
PaulAckermann #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming christianforums.com

[On why masturbation is a sin...]

The Bible clearly teaches homosexuality is a sin. The reason homosexuality is a sin is because God created sex between a man and a woman. Since man was not intended to give sexual pleasure to a another man, it is sin. But it is sin for a man to give sexual pleasure to another man, why would it be acceptable for a man to give sexual pleasure to himself?

Please excuse my graphical illustration here, but I think it is needed to make a point. Why would it be wrong for a man to take his hand and give me sexual pleasure with his hand, and yet it be OK for me to use my own hand to give myself sexual pleasure??? In both cases, the hand that is giving me sexual pleasure would be a man's hand!

bluetrinity #fundie christianforums.com

The bottom line is: the universe was created.

Unless someone can prove to me that God didn't do it, or has good arguments that it somebody else did it, I am going to hold that God created the universe, revealed himself through the bible and the prophets, became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ, died for all the evil in the world, and will come back to judge the living and the dead.

JEREMY O'ROURKE #fundie christianforums.com

Creationism is pure fact... Our kids are being brainwashed by people who have no grip of reality. Reality is a world where athiests and those who support evolution surely dont live. It is ashamed at how kids are lied to being told that they evolved from a monkey... Evolution is one of the biggest frauds of our time. It truly is so sad how people are so far from reality. If you want to live in lala land then go ahead but there are some of us who choose to be in tune with reality. The reality is found in Genesis... It will do you some good if you just trust what it says as pure fact. Evolution comes from pure ignorance to the facts of how we got here.

JMRE5150 #fundie christianforums.com

[Jesus is real because] The odds of Jesus Christ being the true Messiah and fullfilling the prophecies he did are equal to covering the entire state of Texas ankle-deep with quarters, marking one with an "X", blindfolding your friend and asking him to find it.

Osel #fundie #sexist #homophobia christianforums.com

[Explaining who he wouldn't vote to be President]
A Muslim
Islamic interests are not in the interests of the West.

A homosexual
Homosexual interest collides with heterosexual interest. They are a small minority whereas heterosexuals are the vast majority.

A woman
I'd vote for a woman but I don't support woman's suffrage. They tend to vote based on emotional response instead of logical response.

JohnR7 #fundie christianforums.com

The teachers I had growing up, that did not follow the Bible, I found to be rather abusive. If they can not teach the message of the Bible, then they should at least be required to live it as a example for the students.

AngryNotice #fundie christianforums.com

darwin was delusional and the ideas he proposed then would be laughable in todays world. if someone came up with an idea like "llife came from aliens" they would be considered insane. but not darwin. satans role in this world is much more powerful than any of you could believe. the denial of satan is much worse than accepting the fact that youre resisting god himself

Voegelin #fundie christianforums.com

Why let the Feds have the money? We should privitize the system. Bring back indentured servitude. Have a national lottery. For a buck everyone gets a chance at a servant for 7 years. Or dole them out on the basis of need. Low income workers who need child care and the elderly who need caregivers get first preference.

AngryNotice #fundie christianforums.com

christianity has a monopoly on marriage, it was created in the name of Christ. its not right that we see other cultures and religious denominations(including homosexuals) feel that they can control what happens with our birthright. satans claws go deep into our society

Forgiven_and_Redeemed #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

I understand, but then again if your friend wasn't a homosexual, that would never have happened. I appreciate how homosexuals may get a little bit bothered by a miniscule minority of 'Christians' (whose hearts are probably in the right place!) but that doesn't mean the rest of us should back off and let gays get married/ have civil unions/ domestic partnerships.

dad #fundie christianforums.com

Can a teacher refuse to teach lies and ungodly things? Can a child bring a bible to school? Can parents not allow their brainwashed daughter to not kill her child? Can one preach what the bible says on marriage publicly, and take measure to keep the gleefully perverted from their ranks?

