
Family Research Council #fundie #homophobia frc.org

Newsweek magazine effectively declared war on marriage this week, running a long essay on "The Religious Case for Gay Marriage" as their cover story. In the wake of the victory of California's marriage amendment (Proposition 8) on Election Day, homosexual marriage advocates are realize that their opponents are not going to fade away or compromise their convictions. Not content any longer to make a "separation of church and state" argument for same-sex "marriage," they are instead mounting a direct attack on Christian opposition to homosexual conduct and to same-sex "marriage" on Biblical grounds.

There was little that was original about the essay. It strung together a lot of talking points that have wafted about the homosexual movement for years. What was astonishing was that the author (Newsweek's religion editor Lisa Miller) not only tried to explain away the Bible's condemnation of homosexual conduct, but actually claimed that "Scripture gives us no good reason why gays and lesbians should not be (civilly and religiously) married-and a number of excellent reasons why they should."

The article included blatant factual errors, such as the claim that Jesus never "explicitly defines marriage as between one man and one woman" (see, e.g., Mark 10:6-8-"But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE. FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh."), and the claim that "nowhere in the Bible do its authors refer to sex between women" (see Romans 1:26). It also had logical contradictions, arguing for the Bible's support of "gay marriage" while simultaneously dismissing the Bible as supportive of slavery and anti-Semitism.

If homosexual activists want to simply ignore the Bible, they are free to do so. If they are going to blatantly distort its teachings, Newsweek should not help them do so.

We urge you to email Newsweek today and demand that the magazine print an accurate article presenting the Bible's true teaching about homosexual conduct and same-sex "marriage"-one equal in length to the Miller piece (which was over 2,700 words) and also run as the cover story.

Watchmen on the Wall #fundie frc.org

Pray that the SPLC’s leaders, deeds, and motives will be exposed and that their influence will diminish. May God mercifully reach into the lives of the SPLC’s leaders, staff, and supporters, and convict them of the wrong they are doing. May the Holy Spirit lead them to repentance. May many encounter Christ dramatically, just as Rabbi Saul before he became the Apostle Paul, who was on his way to destroy followers of Christ. May the American press and Big Business cease and desist from promoting the SPLC. May those who have helped instigate the present divide among Americans cease to sow seeds of division. Rather, may their stockpiled millions of dollars be used to heal the divisions in America they have helped to create. Protect and prevent the innocent and vulnerable from falling prey to SPLC’s fundraising schemes. Keep them from entanglement with the deeds of the SPLC. Finally, we pray that you would hinder the SPLC from inspiring the harm of one more person and move them to take sincere Christ-followers and Christian organizations off their ‘Hate List’ and issue a much needed apology.

Tony Perkins #fundie frc.org

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court's refusal to accept appeals in marriage cases involving the five states of Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin:

"The Supreme Court decision to not take up these lower court rulings, which undermine natural marriage and the rule of law, for now, puts the issue of marriage back before the US Congress. This decision, in part, is an indication that those on the Court who desire to redefine natural marriage recognize the country will not accept a Roe v. Wade type decision on marriage.

"Unfortunately, by failing to take up these marriage cases, the High Court will allow rogue lower court judges who have ignored history and true legal precedent to silence the elected representatives of the people and the voice of the people themselves by overturning state provisions on marriage. Even more alarming, lower court judges are undermining our form of government and the rights and freedoms of citizens to govern themselves. This judicially led effort to force same sex 'marriage' on people will have negative consequences for our Republic, not only as it relates to natural marriage but also undermining the rule of and respect for law.

"The Court decision ensures that the debate over natural marriage will continue and the good news is that time is not on the side of those who want to redefine marriage. As more states are forced to redefine marriage, contrary to nature and directly in conflict with the will of millions, more Americans will see and experience attacks on their religious freedom. Parents will find a wedge being driven between them and their children as school curriculum is changed to contradict the morals parents are teaching their children. As more and more people lose their livelihoods because they refuse to not just tolerate but celebrate same-sex marriage, Americans will see the true goal, which is for activists to use the Court to impose a redefinition of natural marriage on the entire nation.

