fantasticfantasy69 #fundie

Clearly not many here have looked into what science says RECENTLY about evolution. This is probably because science and the media would prefer people remain ignorant to the ACTUAL facts found by evolution scientists themselves. There are 6 major theories that have come about to try to explain the beginnings of life from evolution scientists. None of them have been successful theories and further they've all been thoroughly debunked.

#1. Random Chance - Answer uh, no. The mathematical odds of assembling a living organism are so astronomical that no evolutionary scientist still believes that random chance accounts for the origin of life. If you took all the carbon in the universe and put it on the face of the earth allowed it to chemically react at the most rapid rate possible and left it for a billion years the odds of creating just one functional protein molecule would be 1 chance in a 10 with 60 zeros after it. (source Walter Bradley P.H.D.)

#2. Chemical Affinity - basically the premise is that the chemicals necessary to create life were biochemically predestined after many tests the theories biggest proponent biologist Dean Kenyon who wrote a book on it called Biological Predestination has since repudiated the idea.

#3. Self-Ordering Tendencies - the theory is that under certain circumstances if energy is passed through a system at a fairly high rate the system becomes unstable and will rearrrange itself into an alternate and somewhat more complicated form. Ilya Prigogine a thermodynamacist who speculated on the idea admitted recently "there is still a gap between the most complex structures we can produce in nonquilibrium situations in chemistry vs. the complexity we find in biology."

#4. Seeding From Space - So outlandish a theory that Phillip Johnson said of Sir Francis Crick (co-discoverer of DNA) "When a scientist of Crick's caliber feels he has to invoke undetectable spacemen it is time to consider whether the field of prebiological evolution has come to a dead end." Even if there WERE spacemen the problem of the origin of life is still not solved. It's just moved to another location.

#5 Vents in the ocean - a weak theory that suggests that life was gestated on the sea bottom where these vents are. The water is recirculated through these vents so even if you were able to molecules to begin to grow they'd be destroyed each recirculation and not have enough time to be complete. No evolutionary scientist supports this theory.

#6 Life from Clay - Cairns-Smith admitted "no one has been able to coax clay into something resembling evolution in a laboratory; nor has anyone found anything resembling a clay based organism in nature."

Klaus Dose a biochemist and one of the foremost experts in the area of evolution said this: "more than 30 years of experimentation on the origin of life in the fields of chemical and molecular evolution have led to a better perception of the immensity of the problem of origin of life on earth rather than a solution. At present all discussions on principle theories and experiment in the field either end in stalemate or in a confession of ignorance."

If there isn't a natural explanation and there doesn't seem to be the potential for finding one then I believe it's appropriate to look at a supernatural explanation. - Walter Bradley P.H.D.

Although most scientists are reluctant to admit it the findings of science are pointing toward GOD not away from him. They found that DNA is a written code. Any other time we've discovered writing in history it's pointed toward intelligence. Why should something this complex be any different? Scientists like to call it "Intelligent Designer" so as not to say GOD, but...there it is. I gave the names of my sources so that you could look it up for yourself and not think I'm just making it up. As a follower of Christ I'm tired of hearing the argument that we don't use logic and that science disproves GOD, when the opposite is true even out of the minds of the scientists you like to base your opinions on.



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