ohessyoucowboys #racist newsbusters.org

"The headline is already gone from the Associated Press's national site, but it's still present elsewhere."

Just like with this former headline, the truth, when it becomes inconvenient, is deleted.

Which is precisely the goal of a Community Organizer.

Which is precisely his version of Utopia.

Which is precisely described in 1984.

Angry, larcenous, arsonist, murderous negroes are a dime-a-dozen, in Obama-world.

And the new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, can't wait for cities to burn.

The squeaky wheel always gets the Al Sharpton grease; with taxpayer money, with affirmative action programs and with kowtowing Liberals.


And La Raza, "The Race," and the illegal immigrant hordes aren't far behind.

I am absolutely livid.

I've had a gutful; I'm speaking my mind, and I don't give a damn who I offend.

Which is precisely why the First Amendment is the FIRST Amendment.

Which is precisely why I'm ohessyoucowboys.

America has never confronted a greater peril, than the American Communist.

I've never been so afraid for our country.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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