perigrini #homophobia

[Homosexual Behavior in Animals]

My degree is in psychology. At one point I read a study about increasing populations. As I recall, the animal used were mice.

Initially they observed a set population for a specific sized area. They counted the rate of violent and homosexual acts the mice did over time.

They then increased the population and observed again. They continued to increase the population density and observe changes in violence and homosexual behavior.

What the study indicated was that as population increased there was a matching increase in violence and homosexual behavior.

Of course one must be careful when extrapolating animal behavior to humans (although clearly the "scientists" observing in the OP aren't interested in being so careful), but is it any wonder when we observe that when humans live in denser populations there is also an increase in violence and homosexual behavior?

Of course such a study would be rejected by the homosexual community because it puts homosexuality in the light of anti-social behavior. It simply isn't PC to identify the truth.



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