Raymond Ibrahim #fundie frontpagemag.com

[A group of Christian Iraqis fleeing from ISIS illegally entered and were detained in the US.]

[W]hile Christian minorities pose little threat to the United States - indeed, they actually bring benefits to U.S. security - Muslims all around the U.S. are supporting the Islamic State and Muslim clerics are relying on the refugee influx to conquer Western nations, in the Islamic tradition of Hijra, or jihad by emigration.


In Islamic usage, the "cause of Allah" is synonymous with jihad to empower and enforce Allah's laws on earth, or Sharia. In this context, immigrating into Western lands is a win-win for Muslims: if they die in the process somehow, paradise is theirs; if they don't, the "locations and abundance" of the West are theirs.

All the while, true Christian refugees, fleeing the same hostile Muslim forces being allowed to enter Europe and America by the thousands, are thrown back to the lions by the Obama administration.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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