
Wretch Fossil #fundie wretchfossil.blogspot.co.uk

Panspermia is false because it depends upon the disproved theory of evolution (see http://wretchfossil.blogspot.com/2010/02/human-leg-bone-fossil-of-300-mya.html )
Humans lived on Mars between 3 billion and 4 billion years ago. After that, God led humans to live on a planet in another solar system. Then, 360 million years ago, God led humans to live on this Earth.
Earthly humans visited Moon, Mars and Jupiter 200 million years ago at the latest, but never flew out of our solar system and never succeeded in colonizing any planet other than the one they were already living on.
Let me repeat: God physically led humans from Heaven to live on thousands of planets in the past. By "physically", I meant: God and humans were all in the state of souls when they started the trip. During the trip from Heaven to a planet, God and other gods transformed Himself and all humans from souls into physical bodies with souls. That's the story of the origin of humans on planets.
Before the trip to a planet, God would "prepare" the planet in advance by moving other animal and plant life onto the planet. That's the real reason why no moons ever had animal life, as animals live in this universe only to help humans achieve harmony on planets (not moons).

Wretch Fossil #fundie wretchfossil.blogspot.co.uk

God created 432 trillion humans and 60 trillion stars (or star-like heavenly bodies) over 40 million billion years ago. The goal of the creation was to achieve higher harmony.
To achieve Trinity, God and all other gods (except eleven gods mentioned below) were born onto this Earth for many times. They did not go about telling people they were gods. Many times they themselves did not know they were gods on Earth.
God spent trillions of years for achieving Trinity. About 30 years ago, Trinity was achieved. So, the Heaven has been full of joy. With Trinity, God's punishments are much swifter than before. Another benefit of Trinity is that human sins can be seen by sinners and others in public places rather than hidden from the public. Before Trinity, sins were often covered up in public places.
People cannot distinguish God (the Creator of Heaven and this physical universe) from the Father of the Creator. In the past when I said God, I sometimes actually meant the Father of God, for the latter was never mentioned in history. Both God and His Father are great. The Father of God has eleven companions who has never been born to any physical world. They are never mentioned in history.

Humans do not know the Father of God when we are awake. But when are asleep, we go to Heaven every night and we know Him. We simply forget what we know in our sleep, just as we forget our lives in Heaven (before we were born). Trust me, every devil knows who is the Father of God.
When we go to sleep every night, we go to Heaven to drink energy
provided by God. That's the normal condition, but some people go to their friends in hell and drink the energy of God in hell. All humans, no matter in hell or on heaven or in this universe, need the energy of God every so often. This point is obvious to every person in hell or on Heaven. But many people there, as on Earth, are still ungrateful to God most of the time.

The souls of other animals do not need to go back to Heaven to drink God's energy. That's why other animals are more alert in sleep than humans in sleep. That's why humans die within 7 to 8 days if they do not go back to Heaven/Hell to drink God's energy in 7 or 8 days. That's why we feel energetic in the morning even though we may not yet have breakfast in the morning.