insane laws that permit transgendered men to use women's restrooms at will. Facebook has published 71 new gender options. Depending on who you talk to, you can find anywhere from a dozen up to over 100 new gender designations. But folks, the honest to God plain truth is that God Himself created us MALE and FEMALE, and there are only TWO genders.

What saith the Scripture? Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Genesis 5:2, “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”

Even all the animals were created by God as either: MALE or FEMALE. Please don't let the Devil confuse you, by trying to deceive you into believing that there are more genders than simply male or female. God NEVER intended for males to have carnal knowledge with other males. It is confusion! That is why God made females, for males to mate with, to procreate. Homosexual sex is sinful in God's sight, which brings contempt from God and Heaven, also showing disrespect for one's self, family and community. Homosexuals bring woeful shame upon one's own community!!! No community can thrive and be advertised as a great place to raise a family, when you have homosexuals sodomizing each other. Do you fully understand what goes on in the vile bedroom of a homosexual? I don't even want to describe it! It is sickening to an decent person! God pity the ungodly U.S. government, who has placed innocent little children as adoptees into hundreds-of-thousands of ungodly homosexual homes to raise them! What will become of those impressionable children? We have abused our God-given freedoms, demanding a right to sin, which WILL ultimately lead to our enslavement.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

There are numerous ways to know that the King James Bible is truly God's Word:

1.It's the Bible which built America's churches and has stood the test of time.

2.The KJB came before all these modern imposters.

3.The KJB is the soul-winner's Bible.

4.All modern Bibles come from Westcott and Hort's 1881 Greek and Rudolph Kittel's Hebrew (but not the KJB).

5.The KJB is the one that queers, heretics and ecumenicals hate and attack.

6.The KJB is not copyrighted. All modern versions are copyrighted so the publishers can exclusively profit.

7.Only the KJB contains italics, put there by the translators because they were so honest in their work. These are words added for clarity. The translators wanted us to know that these words were not original. None of the modern versions are that honest.

8.Only the KJB maintains the authoritativeness of God's Word. All modern versions read like comic books.

9.Only the KJB teaches the simplicity that is in Christ concerning salvation. All the new versions teach Lordship Salvation.

10.Only the KJB crowd believes in a word-for-word preserved Bible. All modern heretics claim only the original autographs were word-for-word accurate. They say that every Bible is a flawed Bible today, and we don't have even one perfect Holy Bible.

Sadly, the integrity and purity of God's Word doesn't matter to today's apostate ministers. They're so boggled-down with administrating the church that they have lost sight of what really matters... TRUTH!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

The Bible portrays homosexuals consistently as: rapists, perverts, haters, violence, violating people against their will, disgusting, reprobate, murderous, malicious and predators who can never be satisfied, completely given over to their own wicked heart as a beast. Sadly, there are many people who think that the Bible is a fairy tale written by men, and that it is malign and hateful.

Now let's take a look at the world's distorted view of homosexuals, who say that sodomy is normal and should be experimented with. Public schools teach children that they may unknowingly be a homosexual, and that it is ok to be a sodomite, and it is trendy, so they should experiment to find out. It is sickening and evil. Children are being homosexualized! Teens are being lied to, being taught that gays just want to be accepted and live a normal life, but hateful bigoted Christians won't let them. The false claim is that gay-marriages will be similar to the wholesome 1950's TV show, “Leave It To Beaver,” it'll just be two men cohabiting. The public is told to believe that homosexuality is natural, normal, that they're born that way, animals do it (we're born that way), it's a gay gene, they just want to raise children and live happy and normal lives, they love each other, they're not pedophiles, many of them love the Lord, et cetera. This is what we are being foolishly told to deceive us!