The believers are forced more and more into hiding and secrecy like the catacombs of Rome. I would be surprised if the next several years were not marked by growing real persecution, evil oppressive laws, open blasphemy, and such inevitable results of advanced decay. Good news for believers!!! Very good news. People get ready, there's a train a comin.....and to hell with the US and it's leadership.

concernedamerican #fundie christianforums.com

I have a real problem when parents lie to their children, about the fat man in a red suit who goes down chimneys. If, “He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows when you’ve been bad or good...” Wouldn’t that make him all-knowing and omnipresent? If he can get presents to every house in the world in one night wouldn’t that have to make him all-powerful also? Isn’t God the only one who really has those attributes? The first of Ten Commandments, which God wrote with His own finger, says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). Shouldn’t the focus of Christmas be on Christ, not Santa? Besides why would you want some fat man to get the credit for your hard work anyway? And finally, if parents lie to their kids about Santa, and then later tell them that an all-knowing, all-powerful God loved them so much that He sent His son Jesus to earth to die for their sins, how are they suppose to believe it? Why should they believe any thing their parents say after that?

cyberlizard #fundie christianforums.com

makes sense - some of us in the thread don't accept the authority of scripture cause they are 'agnostic'.

if we do not accept scripture is accurate then the truth is we do not have to believe in sin, we can say the miracles of Jesus are a joke and never happened, and certainly the idea he rose from the dead can be discounted also.

I for one have no trouble with the earth being 8000 years old, nor man living alongside dinosaurs. Being a Christian does not equate with intellectual suicide.

Steve the Christian

jhessel #fundie #homophobia #psycho christianforums.com

I don't see the sin in what [Fred] Phelps is doing [making a prominent park monument that states Matthew Shephard, a murdered gay student, is burning in hell]... who is really the sinner? Phelps who is trying to warn people so they can be saved, or the homosexual rights groups who tell people that homosexuality is ok even though we know God's warning against it.

AV1611VET #sexist christianforums.com

I grew up in the Leave It To Beaver era.

Men were men and women were women.

I had "It's a man's world" drummed into me.

My mom never had a driver's license.

Then came women's lib, equal opportunity, reverse discrimination, NOW, and all this other balogna.

And while I hold two women up in high esteem (Rosa Parks & Frances Kelsey), I've seen my share of women arcing & sparking and singing songs like "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better" and "I Am Woman" and other junk.

I love the story of the man who held a door open for a woman, and she stopped and refused to go in, calling him a "male chauvinist."

To which he replied, "I'm not holding the door because you're a woman. I'm holding the door because I'm a man."

My older sister got into the women's lib movement as a teenager, and it was all I could do to put up with her nonsense.

daughter of the king #fundie christianforums.com

a baby that is aborted goes to- heaven
a 6 month old baby that dies in a car crash goes to -heaven
a 2 year old pre schooler drowneds in a paddleing pool goes to - heaven
4 year old from a islamic family dies in a bombing goes to - heaven
10 year old dies in a head on crash doesn't believe in God goes to -hell

Little Nipper #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

["Incest is off topic.
Please try to stay on topic, and dont mention it again."]


Who makes the rules; ME, YOU, or GOD!
Is this one nation under GOD or in spite of GOD? GOD in the BIBLE indicates that HOMOSEXUALITY is an evil pagan practice. If there is no god or gods that the nation must answer to, then society can certainly do whatever it pleases. Incest to some may be a perfect way to teach children about sex by making it a physical family exercise. Even pets could be added to the fray. Certainly, with the inclusion of Homosexual marriage comes the next step of several marriage partners and family coupling. One can only wonder what society will evolve into in even the next 20 years as we become more and more sensually sophisticated..... Some are eagerly licking their chops in expectation......

timex #fundie christianforums.com

atheists sure seem to fear that ole wager of Paschal (even though it isnt an airtight logical theorem, it is still a wager and a compelling one at that! that's why there are very very few atheists in foxholes and thats why about 95% or so of people on their death beds hedge their bets in favor of theism!

clirus #fundie #kinkshaming #forced-birth #homophobia christianforums.com

Democrats - Soft on Security

The Patriot Act fiasco again points out the fact that democrats are still soft on security. Being soft of security is what lead to the 9/11 attack that killed 3000 Americans in American cities. The democrats like to say they are protecting civil liberties. That is equivalent to their statements that pornography is freedom of speech, abortion is a woman's choice, and homosexuality is a civil right. It is no wonder Clinton knew he could get away with the big lie that, I did not have sex with that woman.

The fear of criticism by the Atheistic liberal news media is what keep Clinton from taking on Iraq and Afghanistan. Why should Republicans take the blame for solving problems and the democrats set around looking like peace lovers. It is ironic that people who solve problems are criticized and people who do nothing are praised. Of course the doing nothing catches up with you, as it did with 9/11.

The Middle East problem is not going to be solved until Syria and Iran are dealt with. If it is done by Republicans, it should be done with a full declaration of war that carries with it a total censorship of the news media. It is unlikely Republican will deal with the Syria and Iran issue because of the pain inflicted by the Atheistic liberal news media, and certainly the democrats are not going to do anything because they are soft on security.

