Hunter Wallace #conspiracy #wingnut

[From "TAC: The Causes of the War"]

As usual, the “journalists” are lying, recycling propaganda from the “intelligence community” and running with the usual narratives and tropes on cable television about evil dictators who have gone insane and who want to kill babies to explain the outbreak of war in Ukraine. This is how every American war going back to World War I when the Hun invaded Belgium has been explained to the public. Woodrow Wilson entered World War I to make the world safe for democracy. Joe Biden is also leading us into World War III to defend “democracy” against “autocracy”

The media shows us a horrific war that is going on in a distant country. They don’t explain why the war broke out or our role in bringing it about or how it could have been avoided or ended in a compromise. The American media has spent years ignoring the war in Donbas. This war in Ukraine which is familiar to Russians strikes most Americans as a lightning bolt out of the blue


What caused the war now ongoing in Ukraine? One supposes that the first answer just about everybody would agree on is that Putin caused the war[…]He made the decision. His reasons were the decisive ones
The formula the U.S. adopted toward Russia during and after the Maidan Revolution played a big role in bringing on the ensuing catastrophe. The casus belli for Putin was the constitution of Ukraine as an “anti-Russia”[…]It greatly intensified in 2021 with the arrival of the Biden Administration

We were told for years that this American policy of transforming Ukraine into a puppet regime and a NATO client state was a red line. We ignored everything that the Russians said and dismissed their concerns continued to push the policy anyway. This is like taunting a dog and beating it with a stick and then acting shocked when it stops growling and snaps and attacks



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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