D.J.R. #fundie crossroad.to

Let me tell you a quick life story. Back when I was in highschool, about a few years ago, I "fell in love" with a great asian guy. My parents told me not to date, but I did it anyway. It was very romantic and exotic to me, being black and he oriental. But now I know that it was the trap from Satan and his evil minions.

Being an art lover, I loved to doodle in class. My bf, who I'll call Toy, scorned my work (playfully) and said that the real deal was in anime. I was confused when he said that, because i didn't really know that much about it. Oh, but woe, how I grew to understand and accept the waywardness of those pagan images that infiltrated my mind.

Toy, like myself, liked to draw, and he was always drawing anime styled. I would draw about 10 or so anime-styled images a day (except on Sabbath), and then would late it bake in my head at night. My concept of reality began to change and my desire to serve the Lord fervently began to falter. I began to be dwell on things and ideas that I never was attracted to before. I had trouble accepting myself and others. I fell into very horrible bouts of depression.

Have you noticed that is always the case with anime fanatics, or otakus? They feel that everything is okay, but deep down they have now defenses against Satan or any of his diversions.

Then, inspired by the Holy Spirit, a loved one of mine told me to steer clear of the stuff.

I was addicted.

I listened to her word, but only for a while. But I was fatally wrong to do so. As I write this, I am actually remembering the times messages and images where placed into my mind from childhood. I watched Sailor Moon when I was little, not really paying attention to the background themes and innuendos. Who knows what I had absorbed then and continued to spew out until now!

So, I fasted. I prayed earnestly. And to this day I still feel the urge to just take a peep at some anime, but I still try hard with all of my heart. I am much stronger now than I used to be. I have occassionally slipped, but the bible is such sweet reassurance and your literature is a great dedication to the Alpha and Omega we both know and love.

Another note: These images and fantastic scenes are VERY addictive and can mess up a person subconciously.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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