David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

I noticed a video by loser, Sarah Silverman online today, where she accuses God-fearing Christians of inciting bullying and suicide amongst homosexual youth. It is sad that such a beautiful woman outwardly can be so ugly inwardly. Truly, beauty is only skin deep. As a born-again Christian I'm sick and tired of gay-supporters distorting the truth. The Bible is God's Word. Christians have every right to believe the Bible, and to express their views from the Bible. Unfortunately for homosexuals, the Bible does not approve of their abnormal, ungodly and demented lifestyle. I say “unfortunate” because God has already won the battle. Gays think that they're taking control, but the Word of God plainly warns that the triumph of the wicked is short, very short.

Homosexuals are trying to separate God from the religious right, but it cannot be done. Homosexuals are trying to portray God-fearing Christians as haters and bigots. My friend, by definition God is the ultimate bigot, because it's His way or you burn in Hell forever! I'm as narrow-minded as the Bible. If believing and obeying the Bible makes me a bigot, then so be it. But the truth is that homosexuality is a sin, whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant to the truth of God's Word. If you go against the holy Bible, you will be the only loser. I'll be in Heaven, enjoying the blessings and presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. Where will you be?



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