I guess it is time to start preparing for the next Middle East war.

The list of things the democrats never got done is long. They never had an energy policy. They never had an education policy. They never had a medical insurance policy. They never had an immigration policy. They never had a solution for social security. The foreign policy of the democrats was an policy of appeasement that led to 9/11, the North Korea mess, and the failure to resolve the Israeli - Palestine problem. The only policies democrats do have are socialism, feminism, pornography, abortion and homosexuality, none of which should be supported by Christians.

Democrats are soft on security, but strong on sin.

During democratic administrations problems develop and there is little criticism. During Republican administrations problems are solved but there is great criticism. It is a wonder the Atheistic liberal news media has not questioned the legality of President Bush breathing. The Atheists who question the legality of everything President Bush does are the one who most often violate God's law. I wonder what would occur if there was a fair and balanced news media instead of the Atheistic liberal news media.

It is pitiful that America does have the stomach for the urban gorilla wars such as Iraq, because that is the model for all future wars. If Iran gets a nuclear device, it might be different, but generally the nature of war will be house to house and roadside bombs. You will know the war has been won when the people are providing tips on the enemy. I totally blame the inability to fight a urban gorilla war on the democrats and the Atheistic liberal news media.

Little Nipper #fundie christianforums.com

Who are you? What have you created from NOTHING? What universe do you hold together? Who did you die and rise again for?
READ JOB chapters 38 & 39 and add verses 1 & 2 of chapter 40. Speak to me not of vain or little. YOU KNOW NOT WHAT YOU SAY. Do not tempt the hand of GOD for HE is not mocked. I do NOT riot against you. I do NOT seek to harm you. I warn you . My LORD GOD can take care of HIMSELF.

serendipity79 #fundie christianforums.com

the only evidence that we have is facts and what we read and hear.creationism has stood the test of time, however time an and time again scientific fact is often broken down and disproved. it will continue into the future as the only crutch atheists and non christians hold onto.

Godzman #fundie christianforums.com

[Replying to 'YOU CANNOT USE A THING TO PROVE ITSELF']so you can't use a human to prove that is a human, or a sun to prove it is a sun, or a tree to prove it is a tree, or an eye to prove it is an eye, or truth to prove it is truth

BroGrinder #fundie christianforums.com

Lets face it, I know science is awesome, true science that is. I have read numerous arcticles that place creation as the only possible way we arrived here.

Think about the likely hood that we just happened to be in the perfect balance on a axis that doenst freeze us solid of burn us up completely. Or that the rib cage specifically protects our vital organs. It had to be purposed.

Take 5 tooth picks put them in your hand. Hold your hand 6" from a flat surface. Think in your mind how you want them to fall to build an outline of a house. Now tilt your hand and let the fall. Likely? No its not, just like the likely hood that we just happened to have an imune system that is in constant development, that the healing process works as it does. It all poinst to a creator.

TheListener #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

Homosexuality is also abusive behaviour.

It is not natural. An anus is not meant for sex, it is for defecating bodily waste. Don't use the "animals do it too" logic either unless you want to lower yourself to the same reasoning ability of an animal. Animals also like incest, so does that make incest normal natural behaviour?

If it isn't abusive behaviour then can you tell me homosexual men have healthy bowels?

And as it was said, there is not a single shred of evidence that homosexuality is inborn, just wishful theories. Probably by the same scientists who think God doesn't exist.

SonicBOOM #fundie christianforums.com

[From a thread full of atheist-bashing]

I don't know how much I agree with [atheism], but I don't think many professing atheists know that the theory of evolution was first regarded as a joke even among it's experts. I quote "evolution is so absurd it will be regarded as one of the great jokes of the universe in future generations".

Infact the whole theory's absurdity is blinded by eloquent speech and popular belief.

First off the theory that we developed from apes is based upon nothing but mere speculation. If this isn't true than why do we keep searching for that oh so elusive "missing link" that may or [surprise surprise] may NOT exist!

Second evolution doesn't even explain the whole argument! it explains matter [very poorly btw] but that's about it.... what about time? Space? What about the freaking beginning!? Therefore evolution, even if it IS true, is incomplete by nature.

I really could go on....

tyler4588 #fundie christianforums.com

Technically, evolution is not a theory. There are a couple religions that can come from evolution though.