"Congress should respond to today's announcement by moving forward with the State Marriage Defense Act, which is consistent with last year's Windsor ruling and ensures that the federal government in its definition of marriage respects the duly enacted marriage laws of the states," concluded Perkins.

Prayer Team #fundie frc.org

Is it any wonder that young White House Secret Servicemen and military servicemen have been caught consorting with prostitutes abroad; that GSA managers partied extravagantly in Las Vegas at taxpayer expense? For decades our government has engaged in profligate borrowing and spending, stubbornly funded Planned Parenthood (against the protest of parents) to teach children that "anything goes"; that mistakes can be "covered up" without parents ever knowing; to help teenage sex rings ply their trade right here in America, etc. The administration in power has imposed homosexual practice upon our military and has mandated that religious schools provide contraception, sterilization and abortifacient drugs to all students and staff - at taxpayer expense! What can we expect to come if things are not reversed?

Tony Perkins #fundie frc.org

When the President travels abroad, there's one thing he never leaves at home: his radical social agenda. Since day one, the Obama administration made it clear that this isn't your parents' version of diplomacy. Instead, the White House has dispatched an army of liberal ambassadors -- all with strict instructions to use their influence to force acceptance of the President's extreme sexual priorities.

Now, after seven years of aggressive bullying, the President's crusade hasn't exactly improved relations with America's neighbors (not that it's an administration priority). From Hillary Clinton to John Kerry, the State Department has repeatedly violated the first rule of the diplomatic process: to respect the traditions and beliefs of other countries. In most cases, this forceful approach has made more enemies of nations than friends -- especially in countries as profoundly religious as Kenya.

Like other African and South American nations, they don't appreciate the administration's decision to openly demonize their beliefs and promote homosexuality and abortion as international "human rights." And when the President Obama visits Kenyans this month, they intend to tell him so. Dozens of lawmakers are planning protests during the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, where White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says the President will once again call for "equality" for LGBT Kenyans. "It is important for us as Kenyans to know that the U.S. is not God," one church leader told CNSnews.com.

Tony Perkins #fundie frc.org

[Re. the Mount Soledad memorial cross being ruled a violation of the Establishment Clause.]

In 2001, when militants set out to bomb two colossal Buddhist statues that had stood untouched in Afghanistan for more than a thousand years, the global community rightly condemned the actions as religious barbarism. Like the statues, the Mt. Soledad Cross is a monument to America 's cultural history, a symbol of our Christian heritage and a tribute to brave Americans who laid down their lives in our nation's cause. Their memories should not be besmirched.

Tony Perkins #fundie frc.org

When students at Norwich University crowed their prom queen, something was missing. That something was a girl. Hello, I'm Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. America's oldest private military academy says it prides itself on being unconventional--and last month's "gay prom" proved it. School officials said they wanted to have an "open dialogue" on homosexuality--but what they really had was a party. Unfortunately, this is America's new military. When the President wanted to overturn "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," he didn't talk about flying rainbow flags at Afghan bases or asking chaplains to perform gay "weddings." He didn't mention banning Christian speakers at military academies, tearing down crosses at Camp Pendleton, or pulling Scripture out of Army curriculum. What he said was it's time to let homosexuals be true to who they are. And who they are is a community that thinks promiscuity is something to celebrate. Norwich's "free love dance" and "condom Olympics" aren't tolerance. They're deviance. And a school of young, strong cadets deserve better.