Let's get some science out and test the world's viewpoint verses what the Holy Bible teaches. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) is a wing of our pro-homosexual government. According to the CDC, the A.I.D.S. rate is 50-times higher for homosexuals than heterosexuals. Syphilis is off the charts! Television will never tell you the truth that the homosexual deathstyle will likely give you some horrible disease, shorten your life and leave you with gay bowel syndrome!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Satan is conditioning (preparing) the world to receive the coming Antichrist. This is why homosexuality is being promoted worldwide. I heard yesterday in the news that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered (LGBT) clubs are becoming popular in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Russia. The Antichrist will appear to the world at a time when homosexuality is widely accepted, because he will be queer himself. We are unquestionably living in the End Times, as plainly evidenced by the 8 kings of Revelation 17:10-12. The now forming World Government (aka, the New World Order) will be the 7th kingdom, and the Antichrist will be the 8th who arises out of the 7th kingdom. The Rapture is so near! The trumpet is out of the case!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

When Bob Jones University was founded in 1927, they didn't have a problem with punishing homosexuals as vile criminals. The average dumbed-down, television-junkie, American today is woefully ignorant of their Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution and the information I just shared with you. In view of all the liberal propaganda supporting LGBT rights nowadays, who would have thought that prior to 1962 all 50 states criminalized homosexuals and punished them as such. Bob Jones III apparently is catering to this weak-kneed generation of compromisers, spineless weasels and sellouts. I think it is a crying shame!

Also, don't forget that it was in 1963 (just a year later) that God and His Word were permanently banned from America's classrooms. It is certainly more than a coincidence that homosexuality was against the law in every state up until the Bible and prayer were removed and banned from our children's daily lives at school. Since the Bible has been removed, homosexuality has flourished since 1963 in our society, to our own demise as a functional nation. Everything's falling apart today!

So I just wanted to point out that according to Bob Jones III's statements this week, our government shouldn't have punished homosexuals in all the states, as they did prior to 1962. And as you just read, founding father Thomas Jefferson wrote a law to have homosexuals castrated (their testicles chopped off!!!), but the higher court insisted on keeping the DEATH PENALTY. Were our nation's founding father's wrong? I'm so sick of hearing Bible colleges praise the wisdom of our founding fathers, but then hypocritically abandon and disassociate themselves from them concerning the crime of homosexuality. Our founding fathers had it right!!! Our country's founding fathers enacted the death penalty for homosexuals!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist jesusisprecious.org

The only reason why the compromised Boy Scouts voted to allow churches to ban queer Scout Leaders is because most of the churches would have rightfully kicked the Boy Scouts out of their church! Tragically (and any spiritually discerning pastor fully realizes this), this is just a foot in the door for homosexuals in the Boy Scouts. Eventually, when the country has sunk even lower into sodomy and filth, they'll allow gays everywhere! The only BOY SCOUTS ladies and gentleman are the pederasts scouting for your sons to sodomize!!! PLEASE BAN THE BOY SCOUTS!!! They are a wicked organization that cater to agendas and have no fear of God. THEY HAVE NO TESTICLES!!! Is that what you want your sons to become... Cowardly yellow chickens like the Boy Scout organization???!!!

Do you know what really creeped me out this week. I knew that singer Barry Manilow was a lifelong atheist. I learned not too long ago that he's also been a homosexual since his youth. I had heard that he married his longtime friend and manager, another man! But what creeped me out was learning that Barry Manilow is the female in their same-sex union! There's pictures online of Barry dressed in drag. It's sick. Perhaps you didn't know this, but one homosexual always assumes the role of the male and the other the female. One takes a dominant role, and the other submissive. This is true of lesbians and sodomites! In the case of two lesbians, one will assume the masculine male role, which is what Rachel Maddow is—a dyke! This is why it is sometimes difficult to tell if someone is a homosexual, because a man who assumes the male role in the same-sex union will still appear manly, like Rock Hutson, George H. Bush and Ronald Reagan. The Bible teaches that homosexuals and the righteous will never co-exist in harmony. Proverbs 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.”

