Yvvy000 #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger stormfront.org

[re: fears about dating someone who appears white but is not]

You still have to be careful, though. I once had a friend who married a beautiful blonde haired, blued eyed woman who had the best personality in the world to go with it. She had a solid black baby, I mean as black as black can get, and with the biggest nose you'd ever want to see. After he investigated it, he found out that her great grandmother was 100% coon. They divorced, and now he has to pay child support for a effing jigaboo. Anyway, it's better to do thorough investigation and possibly even a blood test (if this is possible---I don't know). Sometimes, you really cannot tell.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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