Bro. Randy #fundie

There are a lot of things you can learn from the modern, hollywood, romance style of dating:
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to live in disobedience to God's will
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to live with a sexually transmitted disease
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to stand at the wedding alter having a heart and/or body that is sexually impure
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to be disqualified from whatever ministry God may have for you.
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to be a parent before you are ready or married.
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to practice for divorce.
You can learn, first hand, what it is like to have your heart torn asunder because you joined your heart to someone who was not God's will for you.
Need I continue? God has a plan for marriage and Hollywood's style of dating is not a part of it.



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