Liberal Christianity
Agnosticism - Not knowing if God exists
Gnosticism - Believes that God does not exist
Wicca - Not really from evolution, but Wiccans believe in it

joshua 1 9 #fundie christianforums.com

As a Christian parts of our brain function that does not function for non christians. There is evidence for that when they scan the brain. Without religion mankind would all die off. Non religious people have a reprobate brain, they have not advanced and developed a regenerated brain the way people do that learn how to function in a loving, caring religious community.

Floodnut #fundie christianforums.com

(discussing the problem with non-creationists) They absolutely do not care about Scripture. They never discuss scripture. When they ask for "Evidence" they are not asking for Scriptural Evidence, but they want NATURAL evidence. Imagine that. What ever scripture supports or insists on creatio ex nihilo, creation out of nothing, they dispense with as "prescientific," or allegorical, etc. Also, they do not believe that the Text has a particular meaning, but that it is a matter of personal preference and multiple choice.
They do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God.

JohnR7 #fundie christianforums.com

Creationism is science simply because there is no conflict between science and creationism. Look at miracles. When God performs a miracle He simply restores things back to the way He intends for them to be. The problem then is not to "prove" the miracle, the problem is to prove that there was ever a problem in the first place. It is to easy to say the test results were not right or something of that sort.

Katana #fundie christianforums.com

And for the other people here, the pagans of today have nothing to do with the pagans of the past. These new pagans have beliefs which are infinitely more childish. After all, we live in a modern world, and they still believe in their pantheon of gods?

CherubRam #fundie christianforums.com

There are Atheist organizations, so therefore they are organized. All Atheist "believe" in evolution as a doctrine. All Atheist "believe" there is no God. All Atheist insist on their belief as being described as "disbelief," in an effort to distance themselves from being called a religion. In that way they can use government institutions to promote what they do, and do not believe. In other words, fool the public by changing dictionary terminology. You can cry foul all you want, but I am not so stupid as others to believe you. Terminology in the dictionaries is perverted to control how people communicate. Political correctness is for fooling the slow. I would like to point out that the disbelief in there being a God is a belief. Disbelief is a belief. This too is a matter of faith.

NoahK #fundie christianforums.com

[Plagiarized from a website]One of the biggest problems with atheism is the ultimate conclusion one must make with regard to morality. If there is no God, there is no moral giver. No moral-giver, no morals. No morality, nothing wrong with killing. Stepping on a roach and killing a baby=same thing without morals.

strikerchris0411 #fundie christianforums.com

How can you believe in no god if there is proof of some spirit out there.

The reason is there is wege [Ouija] boards. I don't know if i spelled it right, but i think yall know what i am talking about. Idk if you guys believe in those. but I have heard some pretty convincing stories. IF there was no God then there would probaly not be life after death

Carico #fundie christianforums.com

I used to be an unbeliever so I know what it means to not be able to believe in God. But the difference between me and atheists is that I could see my own contradictions as an unbeliever and atheists can't.

If they could, they would see that their lack of beliefs depends on changing history and denying intelligent design which would mean that everything would be based on chance and unpredictable. That contradicts the laws of nature that sicencists rely on and it contradicts logic itself. So the fact that atheists can't see that, then it really isn't possible to have logical conversations with them. But people who are honest with themselves can see where their logic is faulty and why they need a redeemer.

J3sus Is My L0rd #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

Well besides the FLAMING comments, i'll cut down to the point - homosexuality is not an inherited trait. That is a lie that the devil made up and has put into this world system that is controlled by him and his kingdom. They lie to everyone and tell them that homosexuality is an inherited genetic thing, or whatever, but in truth its not. Being a homosexual is a CHOICE to indulge in wickedness, sin, carnal desires, sexual immorality, and impurity. Raise your children by Godly standards and by the Bible and not by the lies of this world, and he/she will not stray far from what you teach them

Lookin4dalight #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

Yes, I believe violence towards homosexuals is perfectly acceptable if they are making unwanted sexual advances. It maybe wrong to use violence, but these homosexuals need to learn, "You're gay. I don't approve it, God doesn't approve of it, and you'll get yours sooner or later." Drastic times of rampant homosexuality require drastic measures.

Robert43 #fundie christianforums.com

In my book a Atheist is no diffient than an animal. Animals don't have morals. Atheist need to get away from Christian values and following of christian laws. Animals don't go to a afterlife after death and Atheist believe when they die they are just like a animal.