
Glynda Lomax #fundie wingsofprophecy.blogspot.com

Will You Still Call Me Lord?

Death comes behind the Wind of Change that approaches in the storms I have shown to you. Death comes in the form of war, and in the form of famine, and in the form of plagues, My children. A terrible plague approaches in the storm (Suddenly I felt short of breath, as if something filled my lungs) that will claim many lives.

A time of great sorrows is upon you, America, though you know it not. Even My people who serve Me daily are not prepared for this end. Even My people who walk closely with Me are not prepared to see loved ones gasping and dying in front of them.
Will you rail and shake your fist at Me then? Will you turn your heart away and refuse to believe any longer? What will you feel if you lose everything and everyone from your life?
Will you still call Me Lord?
Will you, like My servant David, bow down and worship Me even when your prayers are not answered?