the lioness is a guy IRL (AKA Cassiterides) #fundie

(Seemed to fit both RSTDT and FSTDT, flipped a coin)

[cassiterides says evolution is a fairytale, that GOD created each of the "races" separately about 6000 years ago ]

I claimed Aryans (Indo-Europeans) are around 6,000-7,000 years old and they are the Adamites of the Bible. Aryan = ploughman and Genesis states Adam was a 'tiller' or plougher of the ground. The etymology of Adam is also 'ruddy, to show blood in the face' - only people with pale white skin show blood in the face.

Science estimates the Australian aborigines around 60,000 years old, East Asians 20,000-30,000 years, and the Bushmen up to 100,000.

I only ever claimed Aryans are 6,000 years old. The non-white races are far older pre-adamite creations.

But yes all races have seperate origins and evolution is a fairytale.

Only a crank would believe a negro morphed into a white man or a white man into a negro. Yet there are afrocentrics on the forum who think this happened. Time to take their medication.



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