Watchmen on the Wall #fundie frc.org

Heavenly Father, it is time for you to act, for your law is being broken! This policy must be rejected: it brazenly defies You, God our Creator, and Your fixed, eternal moral laws. We defied your definition of marriage, now we defy the very apex of your created order, mankind created in your own image, male and female. Please forgive us, extend Your mercy to us, and grant us repentance. You who bless nations that obey You, and curse nations that disobey you; You who promise battleground victory to those who obey you, but defeat to all who disobey, have mercy! Grant repentance to President Trump and Secretary Mattis for even considering to keep this wicked policy in place. Grant them understanding, courage, and willpower to stand up to the forces of darkness that gave birth to it and wholly to repeal it. Save our young men and women who are already living under this tyranny. Save our children from the predictable impact of this policy. May Your people not only pray, but rise and use every tool they possess as American citizens to preempt this policy. Please correct the members of Congress who used their votes to enable and fund it. We appeal to You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Rob Schwarzwalder #fundie frc.org

Organizations like Freedom to Marry, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and the Human Rights Campaign argue that same-sex marriage is a matter of justice: If two same-sex partners (1) love one another romantically and (2) volitionally choose to wed, there should be no legal impediments to their doing so. They assert that such impediments imply some combination of ignorance, religious bigotry, or sheer homophobia.

The claim of injustice is itself unjust. Because people want to do something that does not adversely affect those immediately around them (e.g., neighbors or co-workers) does not mean they should be allowed to do so. Society is organic and, thus, so is harm. Same-sex unions do not threaten any healthy natural marriage but, rather, they threaten the institution of marriage and, thereby, the well-being of countless families.

Similarly, we have laws against myriad "victimless" crimes (substance abuse, prostitution, etc.) not only because they harm individuals who engage in them but also because they degrade society. Consensual homosexual unions might cause no apparent distress to persons proximate to them, but they diminish an institution - marriage - without which, civilization will erode ever more quickly. And in case one hasn't noticed, natural marriage in the United States is in enough trouble as it is.

Tony Perkins #fundie frc.org

From the White House to the Outhouse...

It's been a rough month for Barack Obama. At his old office, President Trump is keeping the shredders busy with his predecessor's radical policies and orders. Brick by brick, the White House is deconstructing the legacy of the Obama years -- scrubbing everything from overseas abortion funding to dangerous immigration postures. Today, the Trump team may be adding a new guidance to the trash heap: Obama's hugely controversial shower and bathroom order.

For nine months, parents, local districts, and states have been storming the courthouse doors to fight back on the decree, which insisted that every public school force students into the humiliating situation of sharing showers, restrooms, and locker rooms, with members of the opposite sex. Comply, the Department of Education implied, or lose your funding. To leaders like Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (R), Obama's financial blackmail was nothing new. If anything, it only made them more determined. As far as Patrick was concerned, this was easily the most important issue for families since the Supreme Court ruled against school prayer. "This will be the end of public education, if this prevails," he warned. And most parents didn't need convincing. Even Democrats joined the fierce pushback in local communities, all fighting an agenda that the American College of Pediatricians calls "child abuse." Like us, they think Trump's position is the right one.

In a rare show of muscle, 23 states banded together to fight the order -- led by Texas. The White House's agenda was so unpopular by November that some experts even blamed Hillary Clinton's loss on her defense of it. Through it all, Donald Trump's position was clear: "I believe it should be states' rights, and I think the states should make the decision, they're more capable of making the decision," he told "Good Morning America"on May 13. When pressed, he repeated his stance. "I just think it should be states' rights. I think many things actually should be states' rights, but this is a perfect example of it," he said.

This week, he plans on proving it. According to sources, the Departments of Justice and Education have already drafted a letter scrubbing the Obama order. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked about the development yesterday in a media scrum. "Will there be further guidance coming out on this? I think that all you have to do is look at what the president's view has been for a long time, that this is not something the federal government should be involved in, this is a state's rights issue."

