Paul Kersey #racist

Black mothers (or white mothers) bring them into the world.

They, byproducts of the black community in Indianapolis, are the single reason murder exists in the city.

No future-time orientation.

No impulse control.

Low IQ.

People who try and blame a 'fatherless' culture absolve black women (or white women) from the equation; no one is forcing women to engage in relations with black men, thus to put the onus of black dysfunction on a lack of a father figure is an egregious assault on reason.

As is the attempt by the Indy Star to humanize the black individuals gunned down by other blacks in Indianapolis this year.


No Rev. Harrison, it's black children who are more violent, reverting back to a natural state no western makeup can hide anymore.

Thirty-five of the 36 blacks murdered (all by other blacks, the most pertinent fact of all) had police records.

Do not mourn their deaths.

Only mourn the death of the city of Indianapolis, another casualty of the black undertow.

The moral of the story is simple: no one is forcing black women (or white women) to have black children. Simply end all funding of the black undertow - cut off EBT, Section 8 Vouchers, Welfare, Public School (and free breakfast/lunch), and WIC - and the problem ends over night.

If you don't fund dysfunction (dysgenics), something else will materialize in its absence.

No, something will flourish.

It's called civilization.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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