Stargazer #fundie

So I started this discussion on my social media and I thought I'd bring it here because I find it interesting.

I'm starting to think there may be no such thing as an atheist. That is to say, there is no such thing as a person who lives consistently with an atheist worldview, the belief that there is no God.

If there is no God, there can be no ultimate right or wrong. Atheists will affirm that, they will say that morality is relative. But I don't believe they live that way. I believe there are certain moral situations that atheists will reject any possibility of them ever seeing it as right. They know in their heart of hearts that it's wrong. It wouldn't matter if the rest of the society they lived in all agreed, it wouldn't matter what science said, their position would not change. But what is their rational basis for that attitude? It flies in the face of the moral relativism they affirm. If there are things that they would never see as right, they are asserting that the morality relating to those things is, in actuality, objective.

You don't get that from an atheistic worldview. There can be no ultimate right or wrong. In order to make objective moral statements, you need to have an objective moral basis, an ultimate right or wrong, to make them from. You get that from a theistic worldview, specifically one where there is an ultimate authority to define right and wrong and that authority has clearly revealed it, as is the case in the Biblical Christian worldview. So, atheists will claim that morality is relative because their worldview requires it, but when it comes down to it, they will borrow from, operate under, the Christian worldview. They will not act like atheists.



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