Prayer Team #fundie frc.org

Religious oppression and persecution associated with legalized same-sex "marriage" (SSM) is already underway, and will only increase. Maryland, Maine and Washington state voters affirmed SSM on Election Day. Minnesota rejected a traditional marriage amendment and legislators are acting swiftly to legalize SSM there. Nine states - MD, ME and WA, plus CT, IA, MA, NH, NY, VT and Washington, DC, now allow SSM. While their laws masquerade as religion friendly (pastors are exempted from any requirement to perform same-sex "marriages"), Christian judges and justices of the peace are not exempted. Nor are Christian clerks who must issue "marriage" licenses; notaries who must notarize legal documents, photographers, florists, bakers, wedding venue operators, marriage counselors, lawyers, homeowners who wish to rent out their homes - all of whom will be required to accept, honor and serve same-sex "married" couples without objection - or face lawsuits and fines.

And what about churches? What will your church do when a "married" same-sex couple demands recognition? Have your pastor and church prepared you for such an eventuality? Will you stand on biblical truth? How about you and your family, when your child comes home from school talking about what he or she is being taught? If you as a business owner or employee are told to be complicit in supporting a same-sex "marriage," will you stand for your faith and close your business or ministry, or lose your job? Catholic Charities in Massachusetts closed their 100+ year old adoption ministry rather than comply with the law requiring them to place adoptive children with homosexual couples. These laws are splitting homes, churches, denominations and America, but the worst is ahead. Each of us must decide whether we will obey God or man (Acts 5:29).

The Family Research Council #fundie frc.org

On March 22nd, 1972, the Supreme Court undermined the boundaries and benefits of marriage. In the decision Eisenstadt v. Baird, the Court struck down a Massachusetts law prohibiting the distribution of contraceptives to unmarried people, and implicitly sanctioned unmarried non-procreative sexual intimacy.

While the decision may seem archaic and insignificant by modern sexual standards, Eisenstadt v. Baird dealt a decisive blow to the legal and cultural norm that marriage was the institution for the full expression of the sexual relationship between man and woman. The decision and its legal consequences affect us today. Forty years ago, the Court ruled that unmarried couples could not be denied their birth control. Today, the Federal government is forcing us to share the cost, for said contraception and some states are giving marital status to homosexual relationships.

Tony Perkins #fundie frc.org

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that when Congress made sexual attraction a qualification for military service -- on par with academic performance, community service, physical fitness, or moral standing -- it radically altered America's fighting force.

Watchmen on the Wall #fundie frc.org

Lord, you see the growing anti-Christian rhetoric not just by extremist political activists, but by elected politicians and by agencies of state and local governments. You see the oppression against faithful believers. Intervene, Lord, to protect your people. Stir your people to stand up to their oppressors and proclaim the truth of our religious liberty, protected by the First Amendment! May your people wrestle principalities and powers, using the tools and gifts with which you have equipped them. May they never compromise their faith, whatever the cost. Correct Lord, those who have crossed the line, violated their Constitutional oaths, and persecuted your people. Raise up faithful men and women to run for and hold public office.

Bob Morrison #fundie frc.org

In France, we have seen massive demonstrations (manifestations) for marriage. Hundreds of thousands have turned out in Paris for the fourth time in the past year. Even the French media, even more liberal than our own, have been astonished at the growing movement there. They interviewed a little boy among the thousands of children who marched. He was probably no more than ten years old, but he said: "Every childneeds the love of a mother and father." Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. So the French Left promptly blocked the YouTube video that showed this boy's moving response.

But take heart, friends, even E.T. knows the truth about mankind. Back in 1972, NASA launched Pioneer 10. This spacecraft was sent to the farthest reaches of the Solar System and beyond. It boldly went where no man has gone before. It bore a message, an indelible truth about humanity. That deep space probe contained aGolden Stele. That plaque was engraved with symbols showing extra-terrestrials where Earth was located in the Cosmos, something of our level of scientific sophistication, and figures of a man and a woman.

Those two humans were intentionally drawn to show no race, no religion, no national or ethnic identity. But that man and woman told the truth: human beings are male or female.

Now, the standard liberal line is that such a bifurcation of humanity is old hat, patriarchal, retrograde. As a candidate, Barack Obama said that marriage was between a man and a woman, "and God is in the mix." As president, however, this most liberal of our leaders proclaimed that he has "evolved." The rest of us, those who support true marriage, or who still think God is in the mix, are therefore left behind his ever forward-looking progressive ranks. To him, we are bitter, clinging Believers.