The liberals, queers and kooks condemn us fundamental Christians as “hate-mongers” for agreeing with God that homosexuality is a sin, abnormal and vile (Romans 1:24-32). I'm not condemning anyone, the Holy Bible condemn all of us as woeful sinners (Romans 3:23)!!! I'm upset and angry that homosexuals are forcing their sick perversion on America's children!!! GAY IS NOT OK! The King James Bible, which is the inspired Word of God, condemns and forbids the sin of homosexuality. Taylor Swift is doing her part to help the queer agenda, defiant against a holy God!!! We are hated here on earth by the wicked, but beloved of our heavenly Father, Oh Christians! Jesus is coming soon!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

The Bible calls homosexuals “sodomites,” and that is a perfectly proper word to use, and we ought to use that Biblical term!!! We should also call homosexuals what they are, “sinners!” WE ARE ALL SINNERS!!! Johnny Nixon wants people to refrain from using the terms “homosexual” and “sodomite,” lest we offend them, but these terms are acceptable to use. Personally, I try not to use disparaging terms like “fags” and “queerbait,” but there is NOTHING WRONG with these terms either. In fact, I read an article this week at a sodomite website called “PRIDE.COM” (they are proud of their sins), titled 6 REASONS YOU NEED TO USE THE WORD 'QUEER,' in which homosexuals actually give several reasons why people should call them “queers.” (I won't link to the article because of the filthy photos on their website.) They want to be called “queers”! “Gay” used to be an innocent word. Homosexuals are not “gays,” they are perverts, but I still find myself using the word gay at times. Folks, no matter what we as God-fearing Christians call sodomites, they will be offended. They are striving against their Maker. Isaiah 45:9, “Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!”

Homosexuals are called “sodomites” after the wicked city of Sodom in the Old Testament. Sodom was a place of wickedness. In Genesis 19:1-11 we read about a lustful mob of homosexuals, who attempted to break down Lot's door and rape the two angels from Heaven. They didn't even want Lot's daughters! Those perverts tried to rape Heaven!!! The angels struck the sodomites with blindness. Lot and his family were rescued from Sodom, before God rained down fire and brimstone, sending them all to a burning eternal Hell. Jude 1:7, “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”

I will never stop calling them “sodomites”! Since the U.S. government is forcing homosexuality on everyone today, just as gays forced sodomy in Genesis 19:1-11, preachers need to fight back with the Word of God. You'll never win sodomites to Jesus Christ by going soft on sin. That's what repentance is all about.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

I don't mean to pick on Alex Jones, but he boasts of influencing 3,000,000 people every single day worldwide through his radio and internet show. I must speak up as a Christian!

Alex says that he has no problem with homosexuals. Well I do have a serious problem with homosexuals (improperly called “gays” by the sodomites themselves), because the Bible condemns such wickedness, as does nature (Romans 1:24-32). It's sickening, perverted and offensive to picture two men sodomizing each other in the anus. Homosexuality is LUST, not love. Christ-honoring, God-fearing, people-loving, sin-hating, faithful, Bible-believing Christians are sinfully being labeled by unsaved evil people as “EXTREMISTS” and “RADICAL FUNDAMENTALISTS.” Pastor Rick Warren has even public said that CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISM is the biggest threat of the 21st century (because we're the only ones Scriptural exposing his ecumenical bandwagon to Hell).

Alex openly supports Heavy-Metal Rock Music, which is very sexually immoral by very nature, and then he says he has no problem with homosexuals. At the same time Alex openly professes to be a Christian who loves God, saying that he is “spiritual” but not part of any organized religion (such as Baptist). As a born-again Christian and Independent Fundamental Baptist Preacher, I have to speak out against Alex's wrong attitude toward homosexuals. Alex openly admits that he is not perfect, and neither am I. I'm glad that Alex teaches forgiveness and loving one another, but he ought to speak out against homosexuality as a sin, which is what the holy Bible teaches. Being gay (homosexual) is a sin, a CHOICE, that God abhors. Alex says in one breath that his show is secular and not religious; but then in the next breath he teaches all sorts of spiritual views, many unbiblical, and that he has no problem with homosexuals (to the beat of Blue Oyster Cult, Van Halen, ACDC, Lenny Kravitz and Megadeth). Confused? Alex seems to be!

Let no professed Christian ever say that he or she has “NO PROBLEM” with homosexuals or homosexuality. We ought to have a problem with BOTH. We cannot be right with God and accept homosexuals.