Mayor #fundie


Because Feminism is against us men. Feminists in general (and Angela Davis in particular) opposed the Million Man March of 1995; (the same way they opposed the Black Power movement of the late 1960s). This was one of the worst things she could have done; because it exposed the spitefulness of Feminism for what it is: A philosophy for home wrecker, lesbian witches.

Feminists also vehemently opposed the Promise Keepers "family values" March of 1997. Feminism started the so-called battle between the sexes, but now this small battle has become a full blown gender war!!

Why do black women stick up for and defend lesbian/tomboy Feminism??

Because they are naive, just like the lost little girl in the Wizard of Oz, who did not understand why no one would play with her. Instead, they were doing hard chores to prepare for her to inherit. They were nest building, (just as the black men of the 1960s were nest building/nation building); but their hard work was taken for granted. For example: black men have been the least and last to benefit from the very equality/civil rights movement they created, while everyone else has benefited!! This is ridiculous.

So the girls naively thought they were being taken for granted, and "ran away" and got caught up in the witchcraft of Feminism. And just like this lost little girl who was trapped in the mysterious Land of Oz, had to choose if she was a "good witch or bad witch", black women will also have to decide and take sides on whether Feminism is good or bad for them. They have had 25 years to make up their minds about this. Instead, black women believe the white Women's Liberation propaganda, and think they are being "saved" from some mythical oppression of house work. (Notice that whites are always "saving" something or someone? For example: save the non-christian savages, save the Earth, save the whales, save the Ozone, save the planet, save the forests, save the starving babies of Africa, etc. But nothing would need saving in the first place IF WHITES WOULD JUST LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE! They are not saving you from anything but are "enslaving" you instead.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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