Aldous #racist

Not likely, the evolutionary development of the Ashkenazi Jew is far more unique and insidious than that of settled populations. The Jewish religion gifts its adherents with a narcissism absent from just about every other major religious group. They see themselves as the "center of history" and as the "chosen people". This ethnocentrism, combined with their nomadic origins and mongrel composition, made them particularly reek of the otherness as they drifted further into Europe after the fall of their khaganate. The Ashkenazi Jews developed above average verbal intelligence, which is primarily responsible for their success in business and on IQ exams, both as a result of their "bookish" religion (where you must read the Torah to become a man) and eugenically, as they needed to swindle goy (something morally acceptable in their religion and culture) as well as get out of "trouble" in order to adequately leach off of Western society. This essentially developed into a material lust in addition to an envious rage, yet another fragment of the Jewish identity, but I won't delve that deep in this post. Hundreds of years of very close inbreeding and further hostility from gentile populations contributed additional eugenic stress to the genetic disaster that is the group we now call “Ashkenazi Jews”. They are a uniquely degenerate and malicious population and there are both social and biological factors behind their malignant attributes.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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