But there's the problem of the Golden Stele. It was fashioned by PBS's most famous atheist, Carl Sagan. Dr. Sagan sagely intoned that the cosmos is all there is, all there ever was, and all there ever will be. No religious fanaticism there, right? And his taxpayer-financed messages were broadcast not only around the world, but sent out on Pioneer 10 out beyond the farthest planets.

Dr. Sagan was the one who conceived the engraving on that Golden Stele. Male and female created He them. Verily, Dr. Sagan did. And if Science proclaimed this simple truth in 1972, we have a right to ask what scientific evidence has President Obama or any of his wise men, er, wise persons, divined since that year that would disprove the learned Carl Sagan?

Americans have been voting on marriage for 20 years. In that state-by-state rolling referendum, tens of millions of voters in 32 states voted for true marriage. Last November, it is true, voters in four liberal states voted not to defend true marriage. That seems to be our opponents' idea of "inevitability." In their progressive view, four is greater than 32.

They now look to the U.S. Supreme Court to administer the final blow to marriage. The high court, after all, struck down bans on interracial marriage in a unanimous ruling in 1967. Speaking for the high court in Loving v. Virginia, Chief Justice Earl Warren said "Marriage is one of the 'basic civil rights of man,' fundamental to our very existence and survival."

Our existence and survival depend on marriage - true marriage. The collapse of marriage brings the collapse of nations. The French resistance understands this.

President Obama has placed radicals on the courts and radicals in his administration who are relentlessly pursuing the end of marriage. They believe in any number of consenting adults having legal custody of any number of children (www.beyondmarriage.org). They want to force all of us to support that destructive idea.

E.T. now knows better. The Golden Stele on board Pioneer 10 cannot be overtaken by another missile. It cannot be blown up. The truth engraved on that golden panel is the truth that the progressives are trying to erase. But it's too late: The Word is out.

Tony Perkins #fundie frc.org

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

So begins the Bill of Rights with the first amendment to our Constitution--one that guarantees a God-given freedom. For over 200 years the light of the church has illuminated this freedom, but now a radical agenda seeks to extinguish that flame.

The expansion of non-discrimination laws to include homosexuality inevitably constricts our right to express and act on our religious beliefs. Recently, there has been a string of incidents involving government intolerance against those who live out their faith in the public square.

To respond to this growing threat, I'm pleased to announce that on October 15, 2006, FRC will host a nationwide simulcast from Boston, Massachusetts called "Liberty Sunday: Defending Our First Freedom." I invite you to join us as we examine the cultural and legal influences that threaten to erode religious liberties and muzzle free speech.

Watchmen on the Wall #fundie frc.org

Lord, Obergefell v. Hodges was an assault upon Your institution of marriage, the cornerstone of society. The effort to mainstream transgenderism is an assault on You as Creator and the heart of Your created order. Please help us to prevent the conferring of special rights and privileges for those who embrace aberrant sexual identities, and those who seek to re-engineer American society and law to require god-fearing Americans to submit to such moral subversion. Please stop parent’s rights from being violated, the massive confusion of our youth and the effort to capture their souls. Intervene to waken us, our pastors, churches, families, neighbors, and friends to engage in this fight and win it!

Watchmen on the Wall #fundie frc.org

May we repent on behalf of our nation for turning from God and looking to Big Government to be our lawgiver, judge, and king and provider, rather than our Jealous God, who alone has the power to heal, prosper, bless, and guide ours or any nation. May God give our president, Speaker Paul Ryan, Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, the entire GOP majority in both Houses, and the Democrats who are willing to work with the majority, wisdom, patience, guidance, and the ability to come to united agreement over this initiative. May God work miracles in our legislative branch to heal the breach between the parties and personalities, and allow enough cooperation for our nation to move forward.