various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
When a brown invader tries to touch a White child, the only appropriate response is brutal violence.

However, I do not recommend recording or uploading said retribution.

While such videos are inspiring (and hopefully they inspire more like-action), they're a guaranteed way of getting you or someone else arrested and sentenced to a lengthy prison term.

So please, be smart with your actions. Don't do anything for attention, for likes or reposts. Do it because it's the right thing to do, even if no one ever sees it.

( @Maldrannon )
@Nature_and_Race The tragic irony is that Whites began recording exchanges like this as a means of protecting themselves against false accusation.

Yet the system is now so vehemently Anti-White that even in cases of clear self-defense, video evidence is often used to hang Whites out to dry.

And look at the McMichael's case where the person recording the event actually shared in the charges.

We have to get out of the mindset that the "Justice" system is on our side, or on the side of good people.

We have to get out of the mindset of "playing by the rules" like good little guys and gals.

( @Charlesalb777 )
@Maldrannon @Nature_and_Race The issue is that you need evidence to prove that niggers are violent criminals.

Decades ago, it was more easier to get away with crimes without World Wide Web, CCTVs.

( @Johnnybravo88 )
@Nature_and_Race unless the invader dies, it isn't enough. These literal subhumans don't learn the lesson even if beaten into a coma. They simply have to be permanently removed or else the problem persists.

( @Macsmilitia )
Now find the jew who delivered him and clamp his neck in the guillotine.
Everything wrong with our world is the result of jew connivance



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