Robert Heimdal #conspiracy #wingnut #racist

I have not failed noticing a strange trend lately related to Adolf Hitler supposedly being the ‘original creator of the idea of the European Union’ as if that was not a very old idea preceding Hitler himself hundreds of years already at this day and age. I’m going to make this article short because my stomach is not up to digest this type of bullshit anymore (I must be getting old, it seems). Of course, all goes in connection with the recent allegations by this buffoonish charlatan Boris Johnson who apparently had the brilliant idea of drawing this comparison between the notion of a European union, according to National Socialist Germany, in contrast to what the current so-called ‘European Union’ is all about. But what really bothers me the most is that some people in social media outlets are repeating the same rotten meme like if it was some kind of broken record. Funny enough I’m not talking about liberal idiots and similar creatures, I’m talking about people who are supposed to be on the same Pro-White/Anti-White Genocide page as we are. It is amazing how gullible people can be no matter how far they believe to have moved away themselves from the official mainstream narrative. They simply refuse to see the evidence right before their noses, these self-deceivers.

It would be pointless from me to state the ridiculousness of it all simply by bringing up simple questions to the table, such as, if the ‘European Union’ was originally Hitler’s ‘Idea’ why are we being invaded by all the Third World scum of the Earth in all European countries at the same time? Why is this so-called ‘European Union’ so hell-bent on promoting and giving preference for employment and financial help to so-called ‘migrants’ for FREE to the utter detriment of the native European populations (including Germany’s)? Why is the European Union’s ‘economical system’ based on feral banking capitalism which is the very same ‘system’ Adolf Hitler try to abolish forever? Why is the European Union so Jewish-friendly on this and every respect to the point of having its own European Jewish organizations within the entity itself? What business is the European Union for the Jews anyway? And most importantly, why is Nationalism the biggest force opposing this ‘European Union’ of criminal Jewish bankers and genocidal maniacs right now as I write? Can anyone notice the disconnection here?

Embed this image in your mind at once. Adolf Hitler had nothing to do with the ‘EU’, it’s the Jews stupid.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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